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They prefer boys in Afghanistan-RT Documentary

You are directly supporting this practice in Afghanistan by supporting the so called "commanders" of ANA and ANP who are serial child molesters


Will you trust your child with this 'ally' of yours ?

There, Pakistan Army supports bachabazi by your pakistani logic on full display here. Shame on you.

this is sad and disgusting thanks to RT open this up they need help :(

Actually Pakistans case more widly known .


Had you watched the documentary before posting here?True it involves homosexuality but it is more about street childrens abuse and how due to poverty or addiction to drugs they get pushed into this trade. It is also called bachabazi but in pakistan it is regarded as crime. Some men who engage in kids rape or pay them for this are homos, some paedos , and majority are truck drivers who can not afford to keep a wife or they have to keep travelling so for their cheap fun they prey on kids.

Same child abuse is happening in india too or other parts of world.

What is different in Afghanistan is gov officials giving patronage to bachabaz brothels where boys are dressed as women ,made to dance and raped etc etc,

But still i fail to get what is the difference between child rape happening in Kpk and afghanistan. In afghanistan rt documentary , the guy says these practices are carried out because there are no female prostitutes and afghansitan is a strict society that does not allow women to step out, so to make up for it poor men go after boys.

Then above quoted documentary abt pakistan says same reason for pakistan , dont we have prostitutes and brothels in pakistan? We do have but then depsite that kids are preyed on?

It is so confusing ?is it happening due to homosexuality or due to poverty? AtLeast what is the cause behind streets childrens abuse in pakistan? Homosexuals? People cant find prostitutes? Or those who can't afford to get married?
Had you watched the documentary before posting here?True it involves homosexuality but it is more about street childrens abuse and how due to poverty or addiction to drugs they get pushed into this trade. It is also called bachabazi but in pakistan it is regarded as crime. Some men who engage in kids rape or pay them for this are homos, some paedos , and majority are truck drivers who can not afford to keep a wife or they have to keep travelling so for their cheap fun they prey on kids.

Same child abuse is happening in india too or other parts of world.

What is different in Afghanistan is gov officials giving patronage to bachabaz brothels where boys are dressed as women ,made to dance and raped etc etc,

But still i fail to get what is the difference between child rape happening in Kpk and afghanistan. In afghanistan rt documentary , the guy says these practices are carried out because there are no female prostitutes and afghansitan is a strict society that does not allow women to step out, so to make up for it poor men go after boys.

Then above quoted documentary abt pakistan says same reason for pakistan , dont we have prostitutes and brothels in pakistan? We do have but then depsite that kids are preyed on?

It is so confusing ?is it happening due to homosexuality or due to poverty? AtLeast what is the cause behind streets childrens abuse in pakistan? Homosexuals? People cant find prostitutes? Or those who can't afford to get married?
Believe it or not, i heard it is bad in KSA as well; an engineer i knew from Bangladesh - had his testicles grabbed a few times in Mecca during prayers.... the poor man was suicidal and relocated as his own family refused to believe him and then when his neighbours found out - they threatened him with death as nothing like this happens in the house of God; he ran for his life.
People dont believe but this is reality and human worst nature being shown out.
Where are there bloody disco mullahs .... they want to make every one else be a satan; yet this is the true jihad in uplifting these kids and confronting these bloody predators.
I can unfortunately corroborate the story about someone grabbing a guys balls in Mecca. I know someone who was also improperly touched during their visit. Its sad that it happened. Its also sad that his family didn't believe him and caused him further harm.
this is sick in so many levels. no wonder the afghans are cursed. remember the nation of Prophet lot. he warned them but they didn't listen until they were destroyed.

instead of scoring points this is one thread that everyone....Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese etc should unite and condemn this act for it happens everywhere to poor kids. No child should go through this
Historically it was a perversion of Turks. From there it spread to eastern and southern Afghanistan when part of Turkestan was annexed to Durrani empire



commander of the northern alliance......these sicko bastar4s

americans condone these rapist and pedos. I respect the soldiers who stood up for the children and lost their jobs. welldone
Despicable act by a few should not be associated as a general characteristics of the entire population. Isn't that what we preach to rest of the World that the militants coming out from the Muslim world do not represent us. As Muslims and Pakistanis we should more maturely.
This thread is nothing but a point scoring opportunity for a few and not really related to defence section. Mods should take note.
This is the reality of namak haram , haram khurs , Afganis , They are what we call "Remains" of Qoum-e-Loot .
Islam changed noting in them expect there name or few other things , Just check there way of leaving , How they treat there females , and this bacha bazi , and what not.............
Seal the border , kick them all out from Pakistan , "They are not our brothers" . Save Pakistan from there culture(Qoum-e-Loot) and from them.
Elite of Pakistan , come out of dreams , face the reality , don't be in fools paradise.

Generalizing is not fair ...

Stupid things happen everywhere !

For example smoking cigarette on a pool of gasoline !!!
oh look "The Stronk" Persian .
US will blame Pakistan as usual in a way to crack joke...NATO along with US can't defeat a red tag militia from last decade ...what else they can do more....In fact US does not want peace and favor disorder society..
Taliban cannot contend with US Army in the battlefield - Taliban learned this lesson the hard way in 2001.

Conversely, Taliban cannot be conventionally smashed either because it is not a professional army - it is an ideological movement and the entire Southern part of Afghanistan is a potential recruitment ground for it due to presence of like-minded people there. Extermination of Southern Afghans is not a realistic objective however.

It is true that 'corrupt practices' of ANA and incompetence of Afghan government, continue to fuel Taliban movement. US needs to put pressure on Afghan government to adopt measures against such corrupt practices and punish those who are responsible.
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