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US Asks Pakistan to Restrain its Nuclear and Missile Programs

Look at your track record, right from proliferation to Noko, libya, iran and others to violations of MTCR regime, to aiding and abbeting AQ and Taliban Leadership, who is to blame for that? Not India for sure....

calm down please. there is no need for personal insults stay cool. and classy

in a related , yet another Pakistani official "after getting retired" tells us how real Haqqani network (currently stationed in USA) stabbed us by paving way for Indian exclusive IAEA membership by stopping Pakistan to oppose it.
there must be a thread running on it already.

I have no grudge with Americans. they do what they see fit for their national interests, they as world policemen see it fit to pressurize a weaker party to mend it ways since they are prepping the stronger party against China in the region. on one hand they have Israeli concerns about our long range ballistic missiles and then they want us to cap and dismantle our low yield, short range tactical nuclear weapons too ... so in effect dismantle the entire program without even a single world about Indian overt aggression , warmongering and military hardware buying frenzy...with or without Indian Lobby's nudging.

we just recently responded to that by conducting a missile test and continuously improving our short range India specific weapon systems that kill the entire Indian cold start circus in its infancy the pressure will continue no doubt but internally and privately they are also convoyed very effectively and convincingly... why we will continue with our nuclear program as we see fit when there is not even a hint from Indian side to lay off.

I have come to know about busting a plan by our agencies on implicating Pakistan by claiming that nuclear material bearing Pakistani signature was going to be used in a dirty bomb attack on American forces in Afghanistan or intercepted on its way to Europe via middle east the leak came from a select foreign media personnels who were already "pre-briefed" to "break" the news of JuD/ Haqqanis, ISI , Hafiz Saeed , Dawood Ibrahim, Klingons, and (-------- fill all that applies) carrying out the attack or attempt to smuggle it. its all hush hush at the moment and might take a while to come out. so yea there are many creative ways being thought out by friends and foes to restrain us
calm down please. there is no need for personal insults stay cool. and classy

in a related , yet another Pakistani official "after getting retired" tells us how real Haqqani network (currently stationed in USA) stabbed us by paving way for Indian exclusive IAEA membership by stopping Pakistan to oppose it.
there must be a thread running on it already.

I have no grudge with Americans. they do what they see fit for their national interests, they as world policemen see it fit to pressurize a weaker party to mend it ways since they are prepping the stronger party against China in the region. on one hand they have Israeli concerns about our long range ballistic missiles and then they want us to cap and dismantle our low yield, short range tactical nuclear weapons too ... so in effect dismantle the entire program without even a single world about Indian overt aggression , warmongering and military hardware buying frenzy...with or without Indian Lobby's nudging.

we just recently responded to that by conducting a missile test and continuously improving our short range India specific weapon systems that kill the entire Indian cold start circus in its infancy the pressure will continue no doubt but internally and privately they are also convoyed very effectively and convincingly... why we will continue with our nuclear program as we see fit when there is not even a hint from Indian side to lay off.

I have come to know about busting a plan by our agencies on implicating Pakistan by claiming that nuclear material bearing Pakistani signature was going to be used in a dirty bomb attack on American forces in Afghanistan or intercepted on its way to Europe via middle east the leak came from a select foreign media personnels who were already "pre-briefed" to "break" the news of JuD/ Haqqanis, ISI , Hafiz Saeed , Dawood Ibrahim, Klingons, and (-------- fill all that applies) carrying out the attack or attempt to smuggle it. its all hush hush at the moment and might take a while to come out. so yea there are many creative ways being thought out by friends and foes to restrain us

1) I am calm and cool. But please let the other member know not to ask the same thing again and again and derail the thread. Thank you. If he doesn't listen, as mods, you should out restrictions on him to bar such bad behavior, as it derails threads.

2) On the post above, then you should take out the ones putting Pakistan in danger, the Haqanis and others aren't "in love" with Pakistan like Talibans have proven by killing thousands in Pakistan. So a terrorist is a terrorist. You take them out of the equation so no one can blame you on anything.

3) Pakistan had started to be received well across the international borders till sad events of California took place. Now what can you do? Nothing really, just keep eliminating bad extremist fractions so your country can come back to where she needs to be globally.

4) Pursue a mutually respected foreign policy with peace and stability. Sit down with the US, the Russians (whoever) and clear out these concerns by talking. I am sure if you get involved in healthy negotiations, the other side would agree or disagree but your opinion would be out there. Please remember, the Generals aren't welcomed in the premier to premier negotiations. The US and other democratic countries don't like it. So the PM needs to be advised by the generals and he needs to take the case up with others, like it is in ALL democratic systems. Just my advise.
Look at your track record, right from proliferation to Noko, libya, iran and others to violations of MTCR regime, to aiding and abbeting AQ and Taliban Leadership, who is to blame for that? Not India for sure....
re Nuclear program, we did what was best suited to us. Indians tricked the international community by diverting the enriched material for military use that was marked for civilian use. so please dont lecture the nuclear morality to me :) lets keep some mutual respect among us.

