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US Deploys F-22's to base near Iran

This war will be suicidal mistake of US.

Basically if iran nukes up so does sauidis,turkey and egypt get in the race too.A whole much more dangerous middle east.I would never trust saudis would nukes.Anyday wahabi mullahs might take over and they ARE fanatical enough to blow everyone.Anyway if they get nukes they will use it as blackmail when they run out of oil.
I'm afraid War looks very probable now.
The stationing and increasing of the new anti ballistic missile system aegis cruisers and destroyers in the gulf,plus added carrier battle groups.This build up in high end aircraft all look ominous.Especially with them out of iraq and economy slowly recovering out of recession they have more breathing space now.
Basically if iran nukes up so does sauidis,turkey and egypt get in the race too.A whole much more dangerous middle east.I would never trust saudis would nukes.Anyday wahabi mullahs might take over and they ARE fanatical enough to blow everyone.Anyway if they get nukes they will use it as blackmail when they run out of oil.
I'm afraid War looks very probable now.
The stationing and increasing of the new anti ballistic missile system aegis cruisers and destroyers in the gulf,plus added carrier battle groups.This build up in high end aircraft all look ominous.Especially with them out of iraq and economy slowly recovering out of recession they have more breathing space now.

you sound like a right idiot...
wahabis arent animals and have value for life..and have way less blood on their hands than USA.
If the world can trust USA with 10 gigatons of nukes...they can trust anybody with nukes
I don't think wahabbis value life,sry.They are more interested in afterlife.Certainly don't trust them with nukes with their record in financing terror.
You are falling for your own propaganda.The firepower of single USN carrier is more than that of entire navies of the world combined.

IFF Iran closes down Hormuz strait the blockade would not last 24 hours. Hint: Operation praying mantis.

The "blockade" would consist of land based artillery and cruise missiles sinking any ship that tries to run the blockade. The USN carrier won't be able to defend the entire strait of Hormuz against the Iranian army.
I expect Israel is going to try to pressure the US to attempt a strike on Iran before election day. I pray the US doesn't give in to the pressure, but I fear that we will.
I never thought I'd praise Brzezinski but I have to right here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/09/18/how-obama-flubbed-his-missile-message.html

How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?
We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?

What if they fly over anyway?
Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse. [Israeli jet fighters and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters, off the Sinai Peninsula, during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel later claimed the ship was the object of friendly fire.]
The "blockade" would consist of land based artillery and cruise missiles sinking any ship that tries to run the blockade. The USN carrier won't be able to defend the entire strait of Hormuz against the Iranian army.

Your reasoning facility seem to be clouded by your hatred for AmeriKKKa.

Using Land Based artillery to target a vessel in water body which have three dimension of movement of freedom is a troll Idea.

Had that been even remotely possible countries today would be investing in self propelled guns instead of tank armies.Afterall Artillery has an effective range of 40-70KM while tanks have a puny range if 4-9 Kms.

Cruise missile and laying of mines on other hand are tactics which are in the realm of theoretically possible but practically impossible.

Even after it is assumed that those missile are not obliterated on ground in air strikes,what would the US ships with Aegis missile defence system on-board be doing.

Also length of Strait of Hormuz is 280 Km.Even a third grade navy would be able to defend it but USN would not be able to defend the strait...................Right:laugh:
The US fears that if Iran succeeds in making a nuclear device, this technology will be spread through out the world. So I think. Iran has to prove that they are capable of keeping the technology in safe hands. There is no problem if they build reactors for power generation. But since the US has deployed its most advanced fighter there could be something coming up.
Best will be a dialog.
Why do we need to deploy F-22s against the Iranians??I thought their airforce was obsolete??
I expect Israel is going to try to pressure the US to attempt a strike on Iran before election day. I pray the US doesn't give in to the pressure, but I fear that we will.
So this means that India involved too alogwith US???......:azn:

I don't think wahabbis value life,sry.They are more interested in afterlife.Certainly don't trust them with nukes with their record in financing terror.
I guess U need to learn something from the history that they are the offshoots of the british MI6.....umm so this means indirectly that MI6 don't value life???.....:azn:
Small Number’ of Pilots Wary of Flying F-22

A “very small number” of F-22 pilots have requested to not fly the U.S. Air Force’s Raptors following the grounding and unfruitful investigation into the oxygen problems plaguing the stealthy jet, the head of Air Combat Command said April 30.

The service has yet to identify a root cause for 11 unexplained hypoxia-related incidents, and the command has extended its investigation to looking at ground maintainers who have experienced oxygen-related problems in handling the jet, Gen. Mike Hostage said in a wide-ranging media briefing at Joint Base Langley -Eustis, Va.

There is a worry among pilots, Hostage said, but he does not see a reason to stand down. The briefing, in fact, came just days after the Air Force announced that a squadron of F-22s were headed to a deployment in southwest Asia. Officials on April 30 would not say where the F-22s were deployed from, or give additional details about their mission.

“The risk is not as low as I’d like it,” Hostage said of the deployed F-22s.

“This nation needs this airplane. I wish I had 10 times as many. It’s our best airplane,” he added.

The Air Force in May 2011 grounded its entire F-22 fleet for four months due to repeated cases of hypoxia. Maj. Gen. Charles Lyon, the director of operations for ACC, said that the F-22 has flown 12,000 sorties since September with 11 unexplained cases of hypoxia.

Since the grounding was lifted, pilots have taken extra precautions such as wearing a commercial pulse oximeter to measure the amount of oxygen in their blood and added a charcoal air filter to measure the amount of toxins in the air. The filters were recently removed, Lyon said, because analysis of more than 500 revealed no unhealthy amount of toxins post-flight.

ACC has directed all pilots to abort their mission and land the aircraft if they encounter any physiological problems, Hostage said. Since the directive was announced, which began after pilots were cleared to fly following the grounding, there has been an expected increase in incidents.

“We fully expect that we are going to have more incidents since we lowered the threshold,” Hostage said.

Hostage said the F-22 is back to flying long flights and at high altitude. The Raptors were contained to a lower ceiling immediately after the grounding was lifted.

A large task force, including engineers, doctors, physiologists, analysts and others, is continuing to try to determine a root cause. Lyon said he believes there is a root cause and that the service is narrowing down on it. Either pilots are not getting enough oxygen for some reason or toxins are either not being filtered or the aircraft is creating them, he indicated.

“The smoking gun is disassembled in a mosaic in front of us ... at some point we’re going to have the smoking gun assembled,” Lyon said.

Email: beverstine@defensenews.com

‘Small Number’ of Pilots Wary of Flying F-22 | Defense News | defensenews.com
So this means that India involved too alogwith US???......:azn:

I guess U need to learn something from the history that they are the offshoots of the british MI6.....umm so this means indirectly that MI6 don't value life???.....:azn:

Typical tendency to blame everything on the west or some conspiracy as always.
The way I see it, things are really not looking up for Iran at this point. The US is positioning itself to strike soon.
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