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Tree Plantation Drive Along CPEC

Mass sea plantation should be done through out Pakistan. So many parts of Pakistan are lying barren & needs tree plantation asap.
Tree plantation give people spirit of Hope and Hard work inspiration!
Looking forward to see more freindship trees bettween China and PAK planted and prosper~!
Undoubtedly Eucalyptus is a very fast growing tree and therefore good for pulp & paper. However, to the best of my understanding Safeda (Eucalyptus) is an extremely thirsty plant and sucks up the groundwater. That is why when I was growing up; most of the village trees were Tahli, Peeple, Kikar & Bair. Of course, if the planted on the marshy soil, it will help in lowering the water table and make the soil fit for cultivation. Maybe that is why it has been chosen.

Personally, in a land with water shortage, I would not go for it. But I am no forestry expert and would accept whatever Forestry experts decide.
It is banned in some parts of India due to its negative effect on ground water .
It's the green belts that give Islamabad it's clear cool and healthy climate, yet barely 10 miles away the city of Rawalpindi is hot sticky with pollution hanging in the air.

they should be planting more pine trees in Balochistan, Southern KP, and western Punjab. afghan pine or turkish pine. Don't need that much water and stay green year round. afghan pine is a native species as well.
Sufaida is useless though it grows rapidly, but it doesn't give anything, no fruit, its wood is weak and can't be used and even the leaves take a lot longer to break up (decay). We should plant trees that help our local industry either paper, furniture or even construction.

First three pics are Sufaida (eucalyptus), which is already planted in huge numbers all across motorways.
Takes 20-30 liters of water from soil every day and evaporates it (Some varieties even consume up to 90 liters/day). A very very good choice in country with rapidly decreasing water table.

Not all the fruit trees require first grade soil and a lot of irrigation. Jambolan (jamun), date palm for example.

But at least they should select some less water consuming local varieties.
Sufaida is useless though it grows rapidly, but it doesn't give anything, no fruit, its wood is weak and can't be used and even the leaves take a lot longer to break up (decay). We should plant trees that help our local industry either paper, furniture or even construction.
Not only useless but hazardous in our environment, as it take too much water from soil and just evaporates it, and we have problem of rapidly decreasing water table.
It's only useful in saline soil to remove salts and high water table, where govt should plant it, not all along the roads across whole Pakistan.
These are revolutionary measures taken by Pakistan in the last few years and if we can pull this up, say even 40-50% of the target in next 10 years than 2030 noble peace award should go to Pakistan.
hope that govt should plant those trees which have impact to bring rains and take less water to grow them as in karachi the stupid mqm planted the trees which take to much water but no impact on enviornment

trees are major source of puling rains accros itself hope we as a human atleast plant 2 to three trees atleast
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