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Read what Ben- Gerurin said.
We are a bigger threat to you than all your cousins combined. That's why 2019 you were at Indian bases stinking as bad as your Hindu friends. But soon you ran.

If paksitan isn't relevant why are you here?
F off to a racist fascist forum for nazi jews
You're so irrelevant, our civilians don't know a single name of a Pakistani leader. Hell, even I don't know who your PM is without looking up and I'm way closer to the subject of Pakistan than most Israelis.

Your entire military and political history with Israel is based on ego lifting, baseless lies.

I have no idea what Ben Gurion said, you're not a threat, you're irrelevant. We don't care, nor do we think about you. Meanwhile you're obsessed with us.
You're so irrelevant, our civilians don't know a single name of a Pakistani leader. Hell, even I don't know who your PM is without looking up and I'm way closer to the subject of Pakistan than most Israelis.

Your entire military and political history with Israel is based on ego lifting, baseless lies.

I have no idea what Ben Gurion said, you're not a threat, you're irrelevant. We don't care, nor do we think about you. Meanwhile you're obsessed with us.

Why are you on a Pakistani forum then?
You're so irrelevant, our civilians don't know a single name of a Pakistani leader. Hell, even I don't know who your PM is without looking up and I'm way closer to the subject of Pakistan than most Israelis.

Your entire military and political history with Israel is based on ego lifting, baseless lies.

I have no idea what Ben Gurion said, you're not a threat, you're irrelevant. We don't care, nor do we think about you. Meanwhile you're obsessed with us.
You Jews become ignorant when it suits you.
I am glad you know nothing about us. We don't want you to know anything about us.

You Jews have been hated since time because you are vile vermin. Vermin who even cheated on their own prophet. Remember when he went to Mount Sanai you took a calf for worship.
Lying cheating and deciet is your way.

So again why are you here if Pakistanis are irrelevant?
Do u see me on jewspew or yidshak? Go there and be with relevant nazis. Make your father Adolf proud. And by the way you are NOT from Palestine...you are white from Europe and you will leave again.
Why are you on a Pakistani forum then?
Because you guys are funny

You Jews become ignorant when it suits you.
I am glad you know nothing about us. We don't want you to know anything about us.

You Jews have been hated since time because you are vile vermin. Vermin who even cheated on their own prophet. Remember when he went to Mount Sanai you took a calf for worship.
Lying cheating and deciet is your way.

So again why are you here if Pakistanis are irrelevant?
Do u see me on jewspew or yidshak? Go there and be with relevant nazis. Make your father Adolf proud. And by the way you are NOT from Palestine...you are white from Europe and you will leave again.
Oh, don't get me wrong, we know everything about you. But not day to day civilians, we just don't care about you.

Anyways, cope harder
Oh stop the witch hunt will you, its good to have variety on here and get different viewpoints.
Jog on....they guy said Pakistan and Pakistani are irrelevant and we are asking him if we are irrelevant why is he here sniffing..

You can stop being a fascist sympathiser
Because you guys are funny

Oh, don't get me wrong, we know everything about you. But not day to day civilians, we just don't care about you.

Anyways, cope harder
Lool. U know shit.
All zionists talk a lot.
And yiu are brave against unarmed kids and women and the elderly
I'm trying to learn more about the Siddiqui case. The question I have is- if she is not a terrorist why did the US want her? Why was the US after her? I listened to her speech years ago and she doesn't seem like a terrorist to me but I'm baffled as to why they were after her.
They prob wanted her to work for them or wanted info from her or our rogue agencies were on the feed wagon of US dollars and fabricated stuff to squeeze money out of US tax payers. What we do know is that a lot of shady dirt has been hidden under official secrets and the fact is Aafia and her children were criminally kidnapped in violation of process of law and Pak gov did little to challenge it.
Pakistan defence forum shouldn’t have any Israelis on it. Our state doesn’t recognize the existence of Israelis so our forum which is Pakistan defence forum should be the same. Mods should instantly ban every Israeli on this forum.
Arabs don't even have the sound P in their language to say Palestine.
It’s فلسطين in Arabic not Palestine. You have such a low iq there’s no point in even arguing with you.
Kingdom of Israel is much older than Islam and Christianity
No it’s not. Adam A.S. was a Muslim. Every prophet was a Muslim. Allah Azzawajal sent prophets to every nation and all those prophets were Muslims. Quran mentions the children of Bani Israel and how Allah Azzawajal saved them from pharaoh and how after clear signs they still denied.

