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Two Arrested in Tamil Nadu Over Group Photo in ISIS T-shirts

@Saradiel, @Gibbs, @Gazprom, lets keep the topic to what it is - glorification of an ultra extreme sunni muslim terrorist organization.

Its a growing concern that sunni muslim youth are getting brainwashed by them into believing in all the shit that ISIS preaches about caliphate, killing non believers and all related shit.

@Saradiel, @Gibbs, @Gazprom, lets keep the topic to what it is - glorification of an ultra extreme sunni muslim terrorist organization.

Its a growing concern that sunni muslim youth are getting brainwashed by them into believing in all the shit that ISIS preaches about caliphate, killing non believers and all related shit.

Two men have been arrested in Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu for suspected links with the Sunni militant group ISIS after a photo showing them sporting T-shirts that carried the group's emblem went viral on social media.

The duo allegedly distributed the T-shirts to the 24 other men who are also part of the group photograph that first appeared on a social networking site after Eid last week.

"Both these men are active supporters of the ISIS and were seeking the support of others... They celebrated the cause of ISIS by distributing T-shirts with the insurgent group's emblem," a senior police officer told NDTV. A case has been registered against them under the Criminal Law Amendment Act for allegedly abetting insurgent activity.

However, sources close to the two men deny that they were supporters of the ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, an Al Qaeda breakaway group which has captured large swathes of Iraq and Syria and declared a Muslim "caliphate".

Instead, they claimed that wearing the T-shirts was their way of celebrating the return of the Indian nurses from war-torn Iraq. Over 45 nurses were released unharmed by the ISIS in Iraq early last month after being held captive for over a week.

Police say one of the accused, 24-year-old Abdul Rahman had placed an order for 100 T-shirts through Rilvan, the other man arrested, from a firm in Tirupur district. Cops also claim that Rahman frequently travelled to Thailand and Singapore on tourist visa for business.

The photograph in question was taken in front of a mosque at Thondi.

Initial investigation has revealed that the person who took the photograph had gone abroad and had uploaded the picture on a social networking site. The picture has now been taken off the site.

Two Arrested in Tamil Nadu Over Group Photo in ISIS T-shirts - NDTV

Look at them, what a bunch of A-holes.
i understand. But TN has the tendency of legitimising and whitewashing terrorists. I have seen pics of TN fellows like seeman wearing t shirts with Prabhakaran's face. So the space that TN gives for LTTE in TN is being used by ISIS supporters

I just mentioned the leniency TN is showing for LTTE terrorism and the whitewashing of it somewhat create an environment for isis mentality to grow in TN

what a sorry case - for making deliberate provocative statements on TN - no Indian "patriot" is taking you to task - thus endorsing your blatant lies ,

I have no obsession of tamils. who do you think tamils are to be obsessed with?
Sl is right in its own capacity to reject any external intervention that is coming disguised as HR activists. Especially the HR activits are supporters of a former barbaric terrorist organisation.

by giving every subject a tinge of Tamil terrorism - its exposes your obsession

with pending UN war crime probe, you shouldn't talk big , guilty of war crimes be prepared for external probe

The LTTE you support hid behind women and children to save their sorry a$$es. Sinhala ppl need not loot, SLO gover sent money, food, health care, paid for jobs and even paid fore education for 30 years even for the ppl living under LTTE.

stop pushing the blame, its GoSL which got the civilian deliberately moved into No fire zone to be massacred ... and accept the reality no Tamils want to live under Sinhala occupation .. and feeding, health etc Tamils that's a joke, reserved for your fan club's consumption

denying food and medical aid to civilian forced into NFZ and bombing hospital are war crimes apart from the genocide and rapes etc - sorry I cant post pictures to feed your sick mentality of dead young Tamils, 'surrendered' or captured and sexually abused by the sick army

Medicine and Food low for trapped civilians in No – Fire Zone in Sri Lanka - Amnesty International says | Asian Tribune

Sri Lanka: 'Civilians are dying, and the hospital is paralysed' | World news | theguardian.com
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@Saradiel, @Gibbs, @Gazprom, lets keep the topic to what it is - glorification of an ultra extreme sunni muslim terrorist organization.

Its a growing concern that sunni muslim youth are getting brainwashed by them into believing in all the shit that ISIS preaches about caliphate, killing non believers and all related shit.

@Saradiel, @Gibbs, @Gazprom, lets keep the topic to what it is - glorification of an ultra extreme sunni muslim terrorist organization.

Its a growing concern that sunni muslim youth are getting brainwashed by them into believing in all the shit that ISIS preaches about caliphate, killing non believers and all related shit.
We understand your concern. Yes islamist terrorism is dangerous and we should stop muslim youth from falling into it. That is correct.
But you must understand SL being a country that has experienced terrorism from a non muslim entity has no special fear for so called islamist terrorism. For us both are same.

