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US Ready to Use Nuclear, Conventional Weapons to Defend Japan


Sep 20, 2014
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According to a joint statement released on Monday, the US is ready to use nuclear and conventional weapons to defend Japan.

US, Japan to Announce Historic Changes to Alliance on Monday
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States is ready to use all military options, including nuclear weapons, to defend its Japanese ally.
“Central to this is the ironclad US commitment to the defense of Japan, through the full range of US military capabilities, including nuclear and conventional.”

The US Navy base in Yokosuka will station more ballistic missile defense warships by 2017 and receive an advanced nuclear-powered supercarrier in 2015, according to a joint US-Japan statement issued on Monday.

“The Ministers [Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, Defense Minister Gen Nakatani] welcomed US plans to deploy additional Aegis ships to Yokosuka Naval Base by 2017, as well as the swap-out of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington with the more advanced USS Ronald Reagan later this year.”


US-Japan Military Alliance Faces Critical Turning Point
On April 6, 2015, the US Defense Department announced it would locate 60 percent of its military fleet to the Pacific-Indian Ocean, with the newest and most capable weapons systems first going to the Asia-Pacific region.
The US Fleet Activities Yokosuka naval base, located south of the Japanese capital city Tokyo, was established in 1945. The base is the largest overseas US Naval installation in the world and is considered to be one of the most strategically important bases in the US military, according to the US Navy.

“The Ministers also reaffirmed that the Senkaku Islands are territories under the administration of Japan and therefore fall within the scope of the commitments under Article 5 of the US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security,” the joint statement read.

The Diaoyu, or Senkaku, Islands have long been a disputed territory between China and Japan. Tokyo claims it has occupied the islands since 1895, while Beijing argues that the islands were recognized as Chinese as early as 1783.

The ministers stated that “they oppose any unilateral action that seeks to undermine Japan’s administration of these islands.”

The joint statement that outlined updated US-Japan military guidelines was issued on Monday by the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC) that includes US Secretary of State John Kerry, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida and Japanese Minister of Defense Gen Nakatani.

Read more:US Ready to Use Nuclear, Conventional Weapons to Defend Japan / Sputnik International
that is not fair. how about vietnam? our people need protection, too.

here in germany, I even enjoy a double nuclear umbrellas by america and france. if anyone dares to nuke germany, the aggressor will be nuked twice. I feel very safe :-)
that is not fair. how about vietnam? our people need protection, too.

here in germany, I even enjoy a double nuclear umbrellas by america and france. if anyone dares to nuke germany, the aggressor will be nuked twice. I feel very safe :-)

aahahahahahhaha......:lol: That was a good one bro.
But you forgot my country also povides nuclear cover for Germany.:D:P
That is, they criticize Russia for its willingness to use nuclear weapon while defending its own territory. But at the same time declare that they will use nuclear weapon in case of attack on a country that thousands of kilometers away?
Oh well.
Well this is an interesting news, and it again proves my point i made on here a while ago. Yes the U.S 'MIGHT' come to Japans aid in case Japan ever engages in an open war with China over the Senkakus islands, since Japan is the most important country in Asia for the U.S and the U.S most powerful/influential ally by farrrrr in the region. Japan is also the ONLY country in Asia who can hold its own against China's growing influence in the region be it technologically, financially,infrastructure etc etc, plus the U.S aso has a very significant biliteral trade with Japan compared to any other Asian country(bar of course China). Even more so when Japan has proven itself to be a very loyal/trustful U.S ally by refusing and openly rejecting to join China's AIIB(this is something Washington was really grateful for towards Japan, meanwhile India, Vietnam and even philippines joined without any question/thoughts.:lol: ).

So the U.S rightly sees Japan as indispensable(the main Pillar) for its Asia pivot against China.:D However, The U.S POSSIBLY militarily backing Japan doesn't means this also includes backing militarily other claimants in SCS of which Philippines and even less so communist Vietnam come to mind. These later two countries are simply too small,weak, poor for the U.S to ever risk damaging all its billions of dollars of investments/interests it has in China for these small and excuse me the word relatively insignificant nations in which the U.S has little to no interests(business/investment wise), so the stakes are too high for the U.S to take Vietnam/Philippines sides militarily against China, but the U.S will support them vocally/verbally and sell them weapons though. Thing is,the U.S can simply deal without these two nations as it is already. Having them by itside is just an added bonus for the U.S, but they are not like Japan who is big, powerful,advanced,indispensable/critical to have by itside. The U.S can do without those two countries, but cant do without Japan in the region to be honest.
So we have to always put things into perspective.