“And ˹remember˺ when We rescued you from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with dreadful torment—killing your sons and keeping your women. That was a severe test from your Lord.”
(Quran 7:141)

“The people of the Scripture (Jews) ask you to cause a book to descend upon them from heaven. Indeed they asked Moosa (Moses) for even greater than that, when they said: ‘Show us Allah in public,’ but they were struck with thunder clap and lightning for their wickedness. Then they worshipped the calf even after clear proofs, evidences, and signs had come to them. (Even) so We forgave them. And We gave Moosa (Moses) a clear proof of authority”
(Quran 4:153)

“The Jews and the Christians each say, “We are the children of Allah and His most beloved!” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Why then does He punish you for your sins? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return.””
(Quran 5:18)

“And We declared to the children of Isrā’īl in the Book: “You will surely spread mischief on the earth twice, and you will surely show utmost haughtiness.”
(Quran 17:4)

The Kingdom of Israel was destroyed the first time by the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE. Quran tells us they’ll spread mischief twice. They’ve already been destroyed once.

Sahih Muslim 2922
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
You're so irrelevant, our civilians don't know a single name of a Pakistani leader. Hell, even I don't know who your PM is without looking up and I'm way closer to the subject of Pakistan than most Israelis.

Your entire military and political history with Israel is based on ego lifting, baseless lies.

I have no idea what Ben Gurion said, you're not a threat, you're irrelevant. We don't care, nor do we think about you. Meanwhile you're obsessed with us.
Exactly. Last of the Pakistani Jews left Karachi for Israel in the 60s during dictator Ayub

Because you guys are funny
Or to keep a check on antisemitism in Pakistan? 😉

akistan defence forum shouldn’t have any Israelis on it. Our state doesn’t recognize the existence of Israelis so our forum which is Pakistan defence forum should be the same. Mods should instantly ban every Israeli on this forum.
Sorry it doesn't work like that. Jewish State of Israel for better or worse exist on the ground and can no longer be ignored even if you don't recognize it
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Christians and Jews disagree. They call prophets before Hadhrat Muhammed their prophets not Muslim prophets
Well the Quran disagrees and Quran is the truth. Christians lie Jews lie but Quran is the truth and 100% correct. Allah Azzawajal tells us all the prophets were Muslim and Allah Azzawajal does not lie.
Sorry it doesn't work like that. Jewish State of Israel for better or worse exist on the ground and can no longer be ignored even if you don't recognize it
It illegally exists and occupies Palestine. It’s end will come soon. It’ll be destroy like it was before. Quran tells us :
“And We declared to the children of Isrā’īl in the Book: “You will surely spread mischief on the earth twice, and you will surely show utmost haughtiness.”
(Quran 17:4)

Quran is the truth! Israel’s end is near.
Muslims will liberate their lands!
Sahih Muslim 2922
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
“The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.”

I am not a munafiq and will never accept the illegal dajjali state of Israel.
Two nation theory does not exist as well. Its all Palestine nothing israel. Like Umar Ibn Khattab R.A. made a treaty when Quds was liberated in which in stated Jews wouldn’t be allowed to live there (their allowed to worship but not live). I am loyal to that agreement that was made and can never accept a Jewish state in the holy lands of Palestine.
Well the Quran disagrees and Quran is the truth. Christians lie Jews lie but Quran is the truth and 100% correct. Allah Azzawajal tells us all the prophets were Muslim and Allah Azzawajal does not lie.
That's not how it works. Jews and Christians also claim their Gods are speaking the truth just like Muslims. So either all are speaking the truth or all are liars. You can't pick and choose (favorism)

Two nation theory does not exist as well. Its all Palestine nothing israel. Like Umar Ibn Khattab R.A. made a treaty when Quds was liberated in which in stated Jews wouldn’t be allowed to live there (their allowed to worship but not live). I am loyal to that agreement that was made and can never accept a Jewish state in the holy lands of Palestine.
Centuries have passed since the agreement of Hadhrat Omar. That agreement is no longer binding on anyone

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