I just mentioned the leniency TN is showing for LTTE terrorism and the whitewashing of it somewhat create an environment for isis mentality to grow in TN
Global jihad attracts Indian youths

NEW DELHI: For years during Kashmir insurgency, commentators and politicians would never miss a chance to claim that no Indian from outside the Valley was fighting there despite two decades of insurgency that claimed to be a jihad. In fact, it was always pointed out that Indian Muslim community was insulated from the global churnings.

That is no more the case, as Indian security establishment has gathered evidence in recent times of Indian youths travelling to Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq to take part in jihad.

According to various inputs, almost 20 youths from India are probably in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan fighting with Islamic insurgents, or at least providing assistance to them.

Kalyan resident and engineering student Arif Fayyaz Majeed and Thane residents - Fahad Tanvir Sheikh, Aman Naim Tandel and Shaheen Farooqi Tanki - are now believed to be in Iraq, probably fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Parents of all four youths have filed missing person complaint with the local police.

According to sources here, there are also indications emerging from Pune that possibly a couple of youths from the city may also have gone to Iraq.

First indications of Indian youths joining jihad in Iraq and Syria came from South. In Chennai, a couple of youths reportedly went via Singapore to Iraq. Their movement, and some links, prompted agencies to suspect that they were probably indoctrinated, or at least using links to Shia extremist forces to find their way into Iraq. "It is still not clear if they have gone there to fight, or if they are seeking a better future," one official said.

Another official said they have reasonable evidence to suspect that youths from Tami Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Jharkhand could be in Iraq and Syria. "Not all of them could be fighting, but some of them are definitely motivated by the ideology," he said.

In fact, this is not the first time inputs have emerged of Indian youths going out to fight jehad in foreign land. Starting June last year, there was a stream of inputs about a group of youths from Karnataka going to Afghanistan to join Taliban, or al-Qaeda. "There was no clarity, we still don't know what happened to them or how many were in the group," one official said.

Another official cautioned that in some of these cases, the youths are going mostly for monetary reasons. Given the pathetic security situation in these places, need for workers is high, and their rewards would also be better. "In a perverse way, there is no better place than a civil war area to make quick buck," he said

Global jihad attracts Indian youths - The Times of India
by giving every subject a tinge of Tamil terrorism - its exposes your obsession

with pending UN war crime probe, you shouldn't talk big , guilty of war crimes be prepared for external probe

stop pushing the blame, its GoSL which got the civilian deliberately moved into No fire zone to be massacred ... and accept the reality no Tamils want to live under Sinhala occupation .. and for feeding the Tamils that's a joke, reserved for your fan club's consumption

denying food and medical aid to civilian forced into NFZ and bombing hospital are war crimes apart from the genocide and rapes etc - sorry I cant post pictures to feed your sick mentality of death young Tamils captured and sexually abused by the sick army

Medicine and Food low for trapped civilians in No – Fire Zone in Sri Lanka - Amnesty International says | Asian Tribune

Sri Lanka: 'Civilians are dying, and the hospital is paralysed' | World news | theguardian.com
Tamil terorism is not a tinge. Tamil terrorism has done far more suicide bombs than the whole islamist suicide bombs are combined. The world media and even indian media ignores LTTE terrorism and talk as if islamist terrorism is the only thing this world has seen. But in reality none of this islamist teror orgs cant come even close to LTTE when it comes to brutality.

Even ISIS is much milder and innocent than LTTE.

No Fire zone was created to let civilians free the war zone, It was LTTE who got inside the war zone and fired at SLA hoping counter attack. LTTE hid behind women and children of which there are video evidence and even NGO reports.

There are again video evidences of LTTE using rice sacks sent for tamil civilians to build camps. They used the tamil's food to build camps....can any self respecting tamil even have an iota of loyalty to LTTE after that?

SLA provided food and medical suppies to tamils in war zone and the ones who were responsible for it were tamil civil administrators. I will post links for that.
Indian doctors, ICRC, Red cross and even indian newpaper correspondents lof The Hindu and even NDTV were very much in ground covering these things.
Tamil terorism is not a tinge. Tamil terrorism has done far more suicide bombs than the whole islamist suicide bombs are combined. The world media and even indian media ignores LTTE terrorism and talk as if islamist terrorism is the only thing this world has seen. But in reality none of this islamist teror orgs cant come even close to LTTE when it comes to brutality.

what an extraordinary testimony to the endurance of narcissistic victimhood that a country can kill 100.000 civilian from a position of overwhelming military superiority and still see itself as a victim

Even ISIS is much milder and innocent than LTTE.

No Fire zone was created to let civilians free the war zone, It was LTTE who got inside the war zone and fired at SLA hoping counter attack. LTTE hid behind women and children of which there are video evidence and even NGO reports.

There are again video evidences of LTTE using rice sacks sent for tamil civilians to build camps. They used the tamil's food to build camps....can any self respecting tamil even have an iota of loyalty to LTTE after that?

rice bags ??


