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Unsheathing the Nihonto: Japanese Paratroopers in Landmark Jump Over Alaska

?? Doesn't matter. From the technological situation or from the strategic consideration, US will not allow Japan attack without her permission.

Let me ask you a series of quest, and answer them honestly:

  1. What does Japan have to gain in attacking a particular country?
  2. What countr(ies) do you think would require Japan's military intervention?
  3. Is military intervention the only solution ? Is diplomacy totally exhausted?
  4. Has Japan become a military threat to certain nation(s)? How so?
  5. When was Japan's last military conflict?
  6. Has Japan been involved in nation build up / peace projects? How so? For how long? Where in the world?

You will see that Japan really is safe in that our constitution forbids our intervention unless we are attacked. What country would risk open war in attacking Japan first? Surely you do not think the Chinese are that foolish? North Koreans? Martians? lol.

Just something to ponder, Windy.


Very poignant. It always depends on the state of the economy; doesn't matter if the leader is pro China (Hatoyama) or pro USA (Koizumi, Abe), if the economy performs badly, the government will convene on a new leadership.

That's how it works in the country.

Politics is secondary in Japan; Economy is primary. You should

LOL, the scope of US army deployed on Japan doesn't depend on the Japan's economy. It depends on the strategic needs of US. If necessary, US will tighten the treaty of mutual cooperation and security, and make Japan pay it.
LOL, the scope of US army deployed on Japan doesn't depend on the Japan's economy. It depends on the strategic needs of US. If necessary, US will tighten the treaty of mutual cooperation and security, and make Japan pay it.

LOL, maybe not, maybe, who knows. Most probably not.

Depends on threat perception(s).

LOL, the scope of US army deployed on Japan doesn't depend on the Japan's economy. It depends on the strategic needs of US. If necessary, US will tighten the treaty of mutual cooperation and security, and make Japan pay it.


Oppositions unite to block security bill vote

The leaders of six opposition parties agreed at their meeting on Friday to cooperate to block the ruling coalition from unilaterally putting a set of government-sponsored security bills to a vote at the House of Councillors.
The unity among the opposition parties comes as the ruling pair of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito is poised to have the security-related bills enacted during the week from Sept. 14.

“We have to do whatever it takes to block the passage of the security bills,” Katsuya Okada, leader of the largest opposition Democratic Party of Japan, said at the meeting.

The security bills, designed to expand the Self-Defense Forces’ possible roles overseas and allow Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense, are now under deliberation in the upper house after clearing the House of Representatives in July.

The opposition leaders are set to meet again late next week to discuss details about their cooperation and the DPJ’s planned no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“The Cabinet would deserve censure if a vote on the unconstitutional bills is forced in the upper house,” Japan Innovation Party leader Yorihisa Matsuno said, signaling the party’s support for the envisaged motion.

Friday’s meeting was also joined by the leaders of the Japanese Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the People’s Life Party and the Assembly to Energize Japan.

The meeting was called by Okada and Matsuno, who have recently agreed to strengthen ties between their parties, including looking at a possible merger.

“There is no doubt that the more of us get together, the stronger we will be,” Okada told reporters after the meeting

Reference: JIJI PRESS
Let me ask you a series of quest, and answer them honestly:

  1. What does Japan have to gain in attacking a particular country?
  2. What countr(ies) do you think would require Japan's military intervention?
  3. Is military intervention the only solution ? Is diplomacy totally exhausted?
  4. Has Japan become a military threat to certain nation(s)? How so?
  5. When was Japan's last military conflict?
  6. Has Japan been involved in nation build up / peace projects? How so? For how long? Where in the world?

You will see that Japan really is safe in that our constitution forbids our intervention unless we are attacked. What country would risk open war in attacking Japan first? Surely you do not think the Chinese are that foolish? North Koreans? Martians? lol.

Just something to ponder, Windy.


Dude, all points you presented are fine to me. But those don't change the reality. US will not allow Japan attach without her permission.
Dude, all points you presented are fine to me. But those don't change the reality. US will not allow Japan attach without her permission.

I think Japan is living through interesting time(s) as we speak, buddy.
LOL, maybe not, maybe, who knows. Most probably not.

Depends on threat perception(s).


Oppositions unite to block security bill vote

The leaders of six opposition parties agreed at their meeting on Friday to cooperate to block the ruling coalition from unilaterally putting a set of government-sponsored security bills to a vote at the House of Councillors.
The unity among the opposition parties comes as the ruling pair of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito is poised to have the security-related bills enacted during the week from Sept. 14.

