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“The Israeli Dream”

well , they injected Salafism and Wahabism ideology in Pakistan .... there won't be any bright future for Pakistan ....
There is already a brigfht future for us waiting and we know that already. Salafism, wahabism or whatever....we know how to control them and most importantly dominate them! Remember ISI is feared by everybody for its bestness for nothing!! These all goons are our pets and if they question their masters then we will make a horrible example out of them like how we are doing with TTP. So as far as we are concern there is no meaningful threat for Pakistan from them!
Israel got a greater problem in its hand. With the imminent collapse of American Monopoly, the parasite will have to find a new host.
Israel got a greater problem in its hand. With the imminent collapse of American Monopoly, the parasite will have to find a new host.
Don't worry , there are plenty of hosts to choose from
that why Westerns want to divide these countries to smaller pray ....
and unfortunately , KSA and Turkey are helping them ....

The Syrian thing has been waiting to blow up for a long time. The timing is bad, and the interference from other countries questionable, but the underlying causes have been there for a great while. Iranians completely ignore the underlying causes and instead focus on KSA, Turkey, etc... with a sectarian view.

Syrians, even when they were going along pretty normally, were absolutely no threat to Israel.

well , they injected Salafism and Wahabism ideology in Pakistan .... there won't be any bright future for Pakistan ....

That pales in comparison with post-Khomeini Iranian attempts to export their revolution. Shias in Pakistan had been stable and quiet before then. A number of things happened thereafter almost simultaneously, including money pouring in for Salafist and Salafist-leaning madrassas for various reasons (Afghan Jihad, Pakistani Ex-Patriate workers in GCC attracting money for religious establishments back home, etc...).

We have somehow managed things and are busy turning over the tide that had blighted us for long. Results are mixed as of now, but the trend is there. @Umair Nawaz 's post is actually a reflection of reality. You should not find stuff wrong with it.
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I do not agree with your assessment. If you go back in the history of the Palestinians, arab states and Arab dignitaries help directly or indirectly the increase of the jewish settlers in Palestine. To say that Iran, Pakistan and KSA will stop the expansion of Israel, is a little bit far fetched. Iran and Israel were allies in not long distant past and can be allies again..you have just to visit Tel Aviv and you can see that commerce between the two countries is still flourishing, KSA was and still is impotent when it comes to stand in up to any country and Pakistan is far from the MENA area, and if she was bordering Israel, I doubt that she will be able to change the statu quo.

KSA will not tolerate an existential threat. Iran and KSA have issues with one another, but Iranians will not allow Israel to annex Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian, & Iraqi territory. Moreover, Pakistan and KSA are strong allies and you underestimate their mutual bonds.

Most Muslim countries have transacted some sort of business with Israel now and then. This is also how it was during the Crusades. That does not confer any legitimacy to Israel as such.

Pakistan is sometimes considered a part of Greater Middle East by virtue of our physical proximity, ancient linkages, and extensive engagements in GCC. Even though this characterization is flawed, you can not say that Pakistan is far from MENA or that we have little or no concern with the region. We are relevant in a certain context and this relevance shall only increase as time passes by.

You can ask active senior Arab posters like @Yzd Khalifa about the veracity of my views, if you like.
KSA will not tolerate an existential threat. Iran and KSA have issues with one another, but Iranians will not allow Israel to annex Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian, & Iraqi territory. Moreover, Pakistan and KSA are strong allies and you underestimate their mutual bonds.
I think that you are greatly overestimating KSA's power and the so-called friendship with Iran or Iran friendship with KSA. They are fighting each other in Irak, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan. And this arm wrestling by proxy is felt by Pakistan too.

