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Turkish Armed Forces has been ranked the 6th strongest in the world!

This lists means nothing as long as you don't have a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapon changes all the equation in a war though other factors are important too, but nuclear weapon is a big factor. That is why I am surprised to see absence of North Korea, even USA takes consideration of them.
This lists means nothing as long as you don't have a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapon changes all the equation in a war though other factors are important too, but nuclear weapon is a big factor. That is why I am surprised to see absence of North Korea, even USA takes consideration of them.

Yeah how many time did you use nukes against Pakistan? Countries who use a nuke is legitime target for ther rest of the world. Nobody dares to use it, to dangerous...
Yeah how many time did you use nukes against Pakistan? Countries who use a nuke is legitime target for ther rest of the world. Nobody dares to use it, to dangerous...
Nukes many a times are not used as offensive but more of an deterrent and it is a powerful deterrent. If it is not so valuable then many countries in the world would not pursue it. Fact is nuclear weapons in hands keep the bullies away from backward cause they know they can't mess with them, prime example is North Korea whom so called advanced country like South Korea fears like death who ranks at 5.
Nukes many a times are not used as offensive but more of an deterrent and it is a powerful deterrent. If it is not so valuable then many countries in the world would not pursue it. Fact is nuclear weapons in hands keep the bullies away from backward cause they know they can't mess with them, prime example is North Korea whom so called advanced country like South Korea fears like death who ranks at 5.

But modern conventional weapons can neutralize nuclear threat..... Israel neutralized Iraq nuclear power by destroying osirak reactor. Israeli superior air force made it happen.

Tomorrow if south Korea decides or if things come to its existence South Korea can destroy North Korea nuclear installations before NK can do anything.... once it's destroyed NK outdated conventional military is no match for SK..... Nuclear power is good but conventional military is more important to protect it successfully otherwise once that capability is taken down then you are at the mercy of superior conventional force.....
But modern conventional weapons can neutralize nuclear threat..... Israel neutralized Iraq nuclear power by destroying osirak reactor. Israeli superior air force made it happen.

Tomorrow if south Korea decides or if things come to its existence South Korea can destroy North Korea nuclear installations before NK can do anything.... once it's destroyed NK outdated conventional military is no match for SK..... Nuclear power is good but conventional military is more important to protect it successfully otherwise once that capability is taken down then you are at the mercy of superior conventional force.....
Having a nuclear weapon and destroying a nuclear plant is two different things. Even India came close to destroy Pakistani nuclear program until Morarji Desai blurted it out.
They placed iran above australia.
They placed israel above iran ... Two bones i got

Autralia is clearly more powerful than iran.
Iran is clearly more mighty than israel.
You are clearly confused. These ranking mean Jack
1 ) Brazil is not military power .. even Greece has stronger military power than Brazil
( Brazilian Airforce and Navy is so outdated )

2 ) Germany , Turkey and Italy are 3 of 5 NATO's nuclear weapon sharing program Countries which hosts B-61 Nuclear Bombs against Russia,India,N.Korea

3 ) S.Korea and Japan are under the US protection , N.Korea can not use Nuclear Weapons and without Nuclear Weapons N.Korea can not match with S.Korea's modern military power

4 ) Top 10 countries have their own strong defense Industry ..... year by year Turkiye is getting more stronger and stronger with hundreds of military projects

and Turkish weapons changed the game in Syria and Libya
But modern conventional weapons can neutralize nuclear threat..... Israel neutralized Iraq nuclear power by destroying osirak reactor. Israeli superior air force made it happen.

Tomorrow if south Korea decides or if things come to its existence South Korea can destroy North Korea nuclear installations before NK can do anything.... once it's destroyed NK outdated conventional military is no match for SK..... Nuclear power is good but conventional military is more important to protect it successfully otherwise once that capability is taken down then you are at the mercy of superior conventional force.....
Israel striked Syria and Iraq before they had nuclear weapons.

If they managed to create one, that would be a whole other story.
If they created dozens, Israel would have to rely on its air defenses, destroying all of them would be nearly impossible if fielded on submarines or deep hidden missile silos.
Israel striked Syria and Iraq before they had nuclear weapons.

If they managed to create one, that would be a whole other story.
If they created dozens, Israel would have to rely on its air defenses, destroying all of them would be nearly impossible if fielded on submarines or deep hidden missile silos.

You are right but my point was it's wrong to think that only nuclear weapons make you true power....

If that was the case then USA, China, Russia wouldn't have spent trillions of dollars on conventional weapons after having biggest nuclear arsenal....

See you need decent war fighting capability which only conventional weapons give you....

Suppose if tomorrow someone attack NK like 9/11 then can they take revenge like USA by projecting their power??? Forget NK even China is still far away from such capability of projecting their power in any corner of the world and teach some country a lesson.....Their nukes are useless in this scenario.... that means they are not a true power.....

Conventional weapons only allowing Israel and Turkey to take everyone for a ride in their region.... in SCS nobody is afraid of Chinese nuclear weapons but they fear those scary Type 55s....

If this fire power comparison going nuclear then except USA all nuclear powers are useless as nobody including Russia comes even close to USA when it comes to power projection....

If somebody gives me a choice to make India a biggest nuclear power with biggest ICBM arsenal but to keep it's conventional capability as outdated as NK or forget all nukes and have ultra modern conventional force like Israel or SK I will opt for second choice.....

Having a nuclear weapon and destroying a nuclear plant is two different things. Even India came close to destroy Pakistani nuclear program until Morarji Desai blurted it out.

Still only nukes don't make you true power.... you can't use nukes in small skirmish type wars.... if you are conventionally weak then even if you are biggest nuclear power then also you will be embarrassed in such wars if you are conventionally weak...
Israel striked Syria and Iraq before they had nuclear weapons.

If they managed to create one, that would be a whole other story.
If they created dozens, Israel would have to rely on its air defenses, destroying all of them would be nearly impossible if fielded on submarines or deep hidden missile silos.
They wouldn't use it against you, they know there are Muslims and Palestinians living among you.

but there is always Egypt. Egypt should possess a nuclear weapon at any cost.
Hey Guys , Nobody can use nuclear weapons

Today's war concept is hybrid war ... and Turkiye is one of the best in the world that use hybrid war in Iraq , Syria ,Libya and in the region

-- Proxy
-- Intelligence Service
-- Special Forces
-- Commondo Brigades
-- Massive Army with modern weapons including guided MLRSs and Tactical Ballistic Missiles
-- UCAVs
-- Air Defense Systems
-- Electronic Warfare Systems
-- Capable Navy and power projection
-- Capable Airforce including BVR air to air missile , cruise missile , AEWC , Air refueling Tanker , Stand off Jammer Aircraft , Strategic Transport Aircraft and UAV-UCAV
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But modern conventional weapons can neutralize nuclear threat..... Israel neutralized Iraq nuclear power by destroying osirak reactor. Israeli superior air force made it happen.

Tomorrow if south Korea decides or if things come to its existence South Korea can destroy North Korea nuclear installations before NK can do anything.... once it's destroyed NK outdated conventional military is no match for SK..... Nuclear power is good but conventional military is more important to protect it successfully otherwise once that capability is taken down then you are at the mercy of superior conventional force.....

Nuclear reactor is not nuclear power!!
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