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Featured Two Muslim women are stabbed under the Eiffel Tower by 'pair of white female attackers shouting 'Dirty Arabs' amid rising tensions in Paris


Jan 20, 2011
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Two Muslim women are stabbed under the Eiffel Tower by 'pair of white female attackers shouting 'Dirty Arabs' amid rising tensions in Paris

Two Muslim women were 'stabbed repeatedly' under the Eiffel Tower amid rising tensions in Paris after the beheading of a teacher last week.

French police have arrested two female suspects following the suspected racist attacks, which were allegedly accompanied by the words 'Dirty Arabs'.

Those in custody are described as being white women of 'European appearance', who now face 'attempted murder' charges, said city prosecutors

t follows the gruesome killing of 47-year-old teacher Samuel Paty last Friday by a refugee Islamist terrorist after cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed were shown to a secondary school class on freedom of speech.

President Emmanuel Macron is working on a bill to address Islamic radicals, who authorities claim are creating a parallel society outside French values.

But members of France's five million plus Muslim community have complained of 'Islamophobia' caused by a clampdown on mosques and Muslim organisations.

The victims of the attacks have been identified as French women from an Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger.

Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up in hospital with a punctured lung, while surgery was carried out on one of Amel's hands, said an investigating source.

No information was initially released about the attack on, leading to uproar on social media, where confirmed images from the scene circulated.

A chilling video records screaming as the stabbings are carried out on Sunday evening. Police confirmed the incident had taken place last night.

A statement from Paris Police read: 'On October 18, at around 8pm, the police intervened following an emergency call from two women wounded by knives on the Champs-de-Mars' – the Field of Mars by the Eiffel Tower.

A source at the Paris prosecutors' office confirmed on Wednesday: 'An investigation for attempted murder has been opened in connection with the stabbings.'

One of the victims wore a face covering, but it was not clear whether this was because of the Covid-19 pandemic, or for cultural or religious reasons.

Kenza told Liberation newspaper: 'We were a family, five adults in all and four children. We had gone out for a walk. At the level of the Eiffel Tower there is a small rather dark park, we took a little tour in it.

'As we walked, there were two dogs that come towards us. The children got scared. My cousin, who was veiled, asked the two women if it was possible to keep their dogs with them because the children were afraid.'

The dog owners refused to put their animals on a leash, and a furious argument followed – one that included racist insults.

At around 8pm, the two women with the dogs then allegedly pulled out a knife, and launched themselves at Kenza and Amel.

'One of the two took out a knife, she slashed me on the skull, on the back on the ribs and there was a third blow on the arm,' said Kenza. 'They then attacked my cousin.'

Witnesses say they heard smears including 'Dirty Arab!' and 'Go home to your own country'. 'Call the emergency services, she stabbed him,' was also heard.

Two local shop workers then intervened and held one of the attackers down until the police arrived. The second suspect was arrested later.

Details about the stabbings come as President Emmanuel Macron prepares to lead a National Hommage to Mr Paty, who was stabbed to death by 18-year-old Russia-born killer Abdullakh Anzarov.

The beheading happened outside the Bois-d'Aulne school in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, north of Paris, where Paty taught French and Geography.

Chechen jihadist Anzorov was in contact with the father of a girl in Mr Paty's class who had mobilised a campaign against him over the cartoons, police sources said.

The father, Brahim Chnina, is in custody after France's interior minister accused him of launching a 'fatwa' against Paty who was killed in the Paris suburbs on Friday.

Chnina had put his phone number on a Facebook post with a video calling for protests against Paty, and later published details of the teacher and his school.

The French government said it would honour Paty with a posthumous Legion d'Honneur, France's highest order of merit.

But his killer is also being celebrated by ISIS terrorists who have produced horrifying propaganda using a photo of Paty's severed head.

The images were taken by 18-year-old Anzorov after he murdered Paty and shortly before he was shot in the street by police.

The depraved image has featured in a magazine published in India, which says: 'If your freedom of expression doesn't stop you from criticising Prophet Mohammed then our swords will not stop defending the honour of Prophet Mohammed.'
While witnesses’ testimonies suggest that the attack was Islamophobic, French security services are not treating the crime as such.

“At this stage of investigations, no element proves the theory of a racist motive linked to the wearing of veils,” said a source close to the investigation, cited by Le Monde.

The reason behind the disagreement, according to Liberation, is the suspects’ refusal to leash their dog. Citing one of the witnesses, the French newspaper said Kenza asked the attackers to leash their dog because it was scaring the children.

However, the suspects refused, leading to a heated argument that ended with the stabbing of Amel and Kenza.

