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US Ambassador Donald Blome Press Conference In Gwadar?

Don't waste your time. I ignore his posts now. If you reply to him then he bans you for 3 weeks.
You are a bitter man who refuse to see logic, reason, and facts when shared with you, and will choose to misbehave in response. You seek to divide people here. Your motive is damaging.

Chinese do not like Khan either. All you did was laugh at a post while I came up with an argument. Don't worry - no pressure on you to respond to OP.

Those who are fair in their judgement or have a principled take on things, can talk. Pithoogiri cannot.
September 12, 2023 – U.S. Ambassador Donald Blome visited Gwadar, Balochistan, on September 12, to underscore the United States’ commitment to the people of Balochistan, a partnership that remains steadfast and robust. The visit explored opportunities to enrich development, trade, and commercial ties, building on the successful outcomes that underpin the robust U.S.- Pakistan bilateral relationship.

The United States and Balochistan have a strong history of successful collaboration. In the face of last year’s devastating floods, the United States helped 661,000 individuals, providing both food and much-needed cash assistance. And nearly 90,000 children were given nourishing meals to combat the threat of starvation. Over the past year, with U.S. support, 41 health facilities were successfully renovated. In the field of education, U.S. support is strengthening programs at BUITEMS and Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, and empowering the next generation of youth by developing literacy and education materials in Balochi and various local languages.

During his visit, the Ambassador held productive discussions with political leaders, representatives from the Gwadar Chamber of Commerce, and a diverse group of government and private sector leaders. In his meeting with political leaders, the Ambassador reiterated U.S. support for Balochistan’s development, touching on economic growth, disaster relief and preparedness; security; the benefits of U.S. trade and investment; and measures Pakistan can take to strengthen and improve its investment climate.

Ambassador Blome’s meeting with members of the Gwadar Chamber of Commerce focused on ways to increase U.S. trade and investment in the region’s business, logistics, tourism, fisheries, and blue economy sectors. The group shared how growing these business-to-business relationships can help create inclusive, Pakistani-led growth that supports jobs across Balochistan. They also discussed how deepening business partnerships can enhance technical skills in Balochistan and help increase bilateral trade.

In his meetings with government and business leaders, Ambassador Blome discussed the U.S.-Pakistan “Green Alliance” framework, which is helping our countries jointly meet climate, energy, water, and economic needs. “We are especially focused on supporting Balochistan and all of Pakistan as it strengthens climate resilience, pursues energy transformation, and fosters inclusive economic growth,” Ambassador Blome said. Under the Green Alliance, U.S. assistance has helped more than 12,000 farmers, including many in Balochistan, across 2,000 hectares increase yields and reduce harvest and postharvest losses through improved technology and management practices.

Ambassador Blome also visited Gwadar Port and met with Port Authority Chairman Pasand Khan Buledi to learn about port operations and development plans, Gwadar’s potential as a regional trans-shipment hub, and ways to connect with Pakistan’s largest export market: the United States. In a meeting with Pakistan Naval West Command, Ambassador Blome discussed regional issues and emphasized a continued partnership in the years ahead.

But it is not in the interests of some members to look at facts and talk sense. Much of the energy is misdirected and aimed to damage US - PAK relations to the point of no return. Americans provide assistance and opportunities to common people in Pakistan, but this is not acceptable to certain elites sitting in foreign countries. Common people should be silenced and crushed instead.
to damage US - PAK relations to the point of no return.
The West has built its power base over the last 300-400 years. It won't just disappear overnight. Better to leverage the geo-political dynamics. Without the nod from the USA Pak won't be able to explore the offshore hydrocarbons in her EEZ. Now that OPEC+Russia is showing an opposition to the US demands Pak may get that nod...
And how many times Germany toppled a government for the sake of "democracy" ?
well if Germany could they would, but since they can‘t they don’t , not since WWII.
The toppling of a your government is a ‘you’ problem, the U.S. or any foreign power will wield its power in pursuit of its interests. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
IMO it's a US seal of approval on CPEC provided it remains strictly about making money. And, look at the timing. India spent 200m$ on G20, but failed to let an anti-Russia joint statement. Conversely, the Pak military industrial complex has gone into overdrive to supply ammunition to Ukraine via the West as it's being wasted like water by both sides. And, now are the results as the Imperialists are all about strict real-time calculations and executions....
Safe to say Pakistan’s foreign policy is in complete shambles.

Ambassador Blome visited Gwadar on Sep. 12 and met with political leaders and Gwadar Chamber of Commerce to discuss business opportunities and the U.S.-Pakistan Green Alliance framework to grow our partnership on climate smart agriculture, clean energy, water and more.

@LeGenD is 100% correct.
Pakistanis need to get out of bloc politics and slave mentality.
Don’t look for daddies in the west or east.
Do whatever’s in your interests.
China does not own Gwadar. Y’all want Gwadar to be “next Dubai” but get triggered when US ambassador visits it? If you want Gwadar to be even remotely successful you have to make it appealing to investors from all over the world especially USA because most of the rich investors are from USA. This doesn’t mean fully give Gwadar to Americans. But it means to do whatever is in Pakistans interests.
Pakistanis think with emotions not logic.
Don’t take any country as your “iron brother”.
Brotherhoods don’t exist in modern day states. It’s only interests.
Pakistan should do whatever benefits it the most.
Yes, other countries should not interfere in Pakistani internal matters.
WE do not interfere in Chinese internal matters, WE expect from the Chinese to reciprocate in similar token.
I have always spoken in favor of foreign investment in Pakistan be it from any country.
I am all for CPEC to be completed and deliver promised results. If CPEC can change fortunes of thousands of Pakistani households, improve Pakistani industrial capability, and improve Pakistan's economic output, I will be most happy. Pakistan benefits from this outcome in the end. Right?