Babu Saab, re AQ and Talian in any good day I would make a new one into whoever will use that phrase and put blame squarely on us. it was a joint venture (KSA, USA , PAK) back few decades ago. those days are long gone now. this lame argument is used to death now. only winner here is Northern alliance that has racked in billions, has nothing to show for it and has the audacity to blame and criticize Americans as well. Pakistan, Americans and Afghan people are the losers in that part of the world.

Moving on....... to Middle east
. today America, Turkey (new Pakistan) and KSA started a new project against Assad which mutated into a new monstrosity called Daesh.

I know, in the end it will be Turkey that will stand alone blamed for it .. as you can see KSA is hardly mentioned in this Daesh mess and Americans will never criticize themselves..Turkish leadership did what it thought best for its nation .. from training terrorists against Assad, downing of Russian jet, buying oil from Daesh and giving open passage to Western jihadists on their way to Syria.

the memories of Americans complaining that Russians bombed their trained fighters and Americans dropped supplies for Al Nusra will fade away from the collective little minds of the world. what am I talking about? countries like America hardly qualify for moral lecturing when they continue to do do everything and more across the globe than what Pakistan is blamed for.
I have come to know about busting a plan by our agencies on implicating Pakistan by claiming that nuclear material bearing Pakistani signature was going to be used in a dirty bomb attack on American forces in Afghanistan or intercepted on its way to Europe via middle east the leak came from a select foreign media personnels who were already "pre-briefed" to "break" the news of JuD/ Haqqanis, ISI , Hafiz Saeed , Dawood Ibrahim, Klingons, and (-------- fill all that applies) carrying out the attack or attempt to smuggle it. its all hush hush at the moment and might take a while to come out. so yea there are many creative ways being thought out by friends and foes to restrain us

Why would there be a need for any such attack, when all that is needed to restrain Pakistan is simple economic pressure, sustained for as along as needed for capitulation?
with condolences.
do you see how neatly and quietly KSA has washed itself out from the blame front?
well that is another story.
American in principle is NOT saying anything wrong here to Pakistan. expanding nuclear arsenal is never a good thing. but following a one sided policy (against Pakistan) and lecture has not helped in the past , is not helping now and will never help in future. there is an easier and cheaper alternative.. ask Indians to move its forces back from war footings against Pakistan.. Pakistan will follow suit and milk will flow from rivers and fruit and salad will rain from the skies.

Why would there be a need for any such attack, when all that is needed to restrain Pakistan is simple economic pressure, sustained for as along as needed for capitulation?
beats me, you are asking the wrong guy here. why dont you go in the next media brief in the west wing?

re sanctions my respected sir, have we and Iran for that matter not been under sanctions for decades already? I think some genious thought that this will give enough ground to bring Pakistani file on top of the pile and put Syria and other naughty regimes in pending for a moment?

on second thought, it makes good material for a movie or prime time news NO?
remember the the "televised" operation of "saving" private Jessica.. who was miscalled as Ryan at one point by the CNN reporter :)

when Assad had already given up his chemical weapons and the UN inspectors were on the scene and someone thought that blaming him for Chemical attack will just hurry up the process of de-fanging him. but its another story that now even a Turkish Lawymaker faces "treason" charges for exposing the fact that the chemicals were smuggled via Turkey and actually it was a FSA / Al nusrah terrorists themselves that misfired the chemical weapon.
re sanctions my respected sir, have we and Iran for that matter not been under sanctions for decades already? I think some genious thought that this will give enough ground to bring Pakistani file on top of the pile and put Syria and other naughty regimes in pending for a moment?

Iran has been under sanctions, and now look at what they have agreed to. Pakistan has been given lots of aid in the interim because it knows how to play the nuclear game quite well, but if needed, it can be brought to heel much quicker than Iran. It is a testament to the success of Pakistani diplomacy that it is still an important ally.
Getting back to the main topic, rewind back to nearly 18 years ago. Spring 1998. May 1998 in fact. The whole world (apart from China) doubted us. Indian military experts and many others claimed that Pakistan could NEVER EVER produce or possess nuclear weapons even if we were give blue prints and nuclear reactors from other nations. More advanced nations wit massive foreign assistance had tried to complete this endeavour and failed. Yet that miracle become true. Now look at this article from nearly 5 years ago:

Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons: Time for Pakistan to Reverse Course | Institute for Science and International Security

From the above article (and previous miscalculations from 1998) it is clear that Pakistan either has or is very close to making 100kt nuclear bombs, H-bombs and thermo nukes. This not only is a game changer vis a vis india but once this happens, in a nuclear war with india we would ensure that we can wipe out india of the face of the earth. But this possible new development is at odds with American foreign policy in the region.

