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Marrying is overrated, just have a nice girlfriend. This planet is dying anyways, spare your kids a life full of pain and sorrow.

I think 60 years of peace was enough for this world. I want to see how a nuclear explosion erases capitalism, selfishness, criminality and greed from this planet.

Why not marry AND have a nice girlfriend? :D
Do you realise 50 cents in Renminbi can fund 10,000 dirt poor Iranians for an year?
your trolling skill is not bad, but your problem is that you are too much retarded. Anyway, I still prefer elis over you. :lol:
Perhaps China can lend some anti ship ballistic missiles to Russia. :yu:
And you are attracted to it like a fly to cow dung :lol:

Hey man, whats your problem with Turkey?

I wonder if you really a chinese or just a bharti giving china a bad name.

And whats with bashing Islam? I hope you aren't a christian who loves to bash Islam. Are you a christian?
Hey man, whats your problem with Turkey?

I wonder if you really a chinese or just a bharti giving china a bad name.

And whats with bashing Islam? I hope you aren't a christian who loves to bash Islam. Are you a christian?

Chinese kid, ignore serious debates with him
Seriously, do you contribute anything to this forum?

All you do is laugh at others but have nothing to contribute.

As opposed to you spewing the same garbage over and over again like a parrot. in addition to that, you're one of the biggest racists here.

Perhaps China can lend some anti ship ballistic missiles to Russia. :yu:

No need.

U.S won't confront Russia...

And if Russians say invaded mainland U.S, no amount of chinese weapon would save russians from the fury of most advance technological organization ever created by mankind---The U.S military!
Do you realise islamic terrorists supported by Turkey slaughtered dozens of our people in a train attack?

Why do islamic countries not condemn these terror attacks?

Why is it that only islam that breeds terrorists but no other religion does it.

Is Islam really a peaceful religion?

These are valid questions to ask after such a heinous terror attack.

You did not answer my question. Are you a Christian? Answer and I will answer your questions. I just want to know what angle are you coming from?
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