Most Muslim countries have transacted some sort of business with Israel now and then. This is also how it was during the Crusades. That does not confer any legitimacy to Israel as such.
During the crusades, it was muslims against Christians...And the only rulers that pacified Palestine was the
pharoah Shashank who dealt a fatal blow to Judah.
Ancient Egypt in the Light of Modern Discoveries - Henry Stafford Osborn - Google Books

Pakistan is sometimes considered a part of Greater Middle East by virtue of our physical proximity, ancient linkages, and extensive engagements in GCC. Even though this characterization is flawed, you can not say that Pakistan is far from MENA or that we have little or no concern with the region. We are relevant in a certain context and this relevance shall only increase as time passes by.
The only thing that tie Pakistan to the Area is the religion and economics...To say that Pakistan and KSA have an extensive linkage, it is very debatable and as you said "a flawed characterisation"

You can ask active senior Arab posters like @Yzd Khalifa about the veracity of my views, if you like.
I have a great respect for Yzd Khalifa, in fact the only Saudi among the PDF's that I faithfully read. The Sauds in the other hand, not the population, the ruling family, has always been ambiguous in their dealing with Muslim countries and they are no different with yours...The rise of taliban is their gift to you, the rise of the FIS and the muslim radical was to us...
Nothing like Greater Israel can ever come to exist, not while countries like Iran, Pakistan, and KSA are there. Therefore I think that the above article may have some historical relevance, but no practical implication. It is little more than an alarmist piece.

And that is exactly why none of the countries that you listed should have nuclear bomb. Religion + Nuclear bomb => End of the world
Well with the deadly silence of the world....you never know how fast what can happen or how slowly change can come in...

If Jews wants a greater Israel why was Sinai peninsula returned to Egypt? The peninsula is rich in oil reserves too. Furthermore I do understand the Jews have brain....when they could have easily occupied those territories after the 6 day war....why wait for so long. It is not the 18th century changing geography isn't that easy....this piece of article is nothing but another conspiracy theory.
If Jews wants a greater Israel why was Sinai peninsula returned to Egypt? The peninsula is rich in oil reserves too. Furthermore I do understand the Jews have brain....when they could have easily occupied those territories after the 6 day war....why wait for so long. It is not the 18th century changing geography isn't that easy....this piece of article is nothing but another conspiracy theory.
Why was I quoted? I neither rejected nor accepted the theory but gave it benefit of the doubt :unsure:
Nothing like Greater Israel can ever come to exist, not while countries like Iran, Pakistan, and KSA are there. Therefore I think that the above article may have some historical relevance, but no practical implication. It is little more than an alarmist piece.
6 years ago nobody thought Gaddafi's gov.t would be toppled and Gaddafi himself would be history or that Syria would be embroiled in a civil war and the entire Middle East would be in flames.

Gov.ts are toppled overnight and stable nations are engulfed in civil wars. All of this was preplanned:

Words from an American General, predicting the fall of Libya, Iraq and Syria years before these events took place:

And that is exactly why none of the countries that you listed should have nuclear bomb. Religion + Nuclear bomb => End of the world

Well that is certainly your perspective, but I disagree. Your apocalyptic equation is not just simplistic, but something beyond. See according to your pithy formula, World has already ended since Pakistan has been a nuclear state for near about three decades.

Leaders work within a system and are pragmatic people, by and large. For all his rhetoric, I knew that Ahmadinejad was not a nutcase, for example. Similarly Princes of the House of Saud are not fanatics. I can go on, but you might find your prejudices violated and therefore I shall stop here.

6 years ago nobody thought Gaddafi's gov.t would be toppled and Gaddafi himself would be history or that Syria would be embroiled in a civil war and the entire Middle East would be in flames.

Gov.ts are toppled overnight and stable nations are engulfed in civil wars. All of this was preplanned:

Words from an American General, predicting the fall of Libya, Iraq and Syria years before these events took place:

1. We often give too much credit to 'Western Agencies' in such matters and do not see that for any purported example, there is a counter-example. For instance, ever since 1979 there have been various efforts to topple the Iranian government and to interfere in their system. What is the result so far?

2. Pakistan has faced many challenges and weathered many storms. Each time I find a prediction about Pakistan's breakup, I just laugh to myself. The Bomb is not only our assurance against military aggression, it is also an insurance against break up. Nobody wants Pakistan to break up as such, since the consequences can be devastating.

3. Conspiracy theories breed paranoia. In turn this paranoia feeds into the instability that breeds conspiracy theories to begin with.

My advise is to laugh at all the various conspiracy theories such as this one and not care a jot. Our fate is not in the hands of some little known mysterious agency somewhere in the West.
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1. We often give too much credit to 'Western Agencies' in such matters and do not see that for any purported example, there is a counter-example. For instance, ever since 1979 there have been various efforts to topple the Iranian government and to interfere in their system. What is the result so far?

