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Uff Allah .. Saudi Arabia Main Musical Night | Salman Khan performs to thousands in Saudi Arabia

I bet Rasool Allah and all the shuhada's who died for the Islam in times of Prophet, must be rejoicing to see Salman Khan singing Oh Oh Jaane Jana, dhoonde tujhe dewaana, After all 313 Muslims fought for concerts like these, of course Rasool Allah has taken all those stones in tai'f for SRK and Salman Khan's performances, and of course today Abu Jahl must be so proud of his proud followers on PDF... All I can say is that, that time will come and its not that far on a cosmic level.

Yeah, many people on this thread are jaahils but seems you with your yogi-type no-fun life are really being Islamic. :rolleyes:
Yeah, many people on this thread are jaahils but seems you with your yogi-type no-fun life are really being Islamic. :rolleyes:

They are not Jaahil's, cause Jahils can have a better idea of what Religion permits and what not, even Rasool Allah was an illiterate, but I remember debating with a chawal like you, after all your DNA is Indian so...I'll leave it at that :)
even Rasool Allah was an illiterate

Then how did he manage Hazrat Khadija's business ?

but I remember debating with a chawal like you, after all your DNA is Indian so...I'll leave it at that :)

The below Indian DNA'ed chawals are more intellectual and non-jaahil than you : :)

Shehla Rashid :

Jignesh Mevani :

Umar Khalid :
Then how did he manage Hazrat Khadija's business ?

The below Indian DNA'ed chawals are more intellectual and non-jaahil than you : :)

Shehla Rashid :

Jignesh Mevani :

Umar Khalid :
There are only two Indians here
First one is Kashmiri
To those who are saying that this nanga nach is a good step as it will improve economy, bring investments and tourists. For their information, we have many more kanjars and kanjaris in our country but still can't see any foreign investments and better economy. Why?

they need to allow westerners to impregnate their women, and then you got progress and modernity.
wat we need is stalin like leader and industrialization.
There are only two Indians here
First one is Kashmiri

Yes, she is Kashmiri - from India-administered Kashmir which is a political fact. During her studentship in JNU she was the vice president of the students union and a member of the AISA which is the students wing of the Communist Party of India-Liberation. That was her choice. :)

Please consider the below proposal of mine :

Nothing is wrong with it, I am suggesting it. The Hajj should be banned because it's rather silly. I would much rather have a Bollywood concert in place of Hajj as would the majority of Muslims. I want to see bikini-clad cheerleaders dancing on top of the Kaaba. Inshallah MBS will institute that very soon.

Who is this Rasul guy? I'm pretty sure MBS is the Prophet of Islam.

Can't wait to see her dancing on top of the Kaaba

Why are you being unreasonable ?
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Where are you living bro? No one stops people from indulging in degeneracy in Pakistan. Even in police raids they just want bribes which is yet another degeneracy.

This is giving me rapey vibes.
Have you experienced it personally to get such vibes from “letting off steam”?

Was there an Asma who you feel should have been with you instead of the feminazi so you could have saved her?
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I bet Rasool Allah and all the shuhada's who died for the Islam in times of Prophet, must be rejoicing to see Salman Khan singing Oh Oh Jaane Jana, dhoonde tujhe dewaana, After all 313 Muslims fought for concerts like these, of course Rasool Allah has taken all those stones in tai'f for SRK and Salman Khan's performances, and of course today Abu Jahl must be so proud of his proud followers on PDF... All I can say is that, that time will come and its not that far on a cosmic level.
They probably wouldn’t act as such - after all the Prophet permitted Hazrat Aisha to go and join girls singing and dancing in a wedding celebration but at the same time Hazrat Umar would be very against anything if say this concert was massively disturbing the peace of a neighborhood.

If anything, this concert would come tertiary as offensive to these people compared to the excesses committed by ruling classes a few hundred years in Arabia including wealth accumulation, womanizing and crime.

In that order of social issues such as leadership failure, corruption and crime this event would be far down the chain of issues to address.
These people may be committing an offense from a personal sin perspective but they aren’t harming another person.

If anything, I would think it would pain the founders of Islam more to see a country led by corrupt and cruel leadership versus people singing and dancing.
Have you experienced it personally to get such vibes from “letting off steam”?