This explains the sudden and urgent american request for us to halt our missile and nuclear programs. Not happening baby killing yanks. Pakistan is not Iraq.
Getting back to the main topic, rewind back to nearly 18 years ago. Spring 1998. May 1998 in fact. The whole world (apart from China) doubted us. Indian military experts and many others claimed that Pakistan could NEVER EVER produce or possess nuclear weapons even if we were give blue prints and nuclear reactors from other nations. More advanced nations wit massive foreign assistance had tried to complete this endeavour and failed. Yet that miracle become true. Now look at this article from nearly 5 years ago:

Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons: Time for Pakistan to Reverse Course | Institute for Science and International Security

From the above article (and previous miscalculations from 1998) it is clear that Pakistan either has or is very close to making 100kt nuclear bombs, H-bombs and thermo nukes. This not only is a game changer vis a vis india but once this happens, in a nuclear war with india we would ensure that we can wipe out india of the face of the earth. But this possible new development is at odds with American foreign policy in the region.

This explains the sudden and urgent american request for us to halt our missile and nuclear programs. Not happening baby killing yanks. Pakistan is not Iraq.
this analysis is flawed.. Pakistan cant surpass India , let alone other older nuclear nations and become third biggest weapon holder.
BS scaremongering
this analysis is flawed.. Pakistan cant surpass India , let alone other older nuclear nations and become third biggest weapon holder.
BS scaremongering

They said the same thing about Pakistan actually becoming a nuclear weapons state. That was the hardest part and we achieved that. Now anything is possible. Demonization and scaremongering against Pakistan is no longer required as the west and others have been doing it against us for over 20 years. If we were weak and defenceless then they would have attacked us long ago. Just ask the Iraqis they will attest to that.
Americans are the only nation that did the same mistake every time. They failed initialy and they will failed again.
with condolences.
do you see how neatly and quietly KSA has washed itself out from the blame front?
well that is another story.
American in principle is NOT saying anything wrong here to Pakistan. expanding nuclear arsenal is never a good thing. but following a one sided policy (against Pakistan) and lecture has not helped in the past , is not helping now and will never help in future. there is an easier and cheaper alternative.. ask Indians to move its forces back from war footings against Pakistan.. Pakistan will follow suit and milk will flow from rivers and fruit and salad will rain from the skies.
well, there is sadly a perception in the west about Pakistan being a borderline/threshold "rogue" state, add a growing arsenal of nukes to the mix and you get what you're getting. To be fair, and random nobodies like on this forum and other social media posting stuff notwithstanding, the Indian state has not helped perpetuate that line.

"our" demands have been fair, there have been terrorist attacks on our soil that did originate in Pakistan, we want justice.. coining new phrases like "non state actors" does not help, either hand them over or hang them in your own house. The Pakistani establishment cant pull wool over anyone's eyes anymore, everyone knows of the strategic jihadi assets and how deep that relationship goes, and some, like the US, are understandably concerned about the nuclear stockpile.

I also refute that Indian forces are on an aggressive war footing, just vigilant and aware of the ever looming threat of another jihadist attack on a soft target.

anyway, new peace talks are underway.. and for all the revulsion Modi evokes in the Pakistani psyche, he is a strongman and a smart man, he can bring peace but it's all contingent to how much your side is willing to let go of the Kashmir issue, or at least relegate it proper to the back burner while we join hands and go fwd with our economies.

log bhuke mar rahe, paise hai nahi bc kisi ke paas, and apocalyptic nuclear jung ladna cha rahe :lol:

inshallah, dimaag, not dil, laga ke things will improve..dekho.... :undecided:

filhaal, bada game ME mein hai, and sultan saab apni Turkiye ko barbaad karne mein lage hain, in bed with ISIS of all people :fie:

next nuke will be in ME, not South Asia.
Iran has been under sanctions, and now look at what they have agreed to. Pakistan has been given lots of aid in the interim because it knows how to play the nuclear game quite well, but if needed, it can be brought to heel much quicker than Iran. It is a testament to the success of Pakistani diplomacy that it is still an important ally.

You are welcome to try. Sanctions didn't work than it wont work now. Iran never intended to make weapons so they practically gave up nothing other than reducing enriched uranium. Pakistan has an active weapons program and one would be utterly naive to think that sanctions can bring Pakistan to its knees.
You are welcome to try. Sanctions didn't work than it wont work now. Iran never intended to make weapons so they practically gave up nothing other than reducing enriched uranium. Pakistan has an active weapons program and one would be utterly naive to think that sanctions can bring Pakistan to its knees.

There is no need to do so as long as Pakistan's successful diplomacy keeps it an important ally. Why do something that is not needed?
There is no need to do so as long as Pakistan's successful diplomacy keeps it an important ally. Why do something that is not needed?

Pakistan is being replaced by India as an important ally because of China factor, there is not much Pakistani diplomacy can do. What we can however do is to prepare ourselves for an eventuality specially if morons like Trump makes it to the oval office.
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