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Two Arrested in Tamil Nadu Over Group Photo in ISIS T-shirts

Bunch of youth doing something stupid. Haven't we all done that in varying degrees?

The authorities should make sure that there is no one brainwashing these kids., I hope these kids are not made to suffer for their moment of stupidity and are let off after a stern talking to.

Kids ??? They are all grown up guys ,and they done it intentionally .....And some news reports claim one of the arrested guy is a ISIS supporter and was recruiting for them ....And wearing dress supporting terrorists is not a joke
i understand. But TN has the tendency of legitimising and whitewashing terrorists. I have seen pics of TN fellows like seeman wearing t shirts with Prabhakaran's face. So the space that TN gives for LTTE in TN is being used by ISIS supporters

yea India destroyed its relations with Sri Lanka cuz of Tamil Nadu. need to put a whip to tamils :P
yea India destroyed its relations with Sri Lanka cuz of Tamil Nadu. need to put a whip to tamils :P
no need to put a whip. I have no problem with normal average tamil. It is the LTTE scum we have a problem with
Kids ??? They are all grown up guys ,and they done it intentionally .....And some news reports claim one of the arrested guy is a ISIS supporter and was recruiting for them ....And wearing dress supporting terrorists is not a joke

ISIS is NOT banned neither declared terrorist group by INDIA ;)
no need to put a whip. I have no problem with normal average tamil. It is the LTTE scum we have a problem with

I really do not understand what Indian government was thinking when they supported LTTE against Sri Lanka and then we cry victims when Pakistan does the same to us. I guess it is the Karma at work.
I really do not understand what Indian government was thinking when they supported LTTE against Sri Lanka and then we cry victims when Pakistan does the same to us. I guess it is the Karma at work.
If India wouldn't be intervened in this conflict, then SLA could have defeated terrorism a long time before. India feeded those terrorists to maintain its power within the region by disarranging SL.
Indian support
Due to various geo-political reasons (see Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War), from August 1983 to May 1987, India, through its intelligence agencyResearch and Analysis Wing (RAW), provided arms, training and monetary support to 6 Sri Lankan Tamil militant groups including LTTE. During that period, 32 camps were set up all over India to train these 495 LTTE militants, including 90 women who were trained in 10 batches. First batch of Tigers were trained inEstablishment 22 based in Chakrata, Uttarakhand. The second batch, including LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman, trained in Himachal Pradesh. Prabakaran himself visited the first and the second batch of Tamil Tigers to see them training. Eight other batches of LTTE were trained in Tamil Nadu.
Ironically, Thenmozhi Rajaratnam alias Dhanu, who carried out the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and Sivarasan—the key conspirator were among the militants trained by RAW, in Nainital, India
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sand is radily available ? :D the but hurt LTTE were scared to death at SLA fire they did not even have time to build camps out of sand bags. When SLG sends realidy available rice sacks, why waste time using sand?

Let me make clear for the last time, as you have the tendency to derail threads with your anti Tamil rhetoric

1) , the killing was done through aerial bombardment, MBRLs and cluster bombs in area designated as No Fire Zone, so your ploy human shield holds no water...

2) you agree that relief aid was stopped so as to prevent LTTE from using the "rice bags" "to build camps"

If you had any intelligence, you would not have cooked up the stupid lie, - rice bags - as they cant withstand the weather or stop penetration from ground or air fire.

The genocide was carried out using weapons of mass destruction ... that's explains high death casualties 45,000 within the year Jan to May 2009 average - 200 per day, almost the same rate as Gaza today, stop singing human shield song
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we have no problem with TN people protesting. But we have a problem when TN aids anti Lankan elements. Between you cant say indian muslims have nothing in common with mid east people. It is left for them to decide.