“This is an unfortunate and pitiful assault because of a dog, but there is no religious dimension to it,” Le Monde’s police source claimed.

On the other hand, the Public Prosecutor of Paris announced that the attack was deliberate, but it is still unknown whether the religion of the victims motivated it.


accute case of French protecting their own and downplaying the terrorist attack.
If France had one ounce of self respect it would break all relations with Muslim countries. Instead it wants to draw cartoons, ridicule and hate Muslims, but also continue relations with Muslim nations it disapproves. The French are a classic example of hypocrites.
Two Muslim women are stabbed under the Eiffel Tower by 'pair of white female attackers shouting 'Dirty Arabs' amid rising tensions in Paris

Two Muslim women were 'stabbed repeatedly' under the Eiffel Tower amid rising tensions in Paris after the beheading of a teacher last week.

French police have arrested two female suspects following the suspected racist attacks, which were allegedly accompanied by the words 'Dirty Arabs'.

Those in custody are described as being white women of 'European appearance', who now face 'attempted murder' charges, said city prosecutors

t follows the gruesome killing of 47-year-old teacher Samuel Paty last Friday by a refugee Islamist terrorist after cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed were shown to a secondary school class on freedom of speech.

President Emmanuel Macron is working on a bill to address Islamic radicals, who authorities claim are creating a parallel society outside French values.

But members of France's five million plus Muslim community have complained of 'Islamophobia' caused by a clampdown on mosques and Muslim organisations.

The victims of the attacks have been identified as French women from an Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger.

Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up in hospital with a punctured lung, while surgery was carried out on one of Amel's hands, said an investigating source.

No information was initially released about the attack on, leading to uproar on social media, where confirmed images from the scene circulated.

A chilling video records screaming as the stabbings are carried out on Sunday evening. Police confirmed the incident had taken place last night.

A statement from Paris Police read: 'On October 18, at around 8pm, the police intervened following an emergency call from two women wounded by knives on the Champs-de-Mars' – the Field of Mars by the Eiffel Tower.

A source at the Paris prosecutors' office confirmed on Wednesday: 'An investigation for attempted murder has been opened in connection with the stabbings.'

One of the victims wore a face covering, but it was not clear whether this was because of the Covid-19 pandemic, or for cultural or religious reasons.

Kenza told Liberation newspaper: 'We were a family, five adults in all and four children. We had gone out for a walk. At the level of the Eiffel Tower there is a small rather dark park, we took a little tour in it.

'As we walked, there were two dogs that come towards us. The children got scared. My cousin, who was veiled, asked the two women if it was possible to keep their dogs with them because the children were afraid.'

The dog owners refused to put their animals on a leash, and a furious argument followed – one that included racist insults.

At around 8pm, the two women with the dogs then allegedly pulled out a knife, and launched themselves at Kenza and Amel.

'One of the two took out a knife, she slashed me on the skull, on the back on the ribs and there was a third blow on the arm,' said Kenza. 'They then attacked my cousin.'

Witnesses say they heard smears including 'Dirty Arab!' and 'Go home to your own country'. 'Call the emergency services, she stabbed him,' was also heard.

Two local shop workers then intervened and held one of the attackers down until the police arrived. The second suspect was arrested later.

Details about the stabbings come as President Emmanuel Macron prepares to lead a National Hommage to Mr Paty, who was stabbed to death by 18-year-old Russia-born killer Abdullakh Anzarov.

The beheading happened outside the Bois-d'Aulne school in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, north of Paris, where Paty taught French and Geography.

Chechen jihadist Anzorov was in contact with the father of a girl in Mr Paty's class who had mobilised a campaign against him over the cartoons, police sources said.

The father, Brahim Chnina, is in custody after France's interior minister accused him of launching a 'fatwa' against Paty who was killed in the Paris suburbs on Friday.

Chnina had put his phone number on a Facebook post with a video calling for protests against Paty, and later published details of the teacher and his school.

The French government said it would honour Paty with a posthumous Legion d'Honneur, France's highest order of merit.

But his killer is also being celebrated by ISIS terrorists who have produced horrifying propaganda using a photo of Paty's severed head.

The images were taken by 18-year-old Anzorov after he murdered Paty and shortly before he was shot in the street by police.

The depraved image has featured in a magazine published in India, which says: 'If your freedom of expression doesn't stop you from criticising Prophet Mohammed then our swords will not stop defending the honour of Prophet Mohammed.'

I just checked BBC website, and no news, it's not important enough for them, and I bet they will not call this terrorism.

