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Youguv Poll earlier today:
The new labour leader is a hard core Blairite.. and the party is largely compromised by the latter.. Labour had it's best chances under Corbyn, but he was sabotaged within the party covertly and openly (similar to what they did to Tony Benn many decades prior), and the mainstream media made sure he would not be PM, they carried propaganda pieces relentlessly. They also split the vote during brexit fiasco UKIP 'strategically' only put candidates against labour strong holds, conservatives (Tories) were spared, oh and let's not forget the 'tactical' voting campaign when this shoddy campaign made people vote for other parties under the pretext of voting conservatives out, yet somehow favored the Tories i.e. in situations where it made sense to vote labour in their own stronghold/ runners up, they made people vote for lesser parties like lib dems, and the site had millions of hits on election day, with all these variables against Corbyn, it's no wonder he lost.

I like Andy burnham & Anjela raynor to lead Labour Party , keir starmer is too far to centre right for my liking .

Tony benn , Dennis skinner & Roy hattersley where heavyweights of Labour Party & also Ken livingstone . The party which has done the most for Pakistanis in the UK who stood with Pakistani first generation & defended them from the right wing racist scum Tory party . Labour fought for & won many many rights that Pakistanis & all brown black persons take for granted nowa days .

Does Tory party spend money on schools hospitals youth olders & community in the brown black areas , do they heck

Only Labour looks after the south Asians the Africans & the Caribbean’s .
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I'm backing Penny, many are now.
I would have liked to have seen Kemi Badenoch win, but alas the UK is just not ready for a person of colour to have the keys to No.10, regardless if it's Kemi or Rishi, both are going to get LBW before the last over.

I like Andy burnham & Anjela raynor to lead Labour Party , keir starmer is too far to centre right for my liking .
Andy Burnham? The disgraced mayor of Manchester? That Andy Burnham?
What's her view on Turkey/Pakistan/IK and things that are generally of interest for our communities?
Mate she's a Tory, don't get your hopes up... :lol:

Here is her campaign video, she has Margret Thatcher in the video, that should tell you everything you need to know about the tone of her "leadership" style. I don't care so long as she leads from the front and gets the house in order. Frankly there is far too much domestic problems to deal with at present, external projection can wait.

I would have liked to have seen Kemi Badenoch win, but alas the UK is just not ready for a person of colour to have the keys to No.10, regardless if it's Kemi or Rishi, both are going to get LBW before the last over.

Andy Burnham? The disgraced mayor of Manchester? That Andy Burnham?
Yes “King of the north “

Disgraced how so ? Isn’t he still mayor of Manchester &
Yes “King of the north “

Disgraced how so ? Isn’t he still mayor of Manchester &
Let me jog your memory:

There is also the issue of him silencing the report on the Rochdale Grooming gangs.

I can go on, but I think these two prove my point.
Mate she's a Tory, don't get your hopes up... :lol:

Here is her campaign video, she has Margret Thatcher in the video, that should tell you everything you need to know about the tone of her "leadership" style. I don't care so long as she leads from the front and gets the house in order. Frankly there is far too much domestic problems to deal with at present, external projection can wait.

Well, I understand your point of view but the outcome will have consequences beyond the borders of the UK.
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