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Taslima Nasreen attacked in Hyderabad during book launch

Modi didn't personally go and behead muslims. He was a little less blatant than that. He got the police to turn a blind eye while brainwashed mobs did the work.

Neither did he openly talk about killing muslims.

If these MIM guys get power, they will be much worse than Modi and RSS. They will, as I said, make Modi look like domestic pets.

Lets enforce the law on the mid-level crooks for now. Then we'll talk about nabbing the big shots.

P.S. Inflating the figures won't fool anyone except yourself.

that's why pakistan was made to protect the muslim's from hindu mad men.:pakistan:
Hi Salahudin,

Sometimes the truth comes out in strange ways in a very unique manner----just like you stated----and I have always said that---and I am a firm believer that pakistan was created to protect muslims from the 'hindu mad men'. It truly was not created as a fundamental islamic state.
Marathaman that point would only be true if they had succeeded in destroying the country.

I would not have commented, but the events of the last few months, indicate that there is a suicidal instinct creeping up.

I am not praising Musharraf the person, but his policies have kept Pakistan in good fettle. The events of the last few months, which indicates that there is a mad rush merely for power amongst the political and judicial worthies, is doing Pakistan no good. And any instability in Pakistan will affect the neighbourhood.

National jingoism of the common man may bring glee at a neighbour's discomfort, but there is always a fallout which is not good for the country and the neighbourhood. This is what Indians and Pakistan must mull over instead of being perversely ecstatic.

I find it most humorous when I see the rant over Kashmir. That Kashmir will continue to be the status quo it is, is very evident. Pakistan can continue pumping in the terrorists. And India continue to keep its military on the borders and for COIN. And the politicians on both sides shed crocodile tears while the awam gloat at each other's brownie points! But the situation will continue the way it is.

While it is a huge brownie point to have madrassa trained terrorists (like La Mazjid ones) wreck up Kashmir and the world (terrorists attacks around the world), it is now come to haunt Pakistan. It is a case of cutting one's nose to spite one's face. The so called heroes (Taliban) has made FATA and NWFP practically independent countries. Baluchistan and NA are iffy and the sectarian rift requires no elaboration. Is that what Jinnah dreamt about when he addressed the Constituent Assembly on the same day as today 60 years ago? Is that what the Frontier Gandhi, Kahn Abdul Gaffar Khan visualise would be the Pastun areas when he gave up his demand of Pakhtoonistan?

Terrorism bodes no good for anyone or any country. Giving it as religious sheen only empowers the clergy to go berserk and punch drunk with their power over the gullible faithful!

No religion, to the best of my belief, eulogises terrorism or terror. Twisting the scriptures to suit one's desire for power is insulting the goodness of religion. As the English metaphor goes - A devil can cite the scriptures for his purpose.

Think it over.

Therefore, instead of wasting time jotting up the brownie points, it is better to coalesce the thaw in the relationship between both the countries and move forward. There are greater and more important issues to solve in both our countries.
that's why pakistan was made to protect the muslim's from hindu mad men.:pakistan:

And more Muslims get killed in Pakistan than in India? Whose duty is it to see that Muslims are safe in Pakistan? Do we need to divide it again.
Marathaman that point would only be true if they had succeeded in destroying the country.

How many coups, forced exiles, house arrests has Pakistan witnessed. Its not in the verge of collapse i agree, but not at all in an enviable position.
How many coups, forced exiles, house arrests has Pakistan witnessed. Its not in the verge of collapse i agree, but not at all in an enviable position.

And yet despite all the trials and tribulations, wars and external interference it is still there.....It speaks of firm foundations.
I would not have commented, but the events of the last few months, indicate that there is a suicidal instinct creeping up.

I am not praising Musharraf the person, but his policies have kept Pakistan in good fettle. The events of the last few months, which indicates that there is a mad rush merely for power amongst the political and judicial worthies, is doing Pakistan no good. And any instability in Pakistan will affect the neighbourhood.

National jingoism of the common man may bring glee at a neighbour's discomfort, but there is always a fallout which is not good for the country and the neighbourhood. This is what Indians and Pakistan must mull over instead of being perversely ecstatic.

I find it most humorous when I see the rant over Kashmir. That Kashmir will continue to be the status quo it is, is very evident. Pakistan can continue pumping in the terrorists. And India continue to keep its military on the borders and for COIN. And the politicians on both sides shed crocodile tears while the awam gloat at each other's brownie points! But the situation will continue the way it is.

While it is a huge brownie point to have madrassa trained terrorists (like La Mazjid ones) wreck up Kashmir and the world (terrorists attacks around the world), it is now come to haunt Pakistan. It is a case of cutting one's nose to spite one's face. The so called heroes (Taliban) has made FATA and NWFP practically independent countries. Baluchistan and NA are iffy and the sectarian rift requires no elaboration. Is that what Jinnah dreamt about when he addressed the Constituent Assembly on the same day as today 60 years ago? Is that what the Frontier Gandhi, Kahn Abdul Gaffar Khan visualise would be the Pastun areas when he gave up his demand of Pakhtoonistan?

Terrorism bodes no good for anyone or any country. Giving it as religious sheen only empowers the clergy to go berserk and punch drunk with their power over the gullible faithful!

No religion, to the best of my belief, eulogises terrorism or terror. Twisting the scriptures to suit one's desire for power is insulting the goodness of religion. As the English metaphor goes - A devil can cite the scriptures for his purpose.

Think it over.

Therefore, instead of wasting time jotting up the brownie points, it is better to coalesce the thaw in the relationship between both the countries and move forward. There are greater and more important issues to solve in both our countries.

This is the thing......Whilst most of you guys see instability and the chaos potential (which I am sure you didn't see when the ole BJP fruits were in power), I see the fact that there is still press freedom. Despite the various problems the judiciary still has sway. And the politicians are still playing their various games. I personally am glad there is at least someone who is keeping the ship stable.
Wasn't the 1971 political disaster, a case in the madmen of pakistan destroying the country?

Destroyed? It's still there in 2007 right? And sorry but if a another country involves itself thats hardly "self destruction"

Frankly I think the state of Pakistan at that time was inviable anyway. The separation did us a favour.....
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