“We have to do whatever it takes to block the passage of the security bills,” Katsuya Okada, leader of the largest opposition Democratic Party of Japan, said at the meeting.

The security bills, designed to expand the Self-Defense Forces’ possible roles overseas and allow Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense, are now under deliberation in the upper house after clearing the House of Representatives in July.

The opposition leaders are set to meet again late next week to discuss details about their cooperation and the DPJ’s planned no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“The Cabinet would deserve censure if a vote on the unconstitutional bills is forced in the upper house,” Japan Innovation Party leader Yorihisa Matsuno said, signaling the party’s support for the envisaged motion.

Friday’s meeting was also joined by the leaders of the Japanese Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the People’s Life Party and the Assembly to Energize Japan.

The meeting was called by Okada and Matsuno, who have recently agreed to strengthen ties between their parties, including looking at a possible merger.

“There is no doubt that the more of us get together, the stronger we will be,” Okada told reporters after the meeting

Reference: JIJI PRESS

LOL, it succeeded?? Dude. Show us an official or signed treaty of mutual cooperation and security. Other wise, what 's your point?
LOL, it succeeded?? Dude. Show us an official or signed treaty of mutual cooperation and security. Other wise, what 's your point?

They're protesting right now as we speak. And The Diet will be voting on the Security Bills this week. We'll see if the protests and the opposite party were effective.

Whatever happens --- wishing for the best.
I think Japan is living through interesting time(s) as we speak, buddy.
No, Japan is living through what she is gotta living through. Whatever we said here doesn't change her situation. Its all upon Japan's wisdom
No, Japan is living through what she is gotta living through. Whatever we said here doesn't change her situation. Its all upon Japan's wisdom

Japan IS a defeated power from WWII. My country is in the current predicament now because Japan LOST the war.


Not trying to sugar coat the Japanese Government here, i need to say that nations have to man up for their past mistakes.

Japan lost the war, Japan now has restrictive policies placed on her because of that reality.
They're protesting right now as we speak. And The Diet will be voting on the Security Bills this week. We'll see if the protests and the opposite party were effective.

Whatever happens --- wishing for the best.

If there is no official or signed treaty of mutual cooperation and security, what is your standard of "effective"?? Just Bla bla bla?
If there is no official or signed treaty of mutual cooperation and security, what is your standard of "effective"?? Just Bla bla bla?

Its all still under debate right now. If the government votes "For" then Japan will sign the treaty with the US. If the government votes "No" then Japan will not sign the treaty with the US.

I dunno what will happen right now its all happening now Live.
Japan IS a defeated power from WWII. My country is in the current predicament now because Japan LOST the war.


Not trying to sugar coat the Japanese Government here, i need to say that nations have to man up for their past mistakes.

Japan lost the war, Japan now has restrictive policies placed on her because of that reality.

Again. Whatever you said here doesn't change Japan's situation. My point is: US will not allow Japan attack or even response without her permission.

Its all still under debate right now. If the government votes "For" then Japan will sign the treaty with the US. If the government votes "No" then Japan will not sign the treaty with the US.

I dunno what will happen right now its all happening now Live.

Then come to tell us when the actual treaty is signed. ok? otherwise, all bla bla bla
Bla bla bla?
Again. Whatever you said here doesn't change Japan's situation. My point is: US will not allow Japan attack or even response without her permission.

Then come to tell us when the actual treaty is signed. ok? otherwise, all bla bla bla

Why would Japan want to attack any country in THE FIRST PLACE?

Then come to tell us when the actual treaty is signed. ok? otherwise, all bla bla bla

We'll see. After the vote, perhaps. Perhaps it will pass, perhaps it wont.

Only the Emperor knows, lol.
Why would Japan want to attack any country in THE FIRST PLACE?

Oh God. Even Japan under attack from other countries, US will response first, not Japan.

We'll see. After the vote, perhaps. Perhaps it will pass, perhaps it wont.

Only the Emperor knows, lol.

Dont' worry. The treaty will be passed. I can guarantee
Oh God. Even Japan under attack from other countries, US will response first, not Japan.

But Japan was never under attack any period after the end of WW2. Even during the height of the Korean War, the Cold War, Japan was never attacked. So why would it change now?

Heck if the Americans prefer to defend our interests, why not? Right? A paid body-guard so to say, or perhaps a comfortable Praetorian? lol.

Dont' worry. The treaty will be passed. I can guarantee

Are you so sure? Even tho I am pro security bill, I'm not so certain.

Opposition is loud now. Really really loud.


@yoshi.oda ---- Sekyuriti hosoku nitsuite dou o kangae desu ka ???

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