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Texas synagogue hostages freed, British gunman dead

US government will not charge you on specific offenses if they want to protect sources & methods of intelligence. In a legal trial they have to disclose it in some manner to the judge and defense lawyers. Since she was dumb enough to grab a firearm and try to shoot law enforcement personnel it is easy to use that. I am assuming she did that and she was not framed for that.

the real question is what is a PhD with US citizenship doing with Islamic militants groups ? She was associated with those groups in some way. Even if the US government made a mistake on false association someone in the US state machinery will reverse the decision and move on. It has happened with numerous people in the war on terror.

US has released several Taliban commanders as hostage exchange, even if tries to take the gun and shoot FBI agent, or she is radicalized women does not mean US can not release her or exchange her for prisoner swap, I am asking what is special about her? she is just a terrorist/radical/wife of terrorist.
as far I know this was a false case she was captured near Karsaz Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi with her 2 children, when she was going to Airport for her departure to US but US declared her arrest from Afghanistan, secondly the case for which she was trialed is different then the story of the her involvement with some planned chemical (or other) terrorist attack in USA, these charges was never pressed against her in any court of law, also her arrest is falsely shown from Afghanistan.

I have a theory which is a bit stretch, like you said that she was allegedly planning a biological terrorist attack in USA, maybe she has knowledge about certain chemicals which makes her dangerous as US might believe if they release her ISIS/AQ or other Terrorists organizations can use her knowledge to plan more such chemical attacks, but as i said its a far stretched theory.
Afia US citizen of Pakistani Origin, hostage taker, British man with Pakistani Origin, do we have to mention Pakistani origin ? the man is a British citizen and has nothing to do with Pakistan.
going to a synagogue and holding people hostage is beyond the limits of mental health issues

Come on man - of course it could be mental health.

Going with a gun to a synagogue is no more complicated than the guy who stealthily entered Buckingham palace with a crossbow to kill the queen.

There is a proven link between lone terrorists and mental health problems.

Sadly, in Asian/Muslim societies mental health problems are not recognised as well as they should be. Huge numbers of people are living with chronic psychological problems and self-medicating using religion as therapy.
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A crazy man that acted on his delusions. He committed criminal acts and we should all be thankful that no one else was hurt. Based on actual past terrorists incidents, this could easily have been a mass casualty event.
at some point crazy people with power act on delusions
going to a synagogue and holding people hostage is beyond the limits of mental health issues
I will remember that when people discuss Indian army holding Kashmir hostage.
Pretty sure he's American, 50 percent of us are Middle Eastern.
Our land, if aliens came the first one they would laugh at are Palestinians and their low IQ donkey rider supporters

It's our land lol, you start a war against us and you're going to get displaced lol, get ****ed losers
Don't fantasize too much . Denial is the last step in defeat.
Being mental or psycho is not a defense against terrorism. They are mental and psycho because of their dangerous level of hate. Normal people do not attack humans except in self defense of a direct physical threat to preserve their own or other people's lives and limbs. So, anyone who presumes and ascribes criminal guilt to people due to their race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, profession, language, tribe, or any category or group is a dangerous psycho. This violent case maybe political terrorism, but there are also those who shoot up schools, or cinemas, or those who lynch people for their race, religion, or politics, they should all be charged with terrorism -- maybe it is criminal, religious, social, or political terrorism, but it is terrorism.
Being mental or psycho is not a defense against terrorism. They are mental and psycho because of their dangerous level of hate.
But a precedent does exist. Courts all over the world have released people who commited heinous crimes by citing mental illness in the acused. We are seeing the same game being played in Pakistan's own ongoing Noor Muqadam case
Afia US citizen of Pakistani Origin, hostage taker, British man with Pakistani Origin, do we have to mention Pakistani origin ? the man is a British citizen and has nothing to do with Pakistan.

Afia not a US citizen...

"Aafia Siddiqui (Urdu: عافیہ صدیقی; born 2 March 1972) is a Pakistani Neuroscientist..."

2. New York: Pakistani Woman Arrested in Afghanistan
Aafia Siddiqui was charged with attempting to kill United States officers and employees in Afghanistan.
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A guy born and bred in UK but some people think his pakistani lineage should be made part of the news, wow. Next time address Elon Musk as south African on his success and his failures.
I’m not sure why his Pakistani ethnicity is in dispute for

in U.K.government or council forms, it has boxes you tick which group you belong to. Even the f cking government reminds who we are we are not from Saxons or vikings
A guy born and bred in UK but some people think his pakistani lineage should be made part of the news, wow. Next time address Elon Musk as south African on his success and his failures.

USA is known for CEOs. I will let folks figure out what gets associated with Pakistan
But a precedent does exist. Courts all over the world have released people who commited heinous crimes by citing mental illness in the acused. We are seeing the same game being played in Pakistan's own ongoing Noor Muqadam case
If they identify their "target" by race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, politics, profession, or by any group from whom they seek misplaced "vengeance" then they are not mentally ill. They are sane. We can differentiate people who are genuinely mentally ill and who maybe violent but are not terrorist from those who are motivated by terrorist and fascist hate. When terrorism is legitimized in politics and accepted in government, that becomes fascism.
... There are many cases especially in America, for example where an employee or former employee shoots up the work place. I consider that a form of terrorism. They are coherent, angry, seeking "revenge", making "a point", and are clearly sane.

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