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Terrorists Attack Pakistan from Afghan Sanctuaries

Pakistan army should start firing rockets on afghanistan again after Ramadan ends in a few days.
I think its time to mine the border of Afghanistan . Pakistan Army needs to take the Hot Pursuit into the Afghanistan just like Americans do,
I think its time to mine the border of Afghanistan . Pakistan Army needs to take the Hot Pursuit into the Afghanistan just like Americans do,

Can't do that, it's a trap.
If Pakistan goes into hot pursuit we will loose moral high ground to protest the americans
and we will loose the logical grounds if India uses the same logic for hot persuit.
i believe that these attacks cannot be happening without american complicity. Our leaders should use what influence they have eg cutting their supply routes. How can we allow them routes when their actions are killing our jawans and pakistani blood is being spilt with american blessings
Pakistan army should start firing rockets on afghanistan again after Ramadan ends in a few days.

This is not the way out because there may be civilians not connected with these attacks, what we have to do is to make comprehensive and strict talk with ISAF forces in presence US commander & Afghan army and convey message to them either they will control situation or otherwise WOT could be effected negatively. While there can be manage joint operation in Nuristan and kunnar and Badakhshan because once Russian forces also conducted operation in Badakhshan against narcodealers so we also can conduct operation with NATO against these terrorists.
This is not the way out because there may be civilians not connected with these attacks, what we have to do is to make comprehensive and strict talk with ISAF forces in presence US commander & Afghan army and convey message to them either they will control situation or otherwise WOT could be effected negatively. While there can be manage joint operation in Nuristan and kunnar and Badakhshan because once Russian forces also conducted operation in Badakhshan against narcodealers so we also can conduct operation with NATO against these terrorists.

But when there are attacks on americans in afghanistan pakistan is blamed. So you are saying that these attacks from afghans have no external agencies encouraging them in your opinion
Chitral attack supported by NATO


Chitral-- Eye witnesses to the attack by militants on Pakistani border security posts at Arandu on Saturday, killing over three dozen soldiers, say they saw NATO helicopters and drone giving cover to the attackers. Some local persons also claimed that they heard heavy shelling and bombardment by NATO fighter planes, and helicopters on the posts of Chitral Scouts. Besides it NATO fighter planes and Gunship helicopters were flying over Pakistani air space at the time of the attack.

An officer of the district administration on condition of anonymity told this scribe that they had formally informed the government about the witnessed involvement of Afghan and NATO forces in the border attack. Meanwhile there is a feeling of anger in the people of Chitral for the government for not giving enough importance to the loss of lives of Chitrali soldiers and no high functionary of the government visited Chitral to condole with the families of the martyred soldiers.--GH Farooqi, 30 Aug 2011.

CHITRAL NEWS .. Latest News & Views from Chitral.
Attack in Pakistan kills 25 troops
ISLAMABAD, August 27, 2011

A large contingent of terrorists attacked three security check posts of Pakistan along the Durand Line at crack on dawn on Saturday, leaving 25 security personnel and 20 intruders dead in the exchange of fire that followed.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), 200-300 terrorists from Kunar and Nooristan provinces of Afghanistan attacked seven Frontier Corps check posts in Chitral. Two border posts were over-run by the terrorists and reinforcements were sent there even as fighting went on for several hours.

The Army is working on the assumption that this attack was staged by terrorists from Swat, Dir and Bajaur with the help of Fazlullah and Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, who took refuge in Afghanistan following military operations in their native areas.

Through this summer, such border incursions from Afghanistan have become a new irritant in bilateral relations.

Further, the Army pointed out that accurate intelligence about large concentration of terrorists from Pakistan and their local Afghan supporters in Kunar and Nooristan provinces had been shared with NATO and Afghan authorities but “no worthwhile action has been taken against the terrorists and attacks against Pakistani border posts have continued with impunity”.

The Hindu : News / International : Attack in Pakistan kills 25 troops

What the fcuk is the army and the airforce doing and more so this fcuking government of zardari doing? What kind of idiotic diplomacy is that which is leading to the killing of our soldiers on the border. If the army share accurate intelligence on large concentrations of terrorists with NATO and Afghan Authorities and they did nothing to stop it, why the hell cant we? First thing is first, its high time Pakistan should get rid of this ridiculous leader ship of ours, elections should be held and a new government should be formed. If not then the army should step in and throw the bastards out.

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