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Terrorists Attack Pakistan from Afghan Sanctuaries

High time to launch some pre emptive strikes else the morale will begin to dwindle. And further, ideal time to fence the front: we got plausible reasons, right now...
High time to launch some pre emptive strikes else the morale will begin to dwindle. And further, ideal time to fence the front: we got plausible reasons, right now...

mining and automatic self operating guns !!
Get some JF-17's with some glide bombs into their Ars**!!
^^^ Coz those Bloody Americans leave that area to taliban and withdraw theire forces from there.FCuking Politicians FCuking Army cheif we had.And Common people and our forces are dying bcoz of these @$$ h**********.

Why they dont Go inside AGhwanistan n FCuk all those Tajik and uzbuk.juSt 4 5 hours operation.few Cobra and and 1 F16 will be enough to clear that area.SOBs

But Afghan Taliban is considered to be "Good Taliban"??
and why do you call it that?, they have violated the border, no?

Oh! you meant the folks attacking the posts.. Then Yes.. Absolutely..

I thought you were referring to Preemptive strikes on the American positions as some of your countrymen suggested..

---------- Post added at 05:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

High time to launch some pre emptive strikes else the morale will begin to dwindle. And further, ideal time to fence the front: we got plausible reasons, right now...

Its funny how the word Preemptive strikes become an acceptable term when the terrorist attacks are on Pakistan ;)
this is sickening, why not deploy some units there? why not heavily arm our villagers there ?? atleast they die with honour when these rats attack...

Deploying unites is not permanent solution, we already have discussed over this topic in thread over militants attack in DIR, thing is this that political government is so busy in their games that he left no time for dealing with such cases. Just look over events, after COAS warning and visit to Karachi all rushed to normalize situation, and now too COAS should do something but forget if anything you will listen from political parties or leaders(goons). So if ISAF forces can't launch operation there then it doesn't means that we can't but there involved international limits but we can bypass to convey clear message to ISAF forces that either they will do something or we are coming.

They started another front when they retreated from FATA and Swat, now northern alliance with some terrorists like Fazal ullah is managing such attacks. This situation is alarming for Pakistan and there should be permanent solution. Question for our strategic forces "For what the hell they are waiting for and for What the hell we are spending budget over air force and military aviation?"
At least 200 militants crossed into Chitral district, where militant violence is rare, Saturday morning and attacked seven checkpoints run by the paramilitary Frontier Corps, two of which were overrun, the Pakistani military said.

There were conflicting reports about the numbers of Pakistani security forces and militants killed.

The Pakistani military said 25 paramilitary soldiers and police and 20 militants were killed in the fighting. But local police official Nizam Khan said 38 soldiers and police died along with nine militants.

Fighting was still ongoing Saturday afternoon, as Pakistan sent in reinforcements to drive the militants back across the border, the military said.

The militants chanted "God is great!" and "Long live jihad!" as they fought, said Capt. Abdul Ghani, a member of the paramilitary forces.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------

This is a big attack
^^^ Coz those Bloody Americans leave that area to taliban and withdraw theire forces from there.FCuking Politicians FCuking Army cheif we had.And Common people and our forces are dying bcoz of these @$$ h**********.

Why they dont Go inside AGhwanistan n FCuk all those Tajik and uzbuk.juSt 4 5 hours operation.few Cobra and and 1 F16 will be enough to clear that area.SOBs

We shall have that pleasure by doing it by hand,
Oh! you meant the folks attacking the posts.. Then Yes.. Absolutely..

I thought you were referring to Preemptive strikes on the American positions as some of your countrymen suggested..

---------- Post added at 05:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

Its funny how the word Preemptive strikes become an acceptable term when the terrorist attacks are on Pakistan ;)

You misunderstood me, I meant to bomb these attackers to hell!
How you gonna bomb people who do not have uniform and can just merge with the civilian population? It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
RIP. That is a big number. I hope Pakistani govt take necessary steps but I do not think it is an 'invasion' because it is not backed by Afghan govt. :disagree:
RIP. That is a big number. I hope Pakistani govt take necessary steps but I do not think it is an 'invasion' because it is not backed by Afghan govt. :disagree:

Afghanistan has also complained that Pakistan fired more than 750 rockets into eastern Afghanistan earlier this summer that killed at least 40 people.
The Pakistan army denied it intentionally fired rockets into Afghanistan, but acknowledged that several rounds fired at militants conducting cross-border attacks may have landed over the border.

More like a revenge attack

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