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Too many mosques, legislation needed

That's my point. I don't think people are building mosques to be more Arab than Arabs, or for some ulterior motive. Most people who donate are just decent folk who believe that building a new mosque is a noble cause. Rather than legislation -- or perhaps along with it -- we need an education campaign to convince people to donate money to other needy causes.

Education is better than legislation, that's all.

couldnt have said any better..i totally agree.
Some very good comments in this thread..
Although its off topic but this matter of wahabi barailwii deobandi has been discussed across the forum on many occasions..Do we know the exact meanings of these terms?

Wahabi was coined in 12th century A.D when a lone scholar Imam abdul wahab Saqafii selflessly preached against worship of shrines and illiterate people not knowing what and why they are going to a shrine or why they are celebrating Giarahween (11th of the lunar month) His followers were named wahabis by later generations. Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab - His Life and Mission
What he did was the best thing to do as per that era's requirements and he pulled islam out of turmoil and restored people's beliefs and practices to the standards of original Islam.

Deobandi and Barailwi schools of thoughts originate from two places in India Darul uloom Deoband
and from one man called Ahmed Raza Khan Barailwii

Darul uloom deoband served islam extensively by churning out knowledgable and practicing scholars but as per Barailwii movement although the had command of first party of Kalimah (Laa Ilaha Illallah),they lacked required level of beleif in second part of Kalimah (Muhammad ur rasool ullah)..And a reciprocal argument from scholars of Deoband towards followers of Barailwii doctrine. But unlike today,in the bygone days both had respect for each other and they didnt fight.
Until today Debandi also branded wahabi concenterate more on the First Part of Kalmah,and almost keeping Muhammad ur Rasool ullah just as a messenger and nothing else...
Barailwii argue that Muhammad Ur Rasoolullah is much more than just a messenger and without Ishq-e-Rasool one's Faith cannot be completed...some of them over do it to the level of shirk...

I agree that as Muslims we should have faith in both parts of Kalma,but as humans we can have our choices and tendencies..some will chose Pure Tauheed and others will choose pure ishq e rasool..
Both paths are derived from Kalma,and if done with good knowledge sincerity and faith..Nothing wrong with any of them
We also the have:
"Too many malls, legislation needed" sort of need.

No. The malls are profit oriented and if people stop visiting there, they will be closed down for any other business.

So many malls gives the buyer advantage of competetion, as he can choose best from any mall, hence cannot be compared with mosques.
We also the have:
"Too many malls, legislation needed" sort of need.

Come on sir..If you are a learned person in islamic studies you will know very well that building too many mosques too close to each other is discouraged....
Come on sir..If you are a learned person in islamic studies you will know very well that building too many mosques too close to each other is discouraged....

Sir to these kind of legislation government needs moral authority and in this case the moral authority is have they every tried to establish shariah sincerely the answer is no so if they are going to this kind of act it can result in some really bad consequences
Come on sir..If you are a learned person in islamic studies you will know very well that building too many mosques too close to each other is discouraged....

Agree with you Hon Sir. One of the Kuwaiti locals attached to me as a trainee was well versed in Islamic studies and Islamic history. According to him mosques in early days of Islam were few and served a social purpose in addition to being a place of worship; most important being to inculcate a sense of unity and brotherhood among the Muslims.

For example, one mosque per block for 5 time daily prayers. One Friday mosque per locality (Mohalla or village) to enable all believes of the locality to meet each other once a week. Eid prayers were conducted at a special place large enough for all Muslim brothers of the city to renew acquaintances twice a year.

These days each sect/maslak has a separate place of worship. Too many mosques tend to create division instead of unity among the believers.
Agree with you Hon Sir. One of the Kuwaiti locals attached to me as a trainee was well versed in Islamic studies and Islamic history. According to him mosques in early days of Islam were few and served a social purpose in addition to being a place of worship; most important being to inculcate a sense of unity and brotherhood among the Muslims.

For example, one mosque per block for 5 time daily prayers. One Friday mosque per locality (Mohalla or village) to enable all believes of the locality to meet each other once a week. Eid prayers were conducted at a special place large enough for all Muslim brothers of the city to renew acquaintances twice a year.

