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Trade war between the U.S. and China


Jan 19, 2009
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There are hundreds of other videos available on Youtube..

I think if the U.S. eventually plans to move out of China than China should impose 10 percent tax on every foreign company to move from its land.

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You should do more research on who real times network is. And why they are not considered as a credible news source by other news organizations.
Sino-US relation is more stable than any other two coutries,no matter how quarrels happened.
Russia Today is always on US's case and they only
present one side of the story.
Russia Today is always on US's case and they only
present one side of the story.

Well it is true..RT presents one side of the story..but some of their stuff is quite academic..
There are many other channels who are anticipating the same..
I also posted Fox News video....
and you can find tons of more videos...

I do not necessarily believe that trade war will happen but the fact remains the same i.e. China and the U.S. are having problems..
If they settle dispute than it is good for us also...
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=saad445566;755524]There are hundreds of other videos available on Youtube..

I think if the U.S. eventually plans to move out of China than China should impose 10 percent tax on every foreign company to move from its land.

Dude the chinese have been keeping there Yuan low artificially for very long time from more and more looks of it here in usa u will see 20 to 25% duties being put on chinese Goods to make a even playing field Or complete blockade of chinese Goods into north America.
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There are hundreds of other videos available on Youtube..

I think if the U.S. eventually plans to move out of China than China should impose 10 percent tax on every foreign company to move from its land.

Dude the chinese have been keeping there Yuan low artificially for very long time from more and more looks of it here in usa u will see 20 to 25% duties being put on chinese Goods to make a even playing field Or complete blockade of chinese Goods into north America.

Nope. In 1997 there is huge pressure of depression on the Yuan, but the then prime held the line.

From the long run, the exchange rate should be decided by the market. But i don't think the value of RenMinBi or people's currency (of China) should be decided by politics in Washington or managers of Wall Street.
sorry yes, and actually it is no longer Russia today but just RT

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I know that RT, CNN, BBC and so on present one side story on major issues but trade dispute is a fact.

I will post my opinion here.

I love China because they helped Pakistan a lot in the past.
I respect them...

On the other hand, I think the U.S. should move out of China and produce goods locally regardless of high prices..this way new jobs will be created in the U.S...and so on...it will have a positive impact on the economy in the long run...

Same goes to China..Chinese companies should fill the gap of American companies and should produce goods locally..
This thing applies to every country...
In other words, I am against globalization up to certain extent. I have not come to the conclusion yet but till now I am against globalization...

If every country can fulfill its own demands by producing things locally than it is a very good move...

I think the U.S. is planning to move out of China in the long run...
It will have devastating effects on Chinese economy but I don't think China will over react to the situation because it is up to the business community...
Furthermore, I think China is moving to become hi tech country which will balance the situation even if the U.S. moves out...

Any suggestions from professionals...
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Yes Saad, your view is correct to an extent. Countries (or clusters of them) should be competent and "reasonable self-sufficient" in key sectors.

It goes without saying that a Luddite/Gandhian isolationist "we-spun-every-thread-of-the-yarn-we-wore" approach isn't feasible or helpful. But the current round of globalization has increased the gap between the rich and poor too disproportionately ...

It increased the wealth of the traders much more drastically relative to the wealth of the producers. Well, perhaps that's the way things ought to be. But its corrupting effect is beginning to outweigh its uplifting effect.

Just my 2 cents anyway.

This business of shipping containers upon containers of trinkets in exchange for electronic US$ that were unrepayable and unredeemable (and never intended to be) is poisonous.

The PRC thinks it has 2.x trillions of ... whatever ... and I tell ya it's just one computer glitch away from one of ancient India's enduring inventions - 0!

I am surprised that after the collapse of World Trade Centres Amrika hasn't just declared that the debt was wiped out! Sorry, it simply got too hot in there - even them super duper secured hard drives got demagnetized ... and our sincere apologies! :smitten:

The PRC's position is no better than the Saudis IMO. After decades of shipping out the latter's "non-renewable resource", what have the Saudis got to show for it? I suppose billions upon billions of minority stakes in "Amrikan enterprises" as proof of their contribution and integration into the "world economy", which are of course subject to instant "freezing" at the first sign they begin to "enrich" an ounce of uranium or stupidium (or rather, hire some South Asians to do it for them if past history serves any guide ...)

While Iran wishes to essentially "barter" oil for tech ...

I wonder who is on the right track.

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