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Trump administration will put illegal immigrant children in military bases after separating them

What difference would soldiers make? Do they continuously throw the same person back over the line all day or do you suggest shooting them instead to stop them?

Having solders at your borders is a new concept for America as most of American solders are stationed in other countries occupying them or planning a way to do so but most of the countries who have well established armies have solders on their borders protecting them. Look at Russia China Pakistan India and many more even Israel Iran and the list will go on. USA just has to protect 3,144.658 km border and If US army is not able to protect that border what good is that army?

what is the point of having 1.3 million strong army if they cannot protect a 3,144.658 km border.

Pakistan has a 3323 km long border with India and Pakistan has 0.55 million strong army, it very difficult for even birds to cross that border.
"cross the U.S. border alone or get separated from their parents"

The US will not be taking children from parents who cross with there children. If you where a US citizen and allowed your child to do anything remotely as dangerous you would likely be arrested and have your children removed from your home.

Having solders at your borders is a new concept for America as most of American solders are stationed in other countries occupying them or planning a way to do so but most of the countries who have well established armies have solders on their borders protecting them. Look at Russia China Pakistan India and many more even Israel Iran and the list will go on. USA just has to protect 3,144.658 km border and If US army is not able to protect that border what good is that army?

what is the point of having 1.3 million strong army if they cannot protect a 3,144.658 km border.

Pakistan has a 3323 km long border with India and Pakistan has 0.55 million strong army, it very difficult for even birds to cross that border.

I think you are confusing border guards/police with the military/national guard. The police deal with civilians. It's actually against the law to use the military at the border to deal with civilians.


Federal law limits Trump's proposal to send troops to guard border
"limits federal troops’ deployment on U.S. soil and forbids using them to enforce domestic laws."
Having solders at your borders is a new concept for America as most of American solders are stationed in other countries occupying them or planning a way to do so but most of the countries who have well established armies have solders on their borders protecting them. Look at Russia China Pakistan India and many more even Israel Iran and the list will go on. USA just has to protect 3,144.658 km border and If US army is not able to protect that border what good is that army?

what is the point of having 1.3 million strong army if they cannot protect a 3,144.658 km border.

Pakistan has a 3323 km long border with India and Pakistan has 0.55 million strong army, it very difficult for even birds to cross that border.

You should read before you post. The article is talking about children THAT CROSS INTO US ALONE ILLEGALLY OR SEPERATED FROM THEIR PARENT DURING THE CROSSING. as @_Cobra said

Not that US Authority will separate the family who cross together illegally.

Here is the article YOU posted

The Trump administration is considering housing children of illegal immigrants who cross the U.S. border alone or get separated from their parents at military bases in the United States.

The move would split children from their parents after they crossed the U.S. border from Mexico illegally and comes as the administration has increased its crack down on illegal immigrants after border agents said March and April had the highest monthly totals of illegal immigration since Donald Trump became president.

Officials said the Health and Human Services Department is looking at four bases in Texas and Arkansas to house the children but they spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plan has not been made public or made final.



A policy under consideration by the Trump administration would house children of illegal immigrants who cross the U.S. border alone or get separated from their parents at military bases

President Trump has cracked down on illegal immigration after reports that April and March saw the highest illegal border crossings of his presidency

The move comes as President Trump shown increased anger on the issue in the wake of the high immigration numbers.

Officials in his administration have followed his lead in getting tougher on illegal immigration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned last week that parents who cross the border illegally with their children will have them taken away.

'If you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you -- it's that simple. If you smuggle illegal aliens across our border, we will prosecute you,' he said during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border.

The new policy to split children and parents would aid in the crack down.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which would carry out the policy, said in a statement to the Associated Press that it routinely evaluates additional locations for temporary housing of illegal immigrants.


Placing "UNACCOMPANIED" children in children detention centre is general practice around the world dealing with illegal immigrant and refugee seeker. Unaccompanied children CANNOT be place in the same camp that house adult due to the exploitive issue. The news is simply saying US will now house these children, who crossed alone or separated into a unit in Military Base.

Also, US military force is forbidden to operate on US soil. And No border can be guard "COMPLETELY" like you said because to do that, you would have to stand a human chain 24/7 on all your border, Also, illegal immigrant not just arrive via land, they also arrive by boat and air, how are you going to prevent this?

And finally, Pakistani border is NOT that unpenetratable as you claim, I used to work in Afghanistan/Pakistan border, I know, and personally saw Afghan who cross DAILY into Pakistan side without your border guard know or being able to challenge.

Soldier, no Soldier, did not make a different, and you sir, pick a wrong article to troll.
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Why let them enter at all?If you don't let them enter you won't have to resort to these type of disturbing actions with children.
I am neither american nor in my country of residence llegally. Born and raised in Britain and have a British passport.
Still not white though and when the tide turns they will call you a pak1. You are a son of an immigrant. Dont forget that
Still not white though and when the tide turns they will call you a pak1. You are a son of an immigrant. Dont forget that

No big deal. I am a son of an Immigrant and proud of it. My parents however were NOT ILLEGAL Immigrants.......:azn:
No big deal. I am a son of an Immigrant and proud of it. My parents however were NOT ILLEGAL Immigrants.......:azn:
Yes that's great that you are proud.

People are often illegal immigrants through no fault of their own....war famine etc created often by those who sit on the fence of morality claiming the immigrants shouldn't be in their country yet it was them all along that created the problems on the countries of the immigrants to get them to leave in the first place.

Why did your parents leave Pakistan for the UK. Probably economic reasons right. Poverty left behind by the ruler of UK ????
these children when grow up will take revenge and may attack military installations
I’m sure the detention centers are full of desperate people who have traveled 1000 miles and have nothing to lose. I wouldn’t want kids in there.
I wonder how many children have been harmed from Gang Members when they were housed with their parents in detention centers for let say last 5 years?
History repeats itself, following in Nazis Germany footsteps of concentration camps for undesirables getting rid of all but the master race.

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