@Nihonjin1051 , your country for sure is the most valuable ally/country in the region, even more so than S.korea.:cheers:

NB: There will be no open/full scale war between Japan and Chin though(this is all just hypothesis/talks, none of these two countries wants to see any war between them. they have too much to lose and little to nothing to gain). So they will keep talking, sending fishing vessels/claim sovreignty, but no shooting war will happen.:flame:
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aahahahahahhaha......:lol: That was a good one bro.
But you forgot my country also povides nuclear cover for Germany.:D:P
oh that is nice. triple nuclear umbrella. WOW.
is there anything we need to do in order to get UK to provide such a nice thing for vietnam?

you know you never know when a certain country runs amok.

U.S. hot air warnings.

China took back control of Scarborough Shoal and the U.S. military couldn't do jack.
the US-PN treaty does not cover the south china sea, while US-JP the east china sea.
the PN signed a bad deal. VERY BAD.
U.S. hot air warnings.

China took back control of Scarborough Shoal and the U.S. military couldn't do jack.

Oh that's great, you were able to bully and steal from a country many times smaller than yours while US was not actively supporting them.
Well done.:coffee:

And now you get to enjoy United States' increased military presence for a long long time to come.
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That is, they criticize Russia for its willingness to use nuclear weapon while defending its own territory. But at the same time declare that they will use nuclear weapon in case of attack on a country that thousands of kilometers away?
Oh well.

Zip it off my man. Your glorious empire days are long gone. So you dont make the rules anymore. The winners(west/U.S) always/now do.:enjoy:
Well, nothing surprising there. They agreed on so many things.

Japan struck deal with US to cover up Unit 731 atrocities: scholar


A museum on the Japanese experiments on human prisoners at the site of Unit 731 in Harbin, Heilongjiang province. (Photo/Xinhua)

The Japanese government struck a secret deal with the United States to conceal details of the atrocities committed during World War II by the infamous Unit 731, Japan's biological warfare division in northeastern China, according to a Japanese scholar.

Shoji Kondo, the author of Evidence of Unit 731 Crimes, earlier this month led a group of academics in Kyoto in criticizing their country's concealment of wartime medical crimes, in particular the experiments conducted by Unit 731 near Harbin that killed at least 3,000 people. Live subjects were subjected to horrific experiments to test the effects of weaponized germs, chemicals, untreated disease and the limits of the human body when exposed to extremes of heat, cold and pressure. Prisoners were also subjected to vivisection.

In a subsequent interview with China's official Xinhua news agency, Kondo claims that Japan handed over all the research conducted by Unit 731 to the US government on the condition that Washington not pursue Emperor Showa (Hirohito) and those responsible for the experiments for war crimes.

The deal was said to have been brokered by Shiro Ishii, the director of Unit 731, who saw that the US intended to maintain a constitutional monarchy in postwar Japan and that it did not want the research to fall into the hands of the Soviets.

Kondo claims to have personally spoken with with an American prosecutor involved in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East — better known as the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal — who said he was instructed by superiors to not go after Hirohito prior to landing in Tokyo.

Some American soldiers imprisoned along with Chinese POWs in northeast China became test subjects at Unit 731, Kondo said, but when these soldiers reported their ordeals to the US government upon their release the case was suppressed because of the deal that had been struck.

The US government does not want the world to know that American soldiers were also subjects at Unit 731 and that atrocities committed against them were covered up because of a backdoor deal, Kondo said.

Further, Kondo believes the cover-up has influenced generations of attitudes toward medical ethics in Japan, and laid down a warped foundation of medical morality and ethical behavior that may have had a further yet more destructive consequence on the country.

The issues of drug abuse and tampering with clinical data still happens regularly in Japan precisely because the country and the medical community have not reflected on the past and set up laws governing universal medical ethics practices, he added.

The recent push by China to bring historical documents to light has resulted in a lot of hidden files being unearthed to the public for the first time, Kondo said, adding that the continued cover-up of the Unit 731 files will only lead Japan to retreat into a more passive stance.

"Japan should admit the truth. Nothing can start without the acknowledgment of historical facts, including Sino-Japanese diplomacy," he said.
oh that is nice. triple nuclear umbrella. WOW.
is there anything we need to do in order to get UK to provide such a nice thing for vietnam?

you know you never know when a certain country runs amok.

Well we both joined the AIIB(the U.S wasn't happy at all with Vietnam joining, so they have even less reason to ever support communist Vietnam who has never been an ally anyway). So as you can see each/every country looks after its own interests, including Vietnam. As of now it doesnt help us in anyway by supporting/providing Vietnam with a nuclear cover. What's in it for us by doing that?? Nothing to be honest. We have a growing trade/business/investment relationship with China and our interests are better served keeping as far away as possible from your disputes. I'm afraid that's the truth. Wish it was otherwise, but that's how geo politics works, there are no friends/emotions/morality, just interests bro.:cray:

Well, nothing surprising there. They agreed on so many things.

