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Terrorists Attack Pakistan from Afghan Sanctuaries


Sep 7, 2010
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Militants from Afghanistan attack Chitral killing scouts and civilians.... more than 40 are killed....

this is outrageous.....:angry::angry::angry:
this is probably the sixth considerable invasion by these haram khor, american rats !!
^^^ Coz those Bloody Americans leave that area to taliban and withdraw theire forces from there.FCuking Politicians FCuking Army cheif we had.And Common people and our forces are dying bcoz of these @$$ h**********.

Why they dont Go inside AGhwanistan n FCuk all those Tajik and uzbuk.juSt 4 5 hours operation.few Cobra and and 1 F16 will be enough to clear that area.SOBs
I wonder why the Army has not Armed the bordering villagers, when they themselves cannot reach for their security, being their primary responsibility? and moreover, this isnot the first time, these rats have invaded no less than 5 times before...so no excuse is acceptable over criminal negligence either....

just do what it takes, why we are paying our tax to keep this army if it cannot secure our borders ???
Toll rises to 40 in cross border attack
Updated 2 hours ago

PESHAWAR: At least 40 soldiers of Chitral Scouts were killed and many others wounded when militants from Afghanistan attacked border checkpoints in northern Chitral district Saturday, Geo News reported.

According to local sources, a large number of militants launched pre-dawn attacks on several posts with rockets and heavy weapons.

Several rockets landed on the camps of Chitral Scouts and killed three soldiers initially, a toll which later rose to 40. Several others were injured.

Pakistani forces retaliated and inflicted heavy casualties on the militants, reports said.

According to local sources the Taliban attacked Pak-Afghan border checkpoints including Arson, Dameel Nisar, Bodebar and Mirkani.

Militants have blocked Arando Road near the Pakistani border area of Bodebar which is making retaliation difficult for Scout forces, sources added.

Chitral borders Afghanistan's Badakhshan province.
Toll rises to 40 in cross border attack
I saw that place called arandu which is the border and it takes 3 to 4 hours from Chitral to go there by road So no back up there for the scouts.And if they killed 40 plus scouts then you can imagine those M.FCukers figure.And how heavily they are equiped.
Where are those American Basterds Drones they cant see this ?

There will be a Pay Back time. In Sha ALLAH !!
I saw that place called arandu which is the border and it takes 3 to 4 hours from Chitral to go there by road So no back up there for the scouts.And if they killed 40 plus scouts then you can imagine those M.FCukers figure.And how heavily they are equiped.
Where are those American Basterds Drones they cant see this ?

There will be a Pay Back time. In Sha ALLAH !!

this is sickening, why not deploy some units there? why not heavily arm our villagers there ?? atleast they die with honour when these rats attack...
something has to be done about these attacks from afghan. this is really getting out of hand. these scumbags take refuge in afghan, rest, regroup, rearm, get prepared and launch attacks on Pakistani territory causing heavy losses. And where are the Afghan and NATO forces? they have zero control in kunar and likewise bordering towns. Or these attacks happen with their assistance and full knowledge.
And they will say that we should have secured our side of the border. A DMZ should be setup there, and anybody going through any point other than the designated crossing point should be shot straight on. This has gone too far.
something has to be done about these attacks from afghan. this is really getting out of hand. these scumbags take refuge in afghan, rest, regroup, rearm, get prepared and launch attacks on Pakistani territory causing heavy losses. And where are the Afghan and NATO forces? they have zero control in kunar and likewise bordering towns. Or these attacks happen with their assistance and full knowledge.

Its not out of control, but its awful how they easily penetrate into our territory and kill our citizens....

and obviously they have their master suppliers sitting in kabul guiding and monitoring their activities...

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