Was there an Asma who you feel should have been with you instead of the feminazi so you could have saved her?
A mere mention of someone triggered so much response? This painfulness can only come from personal experience or relatedness.

What would I get from saving an old and used person who chose her path by her own wish when I have someone 10-12 years younger ready to start a happy and peaceful relation with me? It is the trait of typical "American husbands" to marry 38 years old Asma and provide for her and her children from different fathers.

(Oh sorry my bad if that American husbands part offended you since you also have American flags. Please don't ban me)
I hope the Salman 2030 Vision includes being not part of NATO's regime-change operations against progressive Muslim-majority societies and movements. I am not insulting you but just picking a stream of thought from your words. :)
He is trying to save his own neck , the west has got him for Kashoggi s murder he knows that, so the deal is be like us or you are done. what happened with Sudan’s president Bashir what happened to him , remember the European union was gonna put him on trial for human rights unless he surrendered oil rich South Sudan..look at sheik of Dubai, his wife just divorced him his 6th wife for nearly billion $.
His daughters pleading the west for help..
Crazy man..
They probably wouldn’t act as such - after all the Prophet permitted Hazrat Aisha to go and join girls singing and dancing in a wedding celebration but at the same time Hazrat Umar would be very against anything if say this concert was massively disturbing the peace of a neighborhood.

You miss the key point, Muhammad SAW and Umar Khattab RA holds authority, and none of their permissions were for vulgar and immoral dance and lyrics these actors perform today. You really think that Shuhada of Badr would be amazed that Cardi B perform in the Land of KSA and although whole of KSA is not holy but we gotta have respect for the land where Rasool Allah once walked. I am not against people having fun or doing things that blow off some stress, in fact there was a Sahahba in Prophets time who used to play pranks on other Sahabi, and Rasool Allah often enjoy his jokes, but all of them were within the parameter of decency.

If anything, this concert would come tertiary as offensive to these people compared to the excesses committed by ruling classes a few hundred years in Arabia including wealth accumulation, womanizing and crime.

It didn't offend me, its just disappoint me similar to when I see Arabs making tall buildings and wear silk, contrary to what quite literally what Prophet forbade them to do. The world is well within its course towards the great gathering.

In that order of social issues such as leadership failure, corruption and crime this event would be far down the chain of issues to address.
These people may be committing an offense from a personal sin perspective but they aren’t harming another person.

But individual sins even if its done to oneself can not rule out that Fitna and sins spread in a society faster than a message of Good, It took Prophet years of preaching and all he got was handful of supporters from the very low of the society, not that they were low but that is how the society see them as such back. Sin should be discourage whether its done in a individual capacity or collectively, in this regard the concert is out in the open... songs Music of such sorts are something Prophet warn us against. And if we see it from a different prospect this harmless looking concert could do a lot more damage than we expect, have you heard the news of a stampede in a concert recently? people suffocate to their deaths, things like that could and had happen in past.

If anything, I would think it would pain the founders of Islam more to see a country led by corrupt and cruel leadership versus people singing and dancing.

No, A sin is a sin and those who literally died to bring tawheed to that land would not be happy to see Salman khan trying to shake his butt over a song bang bang... similar to that they wont be happy to see corrupt people ruling over, but two wrongs does not make one right... and lets not forget that verse from Quran, "Verily Allah does not change men’s condition unless they change their inner selves" [Surah Ar-Rad (13:11)] if this is how the Awam is, then you get leaders like that as well.
Then how did he manage Hazrat Khadija's business ?

You don't need to be a Phd to run a trading business back in 7th century, He ran her business as a honest man, yes he brought her good profit but does not make him a literate nor the most successful trader in mecca. As I said, tum jaise chawalo se debate kerna bakre ko Gana yaad karane jaisa hai...
TBH this is the ultimate goal of all this debauchery funded by "White man's $$$"

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There are so many evidences if someone dig a little deeper

Most of US aid and other programs are exclusively targetting muslim women. Muslim women are meant to be used as a weapon by the white men against muslim men.
You don't need to be a Phd to run a trading business back in 7th century, He ran her business as a honest man, yes he brought her good profit but does not make him a literate nor the most successful trader in mecca. As I said, tum jaise chawalo se debate kerna bakre ko Gana yaad karane jaisa hai...

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