But CPEC has problems that some do not understand due to censorship in local media.

I am not blaming the Chinese for these problems, Pakistani politicians are to be questioned on the lines of what type of deals they have made. But who can do this? Pakistan is like a security state where people are silenced on trumped up charges.

This s a sign of weakness, if true. When Pakistani are internally divided and mired in conflicts and undermining each other, it is easier for other entities to take advantage.

Solution is to allow more countries to impose their terms on Pakistan? God help this country.

Do not misjudge me - try to understand my vision and what I am pointing out.
One and half years ago we all Were fighting with external enemies. Just see how things have changed after Imran khan removel by army. Times of imran we were managing oic meetings kicking butts on Indians on 27 Feb. We had 6 percent gdp. We were the best who handled covid 19. We bought j20s even after covied 19 and we were only country giving medical insurance and then we got traitors army Generals destroyed the country.. cpec typs of projects only work out when you have strong leaders. It was game changer.

I have told those Chinese friends you have made biggest blenders when you had allowed imran khan removal from power. The man was balancing between world powers.
Now usa uk are running the country . See how brave they are... they meeting out our corrupt officers openly and even they meeting our corrupt elections Commission open day light.
Last thing they did when they announced their victory speach in guwader port to tell Chinese **** you. We already occupied Pakistan.
I tell you how Putin saved Turkish president in 2016 miltry attack. Nations advised its friendly countries time to time.
How on earth any army treats its on people. See what they are doing with pti ladies( they are Pakistani daughters). They killing and kidnapping their own people. See how they killed kids on 9 may like they are in enemy's land.
So bro you need to understand Pakistan is under attack by its army Generals and western powers.
To understand this watch famous Turkish darma Ertugrul. That darma tells you how enemies act in different times.
War is not you attack with jets and bumps.
Enemies never take risk to attack country size of Pakistan with population of 250 millions

Enemies occupied these types of countries with help of there traitors.
I hop you understood what is going on in your country.
Why I am very confident on my point because we see things from above. Not like you as you are in Pakistan means you are in side well(kuwe k under)
What we see from above it gives us idea how big mess we are in now.
well if Germany could they would, but since they can‘t they don’t , not since WWII.
The toppling of a your government is a ‘you’ problem, the U.S. or any foreign power will wield its power in pursuit of its interests. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
I actually agree with you on this.
Usa can’t do shit without local collaborators.
Usa didn’t come into Pakistan and arrest Imran Khan. It was Pakistanis who ousted a Pakistani and arrested him. It’s also Pakistanis fault for being cowards and allowing regime change to take place and not protesting.
Usa puts usa first. Pakistani leaders put their Swiss banks first. That’s the Pakistani people’s fault for tolerating such for the last 75+ years.
The world isn’t a nice place.
Ammerica won Pakistan back.
China going to use route from Afghanistan via wakhan. Opened their Embassy in Afg telling what their STRATEGIC direction shall be.

Xinjiang-Wakhan-Badakhshan-Kabul-Qandahar-Zahedan to Bandar Abbas/Chabahar.
China has many options. Real CPEC shall be CAIC, China-Afg-Iran-Corridor.

Just Wakhan worth more than $1000 billion.

But our friendship is deeper than ocean and higher than Hamalaya.


Amreeki is not my master - I do not believe
You may not have a master, but sepoys have had one, one way or the other, since 1751.

But do watch Bajwa's speech in the security conference that was held in Islamabad, that's where he lamented about not being supported by amreeka bahadur.
China does not own Gwadar.

Nobody said China did and if the US Ambassador wanted to visit nobody has a problem with that either.

It's the reception he received which is the problem. No different than him waltzing into the Election Commission office all while the ECP refuses to meet President Alvi.

The way in which he was received speaks volumes.
Well the German ambassador Alfred Grannas visited Gwadar recently and no one cared.
We dont mind Germans as they victims and salves as well. Their country is occupied as well
@LeGenD is 100% correct.
Pakistanis need to get out of bloc politics and slave mentality.
Don’t look for daddies in the west or east.
Do whatever’s in your interests.
China does not own Gwadar. Y’all want Gwadar to be “next Dubai” but get triggered when US ambassador visits it? If you want Gwadar to be even remotely successful you have to make it appealing to investors from all over the world especially USA because most of the rich investors are from USA. This doesn’t mean fully give Gwadar to Americans. But it means to do whatever is in Pakistans interests.
Pakistanis think with emotions not logic.
Don’t take any country as your “iron brother”.
Brotherhoods don’t exist in modern day states. It’s only interests.
Pakistan should do whatever benefits it the most.

Pakistani generals never think in Pakistan's best interest.
Pakistani generals never think in Pakistan's best interest.

We all knew this deep down inside but never wanted to admit it. If Imran Khan left any legacy, it was removing the blindfold over our eyes. That alone should be considered an accomplishment.

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