Japan struck deal with US to cover up Unit 731 atrocities: scholar


A museum on the Japanese experiments on human prisoners at the site of Unit 731 in Harbin, Heilongjiang province. (Photo/Xinhua)

The Japanese government struck a secret deal with the United States to conceal details of the atrocities committed during World War II by the infamous Unit 731, Japan's biological warfare division in northeastern China, according to a Japanese scholar.

Shoji Kondo, the author of Evidence of Unit 731 Crimes, earlier this month led a group of academics in Kyoto in criticizing their country's concealment of wartime medical crimes, in particular the experiments conducted by Unit 731 near Harbin that killed at least 3,000 people. Live subjects were subjected to horrific experiments to test the effects of weaponized germs, chemicals, untreated disease and the limits of the human body when exposed to extremes of heat, cold and pressure. Prisoners were also subjected to vivisection.

In a subsequent interview with China's official Xinhua news agency, Kondo claims that Japan handed over all the research conducted by Unit 731 to the US government on the condition that Washington not pursue Emperor Showa (Hirohito) and those responsible for the experiments for war crimes.

The deal was said to have been brokered by Shiro Ishii, the director of Unit 731, who saw that the US intended to maintain a constitutional monarchy in postwar Japan and that it did not want the research to fall into the hands of the Soviets.

Kondo claims to have personally spoken with with an American prosecutor involved in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East — better known as the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal — who said he was instructed by superiors to not go after Hirohito prior to landing in Tokyo.

Some American soldiers imprisoned along with Chinese POWs in northeast China became test subjects at Unit 731, Kondo said, but when these soldiers reported their ordeals to the US government upon their release the case was suppressed because of the deal that had been struck.

The US government does not want the world to know that American soldiers were also subjects at Unit 731 and that atrocities committed against them were covered up because of a backdoor deal, Kondo said.

Further, Kondo believes the cover-up has influenced generations of attitudes toward medical ethics in Japan, and laid down a warped foundation of medical morality and ethical behavior that may have had a further yet more destructive consequence on the country.

The issues of drug abuse and tampering with clinical data still happens regularly in Japan precisely because the country and the medical community have not reflected on the past and set up laws governing universal medical ethics practices, he added.

The recent push by China to bring historical documents to light has resulted in a lot of hidden files being unearthed to the public for the first time, Kondo said, adding that the continued cover-up of the Unit 731 files will only lead Japan to retreat into a more passive stance.

"Japan should admit the truth. Nothing can start without the acknowledgment of historical facts, including Sino-Japanese diplomacy," he said.

Which part of 'There is no morality/fairness/justice/friends in geo politics' dont you understand ??
Countries will do what they think is in their interests, doesnt matter whether its right or wrong/fair or not, as far as it serves their interests. So China should stop whinning about all these stuffs like an immature/insecure power.lol Thats how geo politics works, it should know better. Afterall, the Vietnamese can also claim you committed war crimes in their country during your 1979 invasion, by indulging in a scorched earth policy of burining everything to the ground when you withdrew at the end of the war, making the country even more poorer than it was already after the U.S almost bombarded the country to extinction.lool
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Well we both joined the AIIB(the U.S wasn't happy at all with Vietnam joining, so they have even les reason to ever support communist Vietnam who has never been an aly anyway). So as you can see each/every country looks after its own interests, including Vietnam. As of now it doesnt help us in anyway by supporting/providing Vietnam with a nuclear cover. Whats in for us by doing that?? Notjhing to be honest. We have a growing trade/business/investment relationship with China and our interests are better served keeping as far away from your disputes as possible. Im afraid that's the truth. Wish it was otherwise, but that's how geo politics works, there are no friends/emotions/morality, just interests bro.:cray:

Which part of 'There is no morality/fairness/justice/friends in geo politics' dont you understand ??
Countries will do what they think is in their interests, doesnt matter whether its right or wrong/fair or not, as far as it serves their interests. So China should stop whinning about all these stuffs like an immature/insecure power.lol Thats how geo politics works, it should know better. Afterall, the Vietnamese can also claim you committed war crimes in their country during your 1979 invasion, by indulging in a scorched earth policy of burining everything to the ground when you withdrew at the end of the war, making the country even more poorer than it was already after the U.S almost bombarded the country to extinction.lool
yes, you are right. the reality sucks. anyway I wonder why england being as a small nation, too, became a superpower? you ruled once the world. england once humilitated china for a century. one other question, my friend, what do you think of tony blair? he is seen very often in vietnam. many speculates he serves as adviser to the prime minister of vietnam.


Zip it off my man. Your glorious empire days are long gone. So you dont make the rules anymore. The winners(west/U.S) always/now do.:enjoy:
However, the only force capable of destroying the entire West together - is Russia. That's why you can only criticize and write funny propaganda articles in the newspapers.

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