Sri lankan did not wage a war. SL was forced into a war to protect its territories. It is simple as that. If you are concerned about human lives loss you should ask that from indian politicans about starting a war in SL first place

We know the circumstances that lead to the creation of LTTE.You cant entirely blame Indians for that.Decades of persecution against tamils by Lankans caused the fertile soil of terrorism in SL.
And In past , politicians of SL often took anti -India stance by supporting our enemies.
Recently your MoD insult our leaders Jayalalitha and Narendra Modi.
Kids ??? They are all grown up guys ,and they done it intentionally .....And some news reports claim one of the arrested guy is a ISIS supporter and was recruiting for them ....And wearing dress supporting terrorists is not a joke

Haven't you met people in India who wear T shirts with Nazi symbols ie. glorifying Hitler and his ilk. Do you think that these guys in India actually hate Jews? They are probably also big supporters of Israel because of the way it deals with its neighbours. Most of these people are immature young adults with no proper understanding of the world.

I suspect that this is the same case here. These guys are all pumped up by someone. Find the person who is instigating them and figure out what their agenda is. Give these guys a stern talking to, scare the life out of them but do not ruin their lives. You will only end up alienating these youth and causing bigger trouble for yourself in the future.
Let me make clear for the last time, as you have the tendency to derail threads with your anti Tamil rhetoric

1) , the killing was done through aerial bombardment, MBRLs and cluster bombs in area designated as No Fire Zone, so your ploy human shield holds no water...

2) you agree that relief aid was stopped so as to prevent LTTE from using the "rice bags" "to build camps"

If you had any intelligence, you would not have cooked up the stupid lie, - rice bags - as they cant withstand the weather or stop penetration from ground or air fire.

The genocide was carried out using weapons of mass destruction ... that's explains high death casualties 45,000 within the year Jan to May 2009 average - 200 per day, almost the same rate as Gaza today, stop singing human shield song
Nothing explains high death rates because of the simple fact there was NO HIGH death rate.

The only ones who talk about high death rates are LTTE proxies and seperatists in west and TN. Even the most recent UN report said they have allegations that 40 000 'could' have been killed and that they have NO evidence. You can go with these propaganda where there are no sri lankans and can deceive non SLns. BUt we know what happen and we read what is about SL.

I guess anyone with an iota of brain would not belive you as you are ill famous for changing topics in threads for your own agendas.

Everyone even UN agencies have evidence to say that LTTE had infact kept human shields and that LTTE crept into NFZ and fired at army.

The fact that 320,000 people crossed into SLA from LTTE side and were given refuge and they returned to their villages (most) explains who killed people. That too is with eyewitnesses, UN hr reports and video evidences on LTTE shooting fleeing civilians

We know the circumstances that lead to the creation of LTTE.You cant entirely blame Indians for that.Decades of persecution against tamils by Lankans caused the fertile soil of terrorism in SL.
And In past , politicians of SL often took anti -India stance by supporting our enemies.
Recently your MoD insult our leaders Jayalalitha and Narendra Modi.

No one here rejects the reasons and societal problems that lead to cnflict. But the media interpretation and publicies version of SL conflict is mostly inaccurate. I dont say all were good for tamils there were problems and i am a supporter of power devolution.

But most of the propaganda paints a wrong picture. It was not like an aparthied SA or constant violence against an extremely poor tamil community. That is wrong. But there were violent riots time to time and stupid racist policies by bankrupt politicians in SL.

But the conflict's real root lies in the interpretation of a history and not in minority issues. That is why every SL debate with the known LTTE supporter and us ends in a histoy debate in PDF itself.
We dont blame india for all this, it is our responsibility but had not for india it wont be that bloody and such civilian deaths during all 30 years.
You cant blame SL leaders for being anti indian because there is no such thing that SL leaders need to be pro indian. But SL has not done anything that is bad for India.
If you are refering to allowing pakistan refueling i have clarified that several times.
And no it is not MoD insulting Jayalalitha. DO you really expect a different treatment seeing the bullying and insulting SL this lady and TN does? What makes you think SL should stomack every insult and robbing of SL resources by TN and not say anything?
I have no problem with insulting Jayalalitha even i do that. The problem ws publishing it in ministry of defence website.

