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US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in Afghanistan

So the US have apparently killed a sick old man who died 2 years ago of natural causes?! :omghaha: This is the same "US intelligence" - a contradiction in terms - that claimed Iraq had WMDs?! Forgive me while I unload my truck load of salt. Whichever poor guy they did kill, what has taken the "world's only superpower" over 20 years?! They couldn't find him while they were there for 20 years killing goat herders and women and children, but all of a sudden he pops up on a balcony in the middle of Kabul?! The funny thing is, the Americans still don't understand why half the world hates them, and why the other half doesn't trust them...they'll never learn. Seems like a feel good story for sleepy Joe Bidet and the dim redneck electorate. Notice how every US president since George W Bush has had to "assassinate" a major "evil bad guy" in a foreign land during his presidency to bolster his rating, whether it's Obama with OBL, Trump with Sulemani and now sleepy Joe with Al-Zawahiri.
if true its great news
this scumbag recruited Osama and introduced brutal violence in the terror attacks including recorded executions and attacks on mass populations.
on the side note. this attack will be used by TTP to suspend the "peace" talks with pakistan.

another killing season will open both in Pakistan and Afghanistan to avenge the death of Zawahiri

Imported government gave permission?
America doesnt request permission in its attacks on Afghanistan

or Abbotabad.
if true its great news
this scumbag recruited Osama and introduced brutal violence in the terror attacks including recorded executions and attacks on mass populations.
on the side note. this attack will be used by TTP to suspend the "peace" talks with pakistan.

another killing season will open both in Pakistan and Afghanistan to avenge the death of Zawahiri

America doesnt request permission in its attacks on Afghanistan

or Abbotabad.

Pakistan suffered from those terror attacks only after it joined the US' fake war on terrorism, before that, there were no issues. And who created Al Qaeda and funded OBL? You know full well it was the US with support from ISI and Pakistan. The entire past 20 years have essentially been a clear-up operation to clean the mess created and left by the US to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan. And what has Pakistan to show for it? It has essentially been used multiple times by the US for its own purposes, and left in a mess with religious extremist ideological groups running amok and a corrupt political establishment that can be easily bought.
If a reaper drone was used in conjunction with hellfire missiles, the range of the drone is around 1000 miles, which base would it have flown from and returned to ?


Balcony where he was standing. Missiles went through the balcony floor and into the room below knocking out the windows

(CNN)The United States killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a drone strike, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

Zawahiri, who just turned 71 years old, had remained a visible international symbol of the group, 11 years after the US killed Osama Bin Laden. At one point, he acted as bin Laden's personal physician.

The US government has not yet confirmed his death. President Joe Biden will speak at 7:30 p.m. ET on "a successful counterterrorism operation" against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the White House said Monday.

"Over the weekend, the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation against a significant Al Qaeda target in Afghanistan. The operation was successful and there were no civilian casualties," a senior administration official said.

Biden, who tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday as he deals with a rebound case of the virus, will speak outdoors from the Blue Room Balcony at the White House.

Zawahiri comes from a distinguished Egyptian family, according to the New York Times. His grandfather, Rabia'a al-Zawahiri, was an imam at al-Azhar University in Cairo. His great-uncle, Abdel Rahman Azzam, was the first secretary of the Arab League.

The US State Department offered a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the capture of Zawahiri.

A June 2021 United Nations report suggested he was located somewhere in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and that he may have been too frail to be featured in propaganda.

This is a breaking story and will be updated.

How seriously should this American claim be taken? The Yanks are claiming they carried out a drone strike.
democrats r back to their old tactics. Another Usama like drama to win election just as Obama did in 2011 to win his 2012 election.
Was listening to CNN guest yesterday. He claimed Talibans are going ape shit blaming Pakistan for providing intelligence and support for this attack.
Was listening to CNN guest yesterday. He claimed Talibans are going ape shit blaming Pakistan for providing intelligence and support for this attack.

With Bajwa as an American lapdog this is bound to happen.

Bajwa is the biggest threat to Pakistan's security. He is a loyal American poodle. Every action undertaken by Bajwa on the orders of papa America is crystal clear. From regime change to tacit approval to the Americans. Bajwa is the worst criminal COAS Pakistan ever had. Bajwa must at all cost go.
Has some credible evidence come out of Afghanistan?
IMO, in few days, we will get to know that Pakistan has lend a base to NATO.

Imran Khan was right all along.

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