2. Pakistan has faced many challenges and weathered many storms. Each time I find a prediction about Pakistan's breakup, I just laugh to myself. The Bomb is not only our assurance against military aggression, it is also an insurance against break up. Nobody wants Pakistan to break up as such, since the consequences can be devastating.

3. Conspiracy theories breed paranoia. In turn this paranoia feeds into the instability that breeds conspiracy theories to begin with.

My advise is to laugh at all the various conspiracy theories such as this one and not care a jot. Our fate is not in the hands of some little known mysterious agency somewhere in the West.
Well, i agree with you that as long as the people of a nation remain united and determined no conspiracy of foreign entities can prevail in destabilizing or fracturing their nation. However, i wouldn't dismiss such entities as if they posed no significant danger because they have proven their capabilities in the past.
I think that you are greatly overestimating KSA's power and the so-called friendship with Iran or Iran friendship with KSA. They are fighting each other in Irak, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan. And this arm wrestling by proxy is felt by Pakistan too.

I am saying nothing so counter-factual as KSA-Iran friendship. I am saying that they would both oppose this conspiracy because it hits them both.

During the crusades, it was muslims against Christians...And the only rulers that pacified Palestine was the
pharoah Shashank who dealt a fatal blow to Judah.
Ancient Egypt in the Light of Modern Discoveries - Henry Stafford Osborn - Google Books

The point was that trade with enemies / opponents does not necessarily legitimize them. History is a witness to this.

The only thing that tie Pakistan to the Area is the religion and economics...To say that Pakistan and KSA have an extensive linkage, it is very debatable and as you said "a flawed characterisation"

Paksitan's linkages hark back to times of powerful Mughal emperors. Pakistan is in a sense an inheritor of Muslim activism and heritage. We have always kept active contacts with Hijaz region, and since 1920s, KSA is the controlling power. There is quite a bit behind the scenes between KSA and Pakistan. You just do not know much about it. For example, Pakistan has at any given time commitment of troops for KSA. They can ask for them at any time. So it is just not religion and economics, it is military and strategic. There is a lot of history as well. But no need to get into it now.

I have a great respect for Yzd Khalifa, in fact the only Saudi among the PDF's that I faithfully read. The Sauds in the other hand, not the population, the ruling family, has always been ambiguous in their dealing with Muslim countries and they are no different with yours...The rise of taliban is their gift to you, the rise of the FIS and the muslim radical was to us...

If you notice, Yzd Khalifah thanked my post in which I asked him to validate my post. He agrees with me.

Taliban were a Pakistani project when Mujahideen leaders failed to secure Afghanistan and govern effectively. Saudis (and UAE) only recognized their government in Kabul at our insistence. I can not say about FIS, but in matters relating to KSA and Pakistan, you seem to have some misconceptions.

Over and Out.
Nothing like Greater Israel can ever come to exist, not while countries like Iran, Pakistan, and KSA are there. Therefore I think that the above article may have some historical relevance, but no practical implication. It is little more than an alarmist piece.

who told you that jews are alone in that process ? dont forget the ISIS and Al qaeda who lead the western Armies into Arab land ... and what else is left to destroy anyway ? iran Pakistan is not even part of their Greater israel .so they dont care ... rest case of KSA , only time will tell you what will happen to KSA .. and since ISIS is gaining power .. the danger is for KSA and iran as well .. no knowledgeable person can deny this fact that ISIS will not stop until they cross the iran and KSA border...and if you see the Pattern of fall of Arab lands , you will realize that first they start civil war , back up terrorism and armed them .. and than all they need a false flag attack to put their troops on ground ... Iraq is on its way to break into three different lands .. jordan is already in Israeli shelter .. Egypt situation is not hidden from anyone , libya is already F*** up .. syria .. Almost fall ... now All the USA needs a false flag operation like 9/11 and put in hands of ISIS and with this reason they can attack ..
for a second if we forget the religious prospectus , still if you dig the situation all you find that things are moving towards in the direction as they were told 1400 years ago ..
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