That is poor and stupid by SLG.
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I really do not understand what Indian government was thinking when they supported LTTE against Sri Lanka and then we cry victims when Pakistan does the same to us. I guess it is the Karma at work.
politics but only innocents pay for the actions of leaders.

Lets hope SL and india would continue good relations here after....gaining prosperity for both the countries
No one here rejects the reasons and societal problems that lead to cnflict. But the media interpretation and publicies version of SL conflict is mostly inaccurate. I dont say all were good for tamils there were problems and i am a supporter of power devolution.

But most of the propaganda paints a wrong picture. It was not like an aparthied SA or constant violence against an extremely poor tamil community. That is wrong. But there were violent riots time to time and stupid racist policies by bankrupt politicians in SL.

But the conflict's real root lies in the interpretation of a history and not in minority issues. That is why every SL debate with the known LTTE supporter and us ends in a histoy debate in PDF itself.
We dont blame india for all this, it is our responsibility but had not for india it wont be that bloody and such civilian deaths during all 30 years.
You cant blame SL leaders for being anti indian because there is no such thing that SL leaders need to be pro indian. But SL has not done anything that is bad for India.
If you are refering to allowing pakistan refueling i have clarified that several times.
And no it is not MoD insulting Jayalalitha. DO you really expect a different treatment seeing the bullying and insulting SL this lady and TN does? What makes you think SL should stomack every insult and robbing of SL resources by TN and not say anything?
I have no problem with insulting Jayalalitha even i do that. The problem ws publishing it in ministry of defence website.

That is poor and stupid by SLG.

Nothing explains high death rates because of the simple fact there was NO HIGH death rate.

The only ones who talk about high death rates are LTTE proxies and seperatists in west and TN. Even the most recent UN report said they have allegations that 40 000 'could' have been killed and that they have NO evidence. You can go with these propaganda where there are no sri lankans and can deceive non SLns. BUt we know what happen and we read what is about SL.

I guess anyone with an iota of brain would not belive you as you are ill famous for changing topics in threads for your own agendas.

Everyone even UN agencies have evidence to say that LTTE had infact kept human shields and that LTTE crept into NFZ and fired at army.

The fact that 320,000 people crossed into SLA from LTTE side and were given refuge and they returned to their villages (most) explains who killed people. That too is with eyewitnesses, UN hr reports and video evidences on LTTE shooting fleeing civilians

No one here rejects the reasons and societal problems that lead to cnflict. But the media interpretation and publicies version of SL conflict is mostly inaccurate. I dont say all were good for tamils there were problems and i am a supporter of power devolution.

But most of the propaganda paints a wrong picture. It was not like an aparthied SA or constant violence against an extremely poor tamil community. That is wrong. But there were violent riots time to time and stupid racist policies by bankrupt politicians in SL.

But the conflict's real root lies in the interpretation of a history and not in minority issues. That is why every SL debate with the known LTTE supporter and us ends in a histoy debate in PDF itself.
We dont blame india for all this, it is our responsibility but had not for india it wont be that bloody and such civilian deaths during all 30 years.
You cant blame SL leaders for being anti indian because there is no such thing that SL leaders need to be pro indian. But SL has not done anything that is bad for India.
If you are refering to allowing pakistan refueling i have clarified that several times.
And no it is not MoD insulting Jayalalitha. DO you really expect a different treatment seeing the bullying and insulting SL this lady and TN does? What makes you think SL should stomack every insult and robbing of SL resources by TN and not say anything?
I have no problem with insulting Jayalalitha even i do that. The problem ws publishing it in ministry of defence website.

That is poor and stupid by SLG.

Your polictician shouldnt want to hear the words of tamil politucians.Our centre decides our foreign policy not TN.
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Your polictician shouldnt want to hear the words of tamil politucians.Our centre decides our foreign policy not TN.
yeah that is true. But one can understand these things in politics.
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