These days each sect/maslak has a separate place of worship. Too many mosques tend to create division instead of unity among the believers.

So it would be right to say that the places which we hear azaan voice coming from and people going there for prayers are NOT mosques, rather these are worship places of different sects, constructed by bunch of people for preaching their own sect.
So it would be right to say that the places which we hear azaan voice coming from and people going there for prayers are NOT mosques, rather these are worship places of different sects, constructed by bunch of people for preaching their own sect.

That will be an overzealous statement...
any worship place for Muslims of any sect is a mosque...
The best thing would be if Pakistan followed China's policies with regards to state mandated religions that come under scrutinizing oversight. Make the "Pastor" of the Mosque a government employee, and make sure the sermons are edited before Friday. Once the government gets involved, extemporaneous places of worship will disappear by themselves.
What is the action plan you visualise that will make the issue something not to laugh about?

Should there be a proliferation of mosques as per the whims and fancies of anyone who wants to become a power centre?

You may like to refer to the issues raised by Muse.

Tell us if he is wrong and if so, how.

That would be a serious contribution to the debate rather than merely stating that it has made your day with a bellyful of laughter.

and what an Indian "tiki tam tam" has got to do with anything relating to Mosques in Pakistan-- we build new ones or not , what's your problem. You guyz should focus on building toilets for your public as Bharat is the place with largest toiletless people in the world.
and what an Indian "tiki tam tam" has got to do with anything relating to Mosques in Pakistan-- we build new ones or not , what's your problem. You guyz should focus on building toilets for your public as Bharat is the place with largest toiletless people in the world.

Are you feeling so insecure about his comments that you resort to toilets in thread for Mosques and legislation? Cant you counter him with facts or atleast meaningful talk? I guess it is very hard for you.
Dear members,

I am just pointing out a very important aspect of our society, which in my view remained under gross negligence. That is the Number of mosques in every Area.

I am not aware what procedure is followed while allowing construction of any mosque. I mean whether population of area is considered or not. As it is observed that most of the times (except jumma prayers) all the mosques lie vacant, just 1, 2 or 3 lines get filled.

Like in my own area there are around 7 mosques. considering the population, the number of mosques is almost 3 times higher than required.

Another issue is the construction of mega mosques, i mean high capacity mosques like we have Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which i think never got filled, which just made it a picnic point rather than the mosque. Even a safe place for couples to visit there.

- Do we really need a Huge Number of mosques?

- Can a legislation be made for restricting the number of mosques considering the Sq. KM area.

- before allowing construction of additional mosques, it should be made mandatory to prove that the mosque already in the area remains full / out of space.

What are your views.

Now friend You are getting ready for us the be burnt alive.!!!!
Just like all aspects of life in Pakistan there seems to be no planning for anything and mosques are another facet of it. You are right that too many mosques means that the facility gets under utilized and becomes excess to need. I am not sure as to whether mosques are underfilled as the mosques in the area that I live in certainly get filled at least for Maghrib and Isha.
As to a legislation , I dont think this or any Government has the political will to do it. You need someone to ask the right questions and be able to respond with adequate Islamic knowledge. With the Rehman Miliks of our time it wont happen. However there ar ecertain aspects of this post which I want to talk about in depth .I will repond later.
Are you feeling so insecure about his comments that you resort to toilets in thread for Mosques and legislation? Cant you counter him with facts or atleast meaningful talk? I guess it is very hard for you.

i'm not interested in arguing with aliens on any subject-
Now friend You are getting ready for us the be burnt alive.!!!!
Just like all aspects of life in Pakistan there seems to be no planning for anything and mosques are another facet of it. You are right that too many mosques means that the facility gets under utilized and becomes excess to need. I am not sure as to whether mosques are underfilled as the mosques in the area that I live in certainly get filled at least for Maghrib and Isha.
As to a legislation , I dont think this or any Government has the political will to do it. You need someone to ask the right questions and be able to respond with adequate Islamic knowledge. With the Rehman Miliks of our time it wont happen. However there ar ecertain aspects of this post which I want to talk about in depth .I will repond later.

First bold: That is the main problem due to which we dont want to discuss such things.

2nd bold: I ll be waiting for your response.

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