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U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

No sir , don't fool yourself with this kind of lies ....
You don't get it.

Just one of them is cold Dimona!

And there are even more outside Israel, finely planted in the heart of all of our enemies!

All ready to explode!

So stop your "we need nuclear bomb" B.S please.
You don't get it.

Just one of them is cold Dimona!

And there are even more outside Israel, finely planted in the heart of all of our enemies!

All ready to explode!

So stop your "we need nuclear bomb" B.S please.

Why you guys like fantastic scenario ??!

Do you think Israel and the westerns are idiots who let us to use what they possess against them ?!

Bunch of idiots and traitor running Iran
American allies will continue to attack Irani tankers as well.iran made a mistake by targeting uae tanker.america will not do dirty work,allies will.
Iran has been doing oil smuggling to under world and terrorists like Isis without any checks.
I wonder why this drama now?
US forces in Afghanistan are and will remain the largest customer of Iranian oil.
Yesterday England pirates called Royal (bitch) marines blocked and seized a tanker which was carrying Iranian oil for Syria, even though they cited the EU sanctions against Syrian government as the cause, yet it has been done by the request from U.S.

Gibraltar seizes Iranian oil tanker bound for Syria - CNN

By mentioning their unilateral sanctions as the cause, they officially violated the 1958 convention on the laws of the seas.

Perhaps they thought their actions wont meet any consequences (thanks to traitors in Iran), but soon they will find out the extent of their grave mistake.

They started it, but wont be able to finish it.

اگر نفتکش ایران رفع توقیف نشود باید اقدام متقابل کرد


Iran has been doing oil smuggling to under world and terrorists like Isis without any checks.
I wonder why this drama now?
US forces in Afghanistan are and will remain the largest customer of Iranian oil.
As I recall Isis was stealing Syria oil and then sold it to let guess who?
Yes it was turkey not iran.
We , should give them 24 hours to release the ship and if they don't , we declare that we will attack all uk ship in all waters ....

This is declaration of war , so UK should pay for it ....
As I recall Isis was stealing Syria oil and then sold it to let guess who?
Yes it was turkey not iran.
Amazing thing about Iranian and Indian news and claims is that one must believe them with closed eyes.... because no one has ever seen, what they both claim and blame, actually it's always these two or either Americans in the middle of every thick, while rest of the world will never had a chance of any verification.
Now the only flaw with your claim is that... you are asking me to believe, that besides conducting a full blown war, with all of the world super powers, Isis was operating oil refineries.... it may all seem believable to those 99% of naive, who had never seen a refinery, or even a small processing industry, be it a milk packing plant.
Rubbish as always.... so where did all the mighty Isis evaporated?
When allies in Iraq can find Saddam's hideout, how come all of Isis supply lines were intact, while being surrounded by allies.. including IRGC?
Why their electricity wasn't cut... which is an elementary step after making a security cordon. Where did all of US drones disappeared who were months ago killing civilians in Iraq along side death brigades of IRGC?
To any person with common sense, Isis drama was a mutual creation of axis of evil, who occupied those lands, where Isis operated with impunity.
Go tell the almighty Isis to cross the fence erected by worlds greatest army, so that we also got the chance to test their metal!
This time their supply lines will be all open from direction Iran and US bases in Afghanistan, and they should be all strong...No?
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Almost half our top reformist official are living in the western countries ... So they won't endanger happy and luxury lives of their children

Same applies for China, those so-called “reformist doves” are de facto the fifth column implanted by the US.

And the patriotic hawks and most citizens would love to see all their assets got frozen by their US master.

But most likely when they still have some “useful purpose”, the US would not seize their assets immediately.
this was the route of the oil tanker, 3 long months just to be seized, I hope Iran will respond accordingly

So all the time of those so called sanctions, Syrian people needed only one tanker of oil?
I'm not happy with UK having control of tanker... Egyptians should have been part of the party making inspection. We don't trust a word of BS which UK, US, Iran and India release.
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