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The Battle for Pakistan by Shuja Nawaz



New Recruit

Oct 2, 2015
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Shuja Nawaz, brother of former COAS, late Gen. Asif Nawaz, has come up with another masterpiece: The Battle for Pakistan.
The author, Shuja Nawaz, has explained the turbulent U.S.-Pakistan relationship from a fresh new perspective. He has also extensively covered the period from 2008 onwards, when Pakistan fought major battles in ex-FATA for its survival.

As the reader jumps to the transformation of Pakistan Army, the author presents facts & figures never revealed before. No General has ever proved his mettle in War on Terror more than the former IGFC & Corps Commander Mangla, Lt. General. Tariq Khan. He can rightly be called as the father of War against Terror. Many don’t know this but it was Lt. General Tariq Khan who came up with the plan to establish CT Centre in 2008-09. The CT Centre in Pabbi was then officially inaugurated in 2013-14 at a time when the General was commanding Central Command. This book is a must read for those who wants to understand about U.S-Pakistan relationship and War on Terror.
Tariq Khan was the spear head of our War on Terror , his effort in early operations and efforts to transform FC is just amazing .. That guy earns every bit of respect by his work ,dedication and resolve towards removing this filth of terrorism from our homeland ..

@MastanKhan Look Old man, we have brilliant Generals like Tariq khan .. any word of criticism for him ? or he don't know and should ask An Old American how to fight terrorists and their network ? do you know any irrelevant old American ? :whistle:
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And YahYa Khan---Abdul Hameed---And A Rahim---Tikka Khan---and your tilliar general Aslam Beg and so many more----

None of them are mentioned here now ? You should be able to see your own Fallacy and hateful behavior ,you can't even appreciate a General who did better Job than American Generals did in Afghanistan . Oh wait, you didn't mentioned your class mate Kiyani ( really hate that guy ) , Please can we hear that story when you wrote a Letter to Kiyani and i guess ISI Chief ? :D
is the book available in audiobook format or in pdf form? I'd love to read it or listen to it?
American generals did a great job in afg---just have to look thru their eyes---they tested and re-tested their weapons---they killed close to 2 million afghans---they then killed another 2 million iraqais and decimated that nation---then they turned around and thru proxies killed another 200-300 thousand Libyans---and then again killed around 2 million Syrians and made possibly 70 million muslims homeless---totally destroyed their nations---.

Wait ? So are you saying that your American Generals are Murderous cunts ? I don't know if you are insulting them or praising them to kill so many Civilians ? and the numbers are widely exaggerated old man ..

Oh and you should not bring this American Killing Muslim thing here, I Am pretty much a Agnostic myself now so I have long passed that stage where I actually cared about misguided Muslims, You are a terrorist you will die either by hands of Pakistani Army or American Army . Simple

Most of the deaths in Iraq was the cause of infighting between Shia and Sunni , Americans killed AQ fighters in which they have sometimes deliberately and sometimes by mistake killed Civilians .

Libya = Civil war Baba jee
Syria = Civil war again ( American role was just limited to specific targets )

Well I blame Muslims themselves for destroying their nations, America or west might have helped them in doing so , or by providing them Weapons but if Muslims nations were not as Dumb as they are they could easily avoid Civil war, Americans didn't asked A$$head to bomb his own people who were protesting ..

The re-tested their new weapons---so pretty much not a bad job by the american generals---.

Good for their weapon industry , nothing good about the Generals performance in bringing peace to the country or achieve his objectives , Do you know how many Generals have come and go from Afghanistan, and most of them said the same thing , There seems to be no end to this war .

And what did the pakistani generals do---they wanted to make a vietnam of the americans---. Pakistan almost made a vietnam of itself---just barely escaped------chirp chirp chirp---. I heard that the population of Machhar's has increased in Karachi---and sindh had an invasion of Makkars lately---.

Hmm, For the Starters Pakistan destroyed a powerful network of Terrorism in one of the most hostile and difficult areas in the world , Second we manage not just drive Terrorists out but bring life and happiness back into those God forsake areas of FATA , Can you say the same for Afghanistan ? Iraq ? Somalia ? where you mighty Generals were there with Full US military might ? And who said we escaped Old man, We are still where we were before 9/11 we are still removing those tiny pockets of Paid stooges who destabilize our country, Our Generals are playing their part in protecting their country, cause not all are lucky to get US visa in a lottery :D

And when did Pakistani General ( On duty ) ever claim that they will make Afghanistan America's next Vietnam ? Probably Kiyani must have send you a private text , or posted on your Wall or tweet you ? or maybe some Internet troll must have posted on Twitter claiming to be a PA General :D
Well Mosquito problem is almost everywhere in Pakistan, which shows the neglect of Govt and our people inability to stop cities in to giant Trash Bins . I feel ya bro, gotta try off topic for face savings :D
They made that statement when you were possibly still in your diapers or riding your three wheeler bike---. That is why I stated---you are not privy to the happening of the world---.