1) there's no evidence of LTTE fortified camps in NFZ zone
2) sand is readily available in coastal region of Mullivaikal , hence no need to use rice
arguing with brain dead moron is waste of time - ISIS is fighting a religious war on par with Lankan Buddhist army , LTTE fought for freedom of its people - more appropriate comparison is Israel vs Palestine .

SLA provided food and medical suppies to tamils in war zone and the ones who were responsible for it were tamil civil administrators. I will post links for that.
Indian doctors, ICRC, Red cross and even indian newpaper correspondents lof The Hindu and even NDTV were very much in ground covering these things.

BS - UN was asked to leave - a war without witness , no journalist was allowed into the zone, , all supply of food/medicine was stopped, if you have your 'links' please post ...

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LTTE fought for freedom of its people - a valid comparison is Israel vs Palestine
Wrong, LTTE fought for separatism by killing their own ethnic people.
A. Amirthalingam
M. Canagaratnam
Alfred Duraiappah
K. T. Pulendran
S. Shanmuganathan
Arunasalam Thangathurai, etc
Bunch of youth doing something stupid. Haven't we all done that in varying degrees?

The authorities should make sure that there is no one brainwashing these kids., I hope these kids are not made to suffer for their moment of stupidity and are let off after a stern talking to.

Two men have been arrested in Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu for suspected links with the Sunni militant group ISIS after a photo showing them sporting T-shirts that carried the group's emblem went viral on social media.

The duo allegedly distributed the T-shirts to the 24 other men who are also part of the group photograph that first appeared on a social networking site after Eid last week.

"Both these men are active supporters of the ISIS and were seeking the support of others... They celebrated the cause of ISIS by distributing T-shirts with the insurgent group's emblem," a senior police officer told NDTV. A case has been registered against them under the Criminal Law Amendment Act for allegedly abetting insurgent activity.

However, sources close to the two men deny that they were supporters of the ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, an Al Qaeda breakaway group which has captured large swathes of Iraq and Syria and declared a Muslim "caliphate".

Instead, they claimed that wearing the T-shirts was their way of celebrating the return of the Indian nurses from war-torn Iraq. Over 45 nurses were released unharmed by the ISIS in Iraq early last month after being held captive for over a week.

Police say one of the accused, 24-year-old Abdul Rahman had placed an order for 100 T-shirts through Rilvan, the other man arrested, from a firm in Tirupur district. Cops also claim that Rahman frequently travelled to Thailand and Singapore on tourist visa for business.

The photograph in question was taken in front of a mosque at Thondi.

Initial investigation has revealed that the person who took the photograph had gone abroad and had uploaded the picture on a social networking site. The picture has now been taken off the site.

Two Arrested in Tamil Nadu Over Group Photo in ISIS T-shirts - NDTV

:what: but yesterday they said no arrest was made and the Youth wore those shirts as gratitude for freeing Indain nurses
what an extraordinary testimony to the endurance of narcissistic victimhood that a country can kill 100.000 civilian from a position of overwhelming military superiority and still see itself as a victim

rice bags ??


1) there's no evidence of LTTE fortified camps in NFZ zone
2) sand is readily available in coastal region of Mullivaikal , hence no need to use rice
arguing with brain dead moron is waste of time - ISIS is fighting a religious war on par with Lankan Buddhist army , LTTE fought for freedom of its people - more appropriate comparison is Israel vs Palestine .

BS - UN was asked to leave - a war without witness , no journalist was allowed into the zone, , all supply of food/medicine was stopped, if you have your 'links' please post ...

100,000 peopel where?

Even the recent UN report doesnt go into such obnoxious claims. It is an accepted fact that civilian deaths were a result of LTTE holding human shield.

LTTE got inside NFZ and fire at army. Then retreat when army counter attack. This strategy is not new to LTTE. Even IPKF memoirs say how LTTE used civilians as human shield.

The only way LTTE safeguard itself is by hiding behind civilians.

Cornered LTTE using civilians as human shield - IBNLive

Sand is radily available ? :D the but hurt LTTE were scared to death at SLA fire they did not even have time to build camps out of sand bags. When SLG sends realidy available rice sacks, why waste time using sand?

After all using rice sacks to build camps LTTE can create further propaganda that SLA is not sending food items like you are doing now.

I have video evidenec for that. I will paste it.

There were journos on ground. Even The Hindu editor claimed he had men in war front. The editor himself mentioned so in a groundviews discussion. Indian journos were in war front.

Witnesses to “the War without Witnesses” … Voiceless? Buried Foreign Reporters? | Thuppahi's Blog

This mentions the reports in war front

And after SLA sacrificied soldiers to prevent civilian deaths as american ICRC claims in wikileaks and when SLG send food items free for 30 years to LTTE area what makes you think SLG needs to block food during war?

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