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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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I saw those charts in the Guardian but isn't it more concerning that UK has so many people without formal qualification?

And wouldn't people without formal qualification, let's say people such as plumbers and cab drivers, are more concerned about their future and are seeing competition from east European immigrants, than a bunch of kids in London who have just gotten their liberal arts degree?
by formal qualification you mean degree? I don't think everybody needs a degree although its upto individuals to decide.
and yes, low skilled people were more upset.. for the reason you said..
That's because he never had the 'luxury' to deal with E.U bureaucrats. If he did today, he will NEVER HAVE ALLOWED GREAT BRITAIN to join in the first place. :D
He dealt with Hitler. He would've easily overcome all these silly EU obstacles that the pro-Brexiters were crying about.

Churchill was a true gentleman.
congrats to the UK for gaining it's independence from the supra-natural entity known as the EU.

you will have two years to work out the details of this divorce, it's not like you are out of the EU at this moment.

it's the EU that is scared that other countries will hold their own referendums like the Netherlands and win!!!.

EU chose millions of migrants over the interests of it's native sons, now they reap what they sow.

Thank you friend. It has been heartwarming seeing the various messages and reassurances from our closest ally the US.

@waz Nicola Sturgeon is already highlighting the fact that Scotland has voted to remain in the EU, despite an overall loss. Watch out. ;)

Yes we have seen how socialist economies are doing around the world, look at Venezuela....We don't need to watch out, the Scots, bar the nationalists are the only ones asking for a referendum. We'll come to that bridge when we need to. :-)
You should focus on India. We don't need your "concerns".

The TRANSITION itself would be so painful -- That Brexiters would have their
heads in their hands



Britain WON the Second World War

But NOW GERMANY will PUT Britain in its place --Show them the Reality that
UK is a weak economy

And USA will not come to UK's rescue

The UK is a powerful eocnomy. The Germans have already talked about building strong ties with the new independent UK, maybe you missed the chancellor's interview. The Germans will put us in our place, not according to all the news they won't. They have far more important things to attend to.
ALso stop using all the attached pictures, they don't make your posts more credible.

What a terrible day in the history of UK.

No doubt why more educated class voted for Remain.

Now uncertainty prevails for the future of scotland and the whole of Europe. Pound at record lows, already lost about 17p of 1700 points overnight.

I wont be surprised if its slashed by another 5%. (lost more than 10% value overnight)

I'm educated, as are millions of others who voted for leave. Yes more "degree holding areas" voted for remain, but being in education I also know the power of indoctrination, and how over the years many lecturers have plugged this whole we are European and not British nonsense. I've taken several individuals to task over this.
The markets are recovering, short term shock was predicted.
This is the greatest day in British history for the MAJORITY of the country. The people have spoken.
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Thank you friend. It has been heartwarming seeing the various messages and reassurances from our closest ally the US.

Yes we have seen how socialist economies are doing around the world, look at Venezuela....We don't need to watch out, the Scots, bar the nationalists are the only ones asking for a referendum. We'll come to that bridge when we need to. :-)
You should focus on India. We don't need your "concerns".
you dont get it do you...

the scots are calling for a referendum and it near enough gurantied they will go independant and remain in the eu they were the main driving force behind the remain campain. heck even the big red bus saying we can give 350 million to the nhs every week. that was a lie.
here look at this big red bus instead.
oh shit bus.PNG

trying to get a eu fta or agood deal will take years and fta... your looking at a decade. seen the value of the pound? or the london stock exchange.. wait stock exchanges of the world near enough all of them took a hit. heck even pakistans kse took a hit too.
we need a united states of europe it does need tweeks but it could be done.

heck alot of the people who voted leave are now starting to regret it and blame the media for not helping them make a decision.
I hope the members around here realize that this referendum is not legally binding.

In other words, the UK government will find an excuse to remain part of the EU.

This referendum is just a ploy. The elites will never allow their European project to fail.

The UK government will use the referendum results as a means to pressure the EU into making more concessions.

It's all about getting a better deal from Brussels as far as London is concerned.

Should the UK really leave the EU, it'll be the end of the UK as we know it. Scotland will then secede and join the EU.

That'll isolate England and eventually force it into reintegrating with mainland Europe.