But that doesn't make the statement disappear right ?At least i wore a Diaper as kid, seems like you play and thrive in your own shit for years, no wonder your brain is full of shit . And if they made the statement it must be somewhere on internet , So care to show us any evidence for once ? or its just another Lie like Kill switches and Kiyani Text :D for a old man close to getting to his creator you are one hell of liar :D i must give you that ..

As an average pakistani---you are basically illiterate about the world matters and specially what the US can do---so why try to look important & Knowledgeable by passing on nasty comments---.

Hmm I take that as a Racist comment, I am sure you also believe that Blacks are Genetically have lower IQ ? What was your first job in America ? Cleaning toilets for White people ? hahaha You sure sound like you have a lot of their influence on you and your upbringing.
I am well Aware of What US can and can't do, No one is talking about that now right ? What happened Baba Jee ? Cat got your tongue ? I thought you were out of the BOX thinker , All i can see here is you are desperately trying to go off topic by using cheap humor and logical Fallacies .

For the sake of your old age, Dude accept your Hypocrisy , Apologize to Pakistani people for Abusing them and their Armed forces based on nothing but Lies, I will let you slide in back in this forum .. Insult Pakistan , its people and its Military based on lies, and I will expose your lies to the PDFians here .
Don't make this thread a war between two members. Out of control temper or ego cannot be harnessed. Let bygones be bygones and move ahead.

Yaar he is abusing Pakistani people , And its Army Air force based on Lies , since when Forum tolerate Insults , Racists remarks and Abusive language against the army based on lies ?
He needs to be put on his place, This Old America needs to show his real Auqaat bro ..That old Puta is racists .
Shouldn't he be given a fair warning ? I will back off as soon as he stopped been racists and throwing Insults on Pakistani people , and its Army ..

Check out the news pakistani newspaper of september / october 2001---. There were TV shows---Gen Hamid Gul---you boy with the Red Topi---.

If you cannot find them---then get lost---you are not worth talking---you are way beneath me to discuss anything further---.

So I see because your old age, you can not even read proper words .. I asked which On Duty Generals ? Gen Hameed Gul was in Office from 1987-1989 .. And since when Lal Topic become a authority over Pakistan Army Official statements ? Last i checked he was banned from Army premises ..

have some Shame for your old age man, How much lies you will utter in this forum which gives you a voice ? :tsk: Disappointed in you Old American man ..
Yaar he is abusing Pakistani people , And its Army Air force based on Lies , since when Forum tolerate Insults , Racists remarks and Abusive language against the army based on lies ?
He needs to be put on his place, This Old America needs to show his real Auqaat bro ..That old Puta is racists .
Shouldn't he be given a fair warning ? I will back off as soon as he stopped been racists and throwing Insults on Pakistani people , and its Army ..

So I see because your old age, you can not even read proper words .. I asked which On Duty Generals ? Gen Hameed Gul was in Office from 1987-1989 .. And since when Lal Topic become a authority over Pakistan Army Official statements ? Last i checked he was banned from Army premises ..

have some Shame for your old age man, How much lies you will utter in this forum which gives you a voice ? :tsk: Disappointed in you Old American man ..

Mate just hit the ignore button and move on
No need to argue. The post is related to a new book written by Shuja Nawaz. Few years ago, he wrote: Learning By Doing, which was published by the Atlantic Council. Anyone who is interested to know about military operations in ex-FATA, must know that the actual operations began from 2008, when a military plan was designed and 14 Div was handed over to Gen. Tariq Khan; a straight shooting officer who introduced Armoured Corps in ex-FATA for the first time.
Tariq Khan was the spear head of our War on Terror , his effort in early operations and efforts to transform FC is just amazing .. That guy earns every bit of respect by his work ,dedication and resolve towards removing this filth of terrorism from our homeland ..

@MastanKhan Look Old man, we have brilliant Generals like Tariq khan .. any word of criticism for him ? or he don't know and should ask An Old American how to fight terrorists and their network ? do you know any irrelevant old American ? :whistle:
Tariq Khan was a true soldier......
View attachment 592429 View attachment 592428 No need to argue. The post is related to a new book written by Shuja Nawaz. Few years ago, he wrote: Learning By Doing, which was published by the Atlantic Council. Anyone who is interested to know about military operations in ex-FATA, must know that the actual operations began from 2008, when a military plan was designed and 14 Div was handed over to Gen. Tariq Khan; a straight shooting officer who introduced Armoured Corps in ex-FATA for the first time.

My father although 2 courses junior served with him as a young LT in infantry school. He had good stories about Gen Tariq to tell from that era.

My father was rooting for him for the position of COAS from the days when Lt Gen tariq was a brig. However, fate was not to be.
I will read this book after I have read first book of Shuja Nawaz Crossed Swords I was about to start it few weeks back but for past few weeks could't made the mood to do it. But hopefully as I am on holiday so INSHALLAH either from today or tomorrow I will start that book and after completing that than would read this one.
Lt. Gen. (R) Tariq Khan was a cool general, a professional of high standards.
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