I remember the BBC took many days before referring to the the Christchurch attack as terrorism.

It's one rule for the Muslims and another rule for everyone else.
I ask the readers to do a deep think.

Asma al Assad, the wife of the Syrian President :


And what seems to be common in France :

View attachment 681280

Since France has a major problem with Islam and its prophet, when are the French going to break relations with Muslim nations? If it despises and hates the Islamic prophet it should logically ban the source of the problem. Ban Islamic nations. Boycott all Islamic nations. No picking and choosing. Simply ban all Islamic nations that believe in the holy prophet that France hates.

Isn't the problem solved?
While witnesses’ testimonies suggest that the attack was Islamophobic, French security services are not treating the crime as such.

“At this stage of investigations, no element proves the theory of a racist motive linked to the wearing of veils,” said a source close to the investigation, cited by Le Monde.

The reason behind the disagreement, according to Liberation, is the suspects’ refusal to leash their dog. Citing one of the witnesses, the French newspaper said Kenza asked the attackers to leash their dog because it was scaring the children.

However, the suspects refused, leading to a heated argument that ended with the stabbing of Amel and Kenza.

“This is an unfortunate and pitiful assault because of a dog, but there is no religious dimension to it,” Le Monde’s police source claimed.

On the other hand, the Public Prosecutor of Paris announced that the attack was deliberate, but it is still unknown whether the religion of the victims motivated it.


accute case of French protecting their own and downplaying the terrorist attack.

So basically white frenchies are screwed up people inherently....
accute case of French protecting their own and downplaying the terrorist attack.
Not necessarily, one must look at the facts objectively.

An initial verbal spat over unleashed dogs turned nasty and physically violent

the alleged racist slurs are an after the fact thing

nothing in the reported story suggests that this was a targeted attack or that they (the native French women) were out looking to commit any politically motivated violence (terrorism)

terrible thing to happen, tensions are running high after the teacher incident but people get into all sorts of stupid fights all the time, maybe these women were drunk or high.. in which case they could just as easily have gotten in an argument which turned violent against other local white folk.
Good let there be civil war like the one going on between Sindh Police & Pak Army. we can send Sindh Police volunteers to capture Paris. it will take just 20 minutes.
Civil war between the police and army?

Are you feeling OK?
When is France going to break relations with Muslim nations? If it despises and hates the Muslim prophet ot should logically ban the source of the problem. Ban Islamic nations.
and there can never be a middle ground, eh, sheriff ? (btw, why is Arpaio on there, totally irrelevant guy today afaik)
and there can never be a middle ground, eh, sheriff ? (btw, why is Arpaio on there, totally irrelevant guy today afaik)

Your French buddies are confused. They hate the Muslim prophet. They hate Islam. They hate Muslims. They ridicule them all day long by drawing cartoons. Now they are attacking Arabs. Yet, they cannot break diplomatic relations with Islamic nations.

What is it that your French buddies seek? Do they want to bully and discriminate Muslims without anyone holding them accountable?

LOL at middle ground. Indian hypocrite. If you despise something or someone there is no middle ground. Even in normal life you part ways if you dislike an individual. Why cannot France boycott the worshippers and believers of the prophet it hates? France and India falsely accuse China of putting Uyghur in camps, but here we have pure 100% hate being displayed through cartoons and stabbings against Muslims. Yet all you can suggest is to find middle ground? Why do you seek middle ground against people and nations that you fully reject and hate? Isn't it obvious that France wants to hate and expell Muslims from its country, but is using the cartoons to provoke Muslims? Why not just implement state policy since there is already general consensus among the French people and the government that Muslims and their prophet aren't welcome in France.
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Not necessarily, one must look at the facts objectively.

An initial verbal spat over unleashed dogs turned nasty and physically violent

the alleged racist slurs are an after the fact thing

nothing in the reported story suggests that this was a targeted attack or that they (the native French women) were out looking to commit any politically motivated violence (terrorism)

terrible thing to happen, tensions are running high after the teacher incident but people get into all sorts of stupid fights all the time, maybe these women were drunk or high.. in which case they could just as easily have gotten in an argument which turned violent against other local white folk.

You don't think it's odd?

Dog walkers don't usually go out with knives.

I just checked BBC website, and no news, it's not important enough for them, and I bet they will not call this terrorism.

I remember the BBC took many days before referring to the the Christchurch attack as terrorism.

It's one rule for the Muslims and another rule for everyone else.

has been going on for some time

Unfortunately the same countries we helped save from Nazi Hitler are refusing to give up and change their racist and colonial garbs and are biting the hands that saved them.

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