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The Chinese Economic Slowdown — How Does It Affect Japan?

West Germany post war is literally as poor as African Nation, more than 80 percent of her infrastructure has been obliterated into the grounds, for US? even their democracy yet to touch the blacks peoples, the Power itself is not centralized into one figure or central party, that's what make them difference from absolute monarch lingering the rest of the world at the time
Nah, there is several countries who apply Democracy and successfully develop their Nation, such as France, USA, Australia, West Germany and so on. As i mentioned before Indonesia was once ruled by dictatorships and nominally single state party and in the end it bring chaos and terrible nightmare into us. So we embraced democracy right now

In which year was universal suffrage effected in the UK?

You need to revisit western political history。
In which year was universal suffrage effected in the UK?

You need to revisit western political history。

No need, i know, they had limited democracy system (in which woman can't give their vote, only male adult with property rights and so on bla-bla who can give their vote) at the times but they had a one step ahead political and governance system from the rest of the world which is plagued by authoritarian dynastic system. Don't you think the old Athens with their limited suffrage at ancient times doesn't make them Democratic Society?
US? go back to check in what year its woman and black people have the rights to vote? as for German, its status come from Bismarck and so on.

There is two die-hard democratic nations in asia, that is Phlippine and India.

It was 1965, when black Americans finally had equal rights to vote. Before that, American laws enforced "racial segregation".

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America became a superpower in 1945, and they were a developed country long before that.

So they became a full democracy, two decades after they became a superpower.
West Germany post war is literally as poor as African Nation, more than 80 percent of her infrastructure has been obliterated into the grounds, for US? even their democracy yet to touch the blacks peoples, the Power itself is not centralized into one figure or central party, that's what make them difference from absolute monarch lingering the rest of the world at the time
hehe, German's story is just like a rich man become bancrupt, then it may be as poor as Africa, but it can become rich again very soon. Can africa do that?

After world war two, the only nations or area catch up with west is south korea, taiwan, hongkong and singapore, they all under one party rule during the process of gathering rich, is it a coincidence? now China is just follow the same road. If you indonesia can democratise into rich, you can really set up an example for the whole developing world.
After world war two, the only nations or area catch up with west is south korea, taiwan, hongkong and singapore, they all under one party rule during the process of gathering rich, is it a coincidence? now China is just follow the same road. If you indonesia can democratise into rich, you can really set up an example for the whole developing world.

Japan was also under de facto one-party rule after WW2, up to only a few years ago (2009).
No need, i know, they had limited democracy system (in which woman can't give their vote, only male adult with property rights and so on bla-bla who can give their vote) at the times but they had a one step ahead political and governance system from the rest of the world which is plagued by authoritarian dynastic system. Don't you think the old Athens with their limited suffrage at ancient times doesn't make them Democratic Society?

The answer is an absolute NO。

Democracy is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic advancement。
Nah, there is several countries who apply Democracy and successfully develop their Nation, such as France, USA, Australia, West Germany and so on. As i mentioned before Indonesia was once ruled by dictatorships and nominally single state party and in the end it bring chaos and terrible nightmare into us. So we embraced democracy right now

Well said. And right now, the whole of Asia is looking and marveling at the rise of democracy again in Indonesia. It goes to say that Indonesia has now matured, socially - economically - militarily - politically. A very good job to the Republic of Indonesia !
Japan was also under de facto one-party rule after WW2, up to only a few years ago (2009).

Hi my friend, you are partially correct. Japan has always had a plethora of parties that represented the people in the Imperial Diet. Some examples of the Political Parties that have been a presence in the Diet include the Democratic Party (DPJ), Social Democratic Party (SDP), People's New Party (PNP), New Nippon Party (NNP), New Party Daichi, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), New Komeito Party (NKP), Japan Renaissance Party (JRP), Japanese Communist Party (JCP), Your Party (YP), Independent Party, etc.

The point of the matter is that the LDP has ruled Japan's Legislative Branch because: 1) It was popular and the population of Japan voted for LDP representatives over others, 2) The alliance system in politics; LDP party members would make alliances with other parties , which then led to majority control of the Diet.

The 2009 victory over the LDP majority alliance was only an example of how party systems operated. But eventually, the LDP won control in 2012 when Abe Shinzo was elected. The beauty of Japanese legislative politics is that those who control the Imperial Diet truly are a representative of the people, since it was the people who elected them and given them the mandate to make responsible policies.