All emotions aside, if you think about this pragmatically, you'd realize that the referendum means absolutely nothing.

You sure do love your conspiracy theories. I'll ask you to take a look at what the official announcements from Brussels are i.e. that article 50 should be involved and the UK should hasten the process to leave.
you dont get it do you...

the scots are calling for a referendum and it near enough gurantied they will go independant and remain in the eu they were the main driving force behind the remain campain.

Are you aware that with the lowering of oil prices, that Scotland has a budget deficit of 10% of GDP?

Without UK government subsidies, an independent Scotland will have it's living standards reduced to the level of Spain.

Canny Scots will not accept such a huge reduction in living standards, in return for EU inclusion which will take many years to happen after they leave the UK.
you dont get it do you...

the scots are calling for a referendum and it near enough gurantied they will go independant and remain in the eu they were the main driving force behind the remain campain. heck even the big red bus saying we can give 350 million to the nhs every week. that was a lie.
here look at this big red bus instead.
View attachment 313501
trying to get a eu fta or agood deal will take years and fta... your looking at a decade. seen the value of the pound? or the london stock exchange.. wait stock exchanges of the world near enough all of them took a hit. heck even pakistans kse took a hit too.
we need a united states of europe it does need tweeks but it could be done.

heck alot of the people who voted leave are now starting to regret it and blame the media for not helping them make a decision.

I 100% do get it, it's just you can't accept the result and it's high time you do.

There are no guarantees the Scots will go independent. There are already jitters there about what has happened and with SNP harping on about an independence is making them fear greatly for their future.
The 350 million was a lie according to who? The Farage comment was his, he wasn't part of this campaign and ran his own.
How do you know free trade deals will take years? The South Koreans are already asking for one. EU red tape and it's need to protect uncompetitive economies, hampered them, that's not the same for the UK.
There will be short term uncertainly on the markets, that was accepted and now we are seeing stabilisation and the next step is recovery.
We don't need a United States of Europe and I find the idea of that sickening, as does the majority of the country, including many on the remain side.
Lot's of people are regretting it? No they're not, the mood is of jubilation and excitement for the future. The only regrets are from the remain camp, who thought that London spoke for the rest of the country.

Are you aware that with the lowering of oil prices, that Scotland has a budget deficit of 10% of GDP?

Without UK government subsidies, an independent Scotland will have it's living standards reduced to the level of Spain.

Canny Scots will not accept such a huge reduction in living standards, in return for EU inclusion which will take many years to happen after they leave the UK.

Don't forget the debts they owe, Royal Bank of Scotland anyone?
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Are you aware that with the lowering of oil prices, that Scotland has a budget deficit of 10% of GDP?

Without UK government subsidies, an independent Scotland will have it's living standards reduced to the level of Spain.

Canny Scots will not accept such a huge reduction in living standards, in return for EU inclusion which will take many years to happen after they leave the UK.
oil prices are very slowly going up again. and relying on oil is a bad idea un less you invest the money in foreign investments like norway. not like the saudis who just put it in the bank and spend it on weapons.
exactly why they want to be in europe they are supported and somthing to fall on. and the eu is a bigger cusion than the uk.
as for migrants... well the british landborder wont be in france it will be here and they will be migrant camps here. and the french will be happy to send them here. they dont want them. and they can come over here and can just claim asylum and live of benefits.
They have thrown us in a artificial economic crisis for their pride.Never forget this day and British folly.Let's hope that the rest of Europe will rally and move on.Scotland must be encouraged towards independence.

Nice of you to try to encourage the break-up of our country, what happened to being a friend of the UK? Your true colours show now. This makes me even more resolute that folks wished nothing but harm upon us.
Don't forget the debts they owe, Royal Bank of Scotland anyone?

BMW has already urged for tariff-free trade between the UK and Germany.

UK gets tariff-free trade and does not have to hand-over 10 billion pounds a year to the EU every year. In addition it can also make trade deals with countries all over the world without having to do this via the EU.
I hope that the UK won't be given an agreement like Switzerland and Norway and the EU makes an example of them.Capital flight will happen and that capital must be directed in Europe.

This must be remembered as the day when the UK has destroyed itself.

There you go folks, our European friends for you lol.
Most don't share your opinions anyway.
We will get a deal and I'll come back to your posts.....

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