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They prefer boys in Afghanistan-RT Documentary

Generalizing is not fair ...

Stupid things happen everywhere !

For example smoking cigarette on a pool of gasoline !!!
Extremely cheap shot specially when it is taken on dead. But may be nothing better should have been expected of you.

Most likely the person who threw the cigarette was not even collecting petrol.

Which one is worst a lone incident where a person throws a cigarette and burns 150 plus people or a decades old tradition of destroying young boys lives - whose number alone has gone into tens of thousands.
Insulting afghans is not cheap!?

Very well said. Pakistani posters pretend perversions, crime and social issues do not exist in their society, when data suggests most ofnthese exist in their society far more. Its not like they even care for the victims or want any improvement. Its just an excuse to abuse other nations, religions etc. Look at this thread for example.
Very well said. Pakistani posters pretend perversions, crime and social issues do not exist in their society, when data suggests most ofnthese exist in their society far more. Its not like they even care for the victims or want any improvement. Its just an excuse to abuse other nations, religions etc. Look at this thread for example.

LOL india is the biggest rapist nation. F*** off back to your slum and make your country a better place.
However you can not improve with the caste system.
Very disturbing :angry:
I am so shaken, i just watched it now, just want to remove that memory.

What else you can expect from remanent of Qoum e Loot.
When i opened youtube video , at the bottom in description it was written that due to strict traditions in Afghanistan women are not allowed to go out and engage in flesh trade, so to make up for that they hire young men, but in case of sodoms and gomorah ,they were known to go after men despite being able to afford wives.

Is it really that due to absence of female flesh trade industry they are doing this or they are just addicted to men? Could there be a solution to this?

Secondly, what really strikes me is on one hand the documentary says men engage in this heinous crime because they are poor and cant afford wives, also as there are no dance parties involving women ; on the other hand they say this heinous industry is supported by high ranking government officials (who obviously would be earning well to atleast take a wife)... What it suggests? Poverty or addiction?

These boys are used by taliban to lure afghan defense forces into a trap.

I dont think there are many such cases like that, some were used to lure afghans ,and those boys were actually suicide bombers.
but mostly uneducated and tribal parts of the country do this today and they are a minority.

Don't care enough to debate on the actual topic. But buddy, what Afghanistan have you been looking at?
Going by the comments you would think Pakistanis have never heard of such a thing!

This is not about Pakistan , Indians are directly supporting the the Afghan National Army , which is at the forefront of Bacha Bazi , hence india is partner in abuse of the vulnerable children of afghanistan.

Being the moral high ground warrior you should accept that YOUR allies are abusing Afghan children instead of trying to deflect

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

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