Hi my friend, you are partially correct. Japan has always had a plethora of parties that represented the people in the Imperial Diet. Some examples of the Political Parties that have been a presence in the Diet include the Democratic Party (DPJ), Social Democratic Party (SDP), People's New Party (PNP), New Nippon Party (NNP), New Party Daichi, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), New Komeito Party (NKP), Japan Renaissance Party (JRP), Japanese Communist Party (JCP), Your Party (YP), Independent Party, etc.

The point of the matter is that the LDP has ruled Japan's Legislative Branch because: 1) It was popular and the population of Japan voted for LDP representatives over others, 2) The alliance system in politics; LDP party members would make alliances with other parties , which then led to majority control of the Diet.

The 2009 victory over the LDP majority alliance was only an example of how party systems operated. But eventually, the LDP won control in 2012 when Abe Shinzo was elected. The beauty of Japanese legislative politics is that those who control the Imperial Diet truly are a representative of the people, since it was the people who elected them and given them the mandate to make responsible policies.


It's still referred to as the Imperial Diet?

The other reason why the LDP was able to maintain power for so long is because for decades, it was literally an all-encompassing party, with internal factions serving the role of opposition parties. This internal tension simulated multi-party democracy well enough that the citizens could trust it as the sole vehicle of governance. After the abject failure of the LDP in managing the real estate bubble in 1991, that trust was lost, which cleared the way for the LDP loss in 1993.
The answer is an absolute NO。

Democracy is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic advancement。

Not necessary, but it was become a way, a way to made an advance society in which has a balanced between government and people representative and a clear governance by trias politica. Several country cannot adopt Democracy, several country need a democracy, that's why in my first posting, i said every country has their prepositions has their unique conditions in which you can't force they way of life some countries into another. Some country exporting democracy some country exporting their authoritarianism , in the end that kind of behavior is such wasteful efforts and very unnecessary.
It's still referred to as the Imperial Diet?

The other reason why the LDP was able to maintain power for so long is because for decades, it was literally an all-encompassing party, with internal factions serving the role of opposition parties. This internal tension simulated multi-party democracy well enough that the citizens could trust it as the sole vehicle of governance. After the abject failure of the LDP in managing the real estate bubble in 1991, that trust was lost, which cleared the way for the LDP loss in 1993.

Well said, and that is why many of the older parties have been restructured / renamed. Diet is referred to in Japanese as Kokkai (National Assembly). It is sometimes referred to by more conservative groups as Teikoku Gikai (Imperial Assembly). It is colloquially referred to as Gikai.
Hi my friend, you are partially correct. Japan has always had a plethora of parties that represented the people in the Imperial Diet. Some examples of the Political Parties that have been a presence in the Diet include the Democratic Party (DPJ), Social Democratic Party (SDP), People's New Party (PNP), New Nippon Party (NNP), New Party Daichi, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), New Komeito Party (NKP), Japan Renaissance Party (JRP), Japanese Communist Party (JCP), Your Party (YP), Independent Party, etc.

The point of the matter is that the LDP has ruled Japan's Legislative Branch because: 1) It was popular and the population of Japan voted for LDP representatives over others, 2) The alliance system in politics; LDP party members would make alliances with other parties , which then led to majority control of the Diet.

The 2009 victory over the LDP majority alliance was only an example of how party systems operated. But eventually, the LDP won control in 2012 when Abe Shinzo was elected. The beauty of Japanese legislative politics is that those who control the Imperial Diet truly are a representative of the people, since it was the people who elected them and given them the mandate to make responsible policies.


The theory is like that...

But the reality is... not as most people expected.

People are forget the name of the system is Indirect Democracy or Representative Democracy.

Just look Taiwan... is not that beauty.
The theory is like that...

But the reality is... not as most people expected.

People are forget the name of the system is Indirect Democracy or Representative Democracy.

Just look Taiwan... is not that beauty.

Ours is a Constitutional Monarchy, the Teikoku Gikai is centered around His Imperial Majesty, they, as His Government, pass laws for the good of His Imperial Majesty's nation and people. Our system is the closest to a perfect system, wherein which a representative form of government is in lieu with the Imperial Tradition.

The democracies in Asia have their own individual unique characteristics and challenges. Be it the Constitutional Monarchy of Japan, to the Republic of South Korea, et al.

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