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Cruise missiles can be fired from destroyers and subs, but Russian navy and air force and take care of these vessels. :p: Plus, how can Americans even land in the Crimean peninsula? It's pretty much all Russians there. :bounce: They be armed and dangerous. It won't sit well with the American public if American marines get themselves killed there. :usflag:

First of all, cruise missiles can also be fired from planes.

Secondly, Turkish Navy is pretty much able to destroy, Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Black Sea Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of ships of the Turkish Naval Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also US 6th Fleet will be the undisputed winner of a such conflict.

United States Sixth Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And i was talking about Russian AAs, not about how will US invade Crimea. As that won't happen.
You have to Remember that this 'superboy' hates America and is constantly putting down American military tech. H'e another of of those ''so called experts' So consider the source before you even bother trying to have a rational discussion with him.

Yet he drools over our M-Sakesteens!
I promise you the US has zero desire to invade Russia. Russian and US citizens are generally cordial to each other, the US has just ensured its energy security for another 20+ years, and frankly, wealthy Russians keep their money in the US anyway, so there is no reason to want to inherit more poor. Putin and his KGB pedigree have been the biggest detriment to US-Russia relations since the collapse of the USSR.

You do have to notice how any theoretical war is framed, though. It is always US v the world on the world's turf. If you are going to declare the winner of a non-nuclear war, you can't just stop it once the invader is repelled. I don't ever hear any talk of someone taking a blue-water navy to occupy the US, which is what it would take to win a war. You can't just stop the game at Stalingrad. There was no victory until Stalin followed the invader to Berlin.

On a side note, you would have to be extremely insane, ignorant of history, or both, to attempt to fight Russians in Russia. I don't think it needs to be proven to the world again just how much they will sacrifice in order to protect their land.

Trying to stay and occupy Afghanistan was an idea that could have been easily dismissed by picking up a Russian history book. That was an extremely ill advised and arrogant strategy, but I don't think any military could ignore both Napoleon and Operation Barbarosa and invade Russia.
At the risk of sounding foolish, I thought M-Sakesteens = M-16
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Seriously man you americans can whine about it , but not do anything about russia, It is too big and too risky for you to start a war!Hitler did the same thing, woke up a sleeping giant what did he get in return his nation divided by a wall.Don't **** with the russians man :D:oops:
LMAO "The Unidentified War" :lol:
When they parade those Unidentified soldiers dead in open like in somalia,would their parents claim unidentified still or their kin were identified right away?
Indeed I do, do you?

I'm much more of a lurker there, but I have posted here and there. I brought it up and asked because your username looked so familiar.
If only I could add that 203 in your avatar to one of my (civilian platform) girls. :tongue:

This is what my future m16 will look like after it's all polished. :D

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