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Taslima Nasreen attacked in Hyderabad during book launch

Modi didn't personally go and behead muslims. He was a little less blatant than that. He got the police to turn a blind eye while brainwashed mobs did the work.

Neither did he openly talk about killing muslims.

If these MIM guys get power, they will be much worse than Modi and RSS. They will, as I said, make Modi look like domestic pets.

Lets enforce the law on the mid-level crooks for now. Then we'll talk about nabbing the big shots.

P.S. Inflating the figures won't fool anyone except yourself.

If they get in power? right? Hindu extremist were in Gov last time and Gujrat happened and Muslims extremist have no chance of coming in to power in Hindu majority country. You should be worried about those extremist who are in power and get elected even after massacring.
**** off.. Ur rants are of no use in internet forum. Its amazing how trolls like are still around. It must be because of ur post account.
No it's because he doesn't curse on a PROFESSIONAL internet forum which is a sure shot way of getting yourself banned really quick.

He however does make a lot of useless posts of late and has pretty much decided that he's going to antagonize the moderator team who are feeling pretty much betrayed since they've tried to help him out a lot...

Yes. That was a stern warning for both of you on your transgressions.
If they get in power? right? Hindu extremist were in Gov last time and Gujrat happened and Muslims extremist have no chance of coming in to power in Hindu majority country. You should be worried about those extremist who are in power and get elected even after massacring.

We are my friend, we are. Don't worry about our country. Take care of yours first.

P.S. Its not massacring, its rioting. Two very different things.
If you want to know the root cause of these riots, go read up on the history of communal violence in Gujarat.
No it's because he doesn't curse on a PROFESSIONAL internet forum which is a sure shot way of getting yourself banned really quick.

He however does make a lot of useless posts of late and has pretty much decided that he's going to antagonize the moderator team who are feeling pretty much betrayed since they've tried to help him out a lot...

Yes. That was a stern warning for both of you on your transgressions.

And I agree, and it has to a lot to do with the unproffessional way the moderator group has handled lots of cases that i have personally reported, with a lot of bias, which is compeletly agaisnt the founding principle's of this forum. it is mostly because you havent done your job, in a numerous cases unlike the one above. Thank you. And I hope you will continue's this way, so as to bring good members like me who have lost thier way, to be back on track.
lol If u were serious then the likes of Modi should have been in jail by now and not in parliament.

Sorry to break it to you pal...but the world isn't the perfect paradise that its supposed to be.
Modi got elected by their own people only, contrary to many believes here people dont even know the regular clashes among the own Muslim factions in Gujrat which probably has claimed more life over years than a riot, the bahrelvi-deobandi divide/clash in Gujrat is stark, and the riot itself is not a one-sided tale.

I personally have dis-taste for the man and whole party after how they resulted in downtrodding of many policies in aftermath of nuke blasts and how they go overdrive over issues that effects least, but I have to admit he has done many right things in Gujrat probably under peer pressure of staying in election power, Gujrats growth was over 30% (aint kidding) and everyone benefited from it, unlike the commies who stays in power for 33 years and each year uses election rigging and mass slaughter of peasants, they have done much better job. You wont find Muslims as poor in Gujrat as you will in many other states, ofcourse they being poorest in Commie states.

Asim , the frustation of Adux is very simple, by bringing the victimisation card each time in each thread....do you want to see how that will look If I do the same in each and every thread regarding something else?
I have Hyderabadi Moslem friends including a Moslem officer.

I assure you that they are equally shocked.

MIM is a rabid organisation holed up in the Charminar squalor and hence is appealing to the lower sections of the Moslem society in Hyderabad.

Of course the MIM gives a bad taste in the mouth and are basically stupid!

The Moslem officer spoke to me today!


The IPC is applicable to all. It is the govt which is to be blamed for not applying it. The MIM is capable of stirring up a horrid scene. Owasi and his family should be sorted out since they are the one who make hay while the sun shines and capitalise on dividing the people for their political gains.

Politics is after all a lucrative business and so no politician likes to lose his hold!
I have never come face to face with death like this: Taslima

"For half an hour death stared at me from close as I locked myself in a room and those men tried to break in and kill me," a traumatised Taslima Nasreen said on Friday, a day after the controversial Bengali author was attacked in Hyderabad during a book release.

Nasreen is not new to either controversy or attacks by fundamentalists for her writings against Islam. But Thursday's vicious attack by members of the Hyderabad-based Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) was different.

"I was attacked earlier too but it was never like Thursday's attack. There was no police for help because the organisers had not foreseen anything of this kind. If I have returned alive to Kolkata it is because of mediapersons who fought those men for half an hour and got injured to save me," Nasreen told IANS in her first interview after the incident at the Hyderabad Press Club on Thursday.

A shaken Nasreen arrived in Kolkata on late Thursday from Hyderabad where she had gone to release a Telugu translation of her novel Shodh.

"I was wondering how they would kill me. Would it be with a knife or a gun! Or would they simply beat me to death. They had encircled us. After I escaped from a back door and took shelter in a room, they even broke down one of the doors. I thought I would be dead," said the 45-year-old writer.

"I have never come face to face with death like this."

Though Nasreen managed to escape unhurt, many others were injured.

"They were hurling chairs, bags and thick books at us. What you have seen on television was nothing compared to what happened on Thursday," said the writer at her Rawdon Street apartment in an upmarket Kolkata locality.

"The organisers were a small group and so they had not arranged for police. They hardly expected this to happen, I don't blame them. They were surprised but I knew who these people were and so I asked to call the police. But before police came, journalists fought them off and saved me," said Nasreen.

Nasreen, who has penned several volumes of her seven-part autobiography, had attracted the ire of fundamentalists in Bangladesh for stance against Islam, its treatment of women and atrocities on the Hindu minorities in that country in her novel Lajja (The Shame). She first went into hiding in 1994 and then fled Bangladesh with support from international human rights organisations like PEN and Amnesty International.

She was given asylum in Sweden. Since then she has lived in Germany, France, the US and later Kolkata in India, where she got a tourist visa though her requests for citizenship have been repeatedly turned down by the Indian government.

The attack on Nasreen came on a day when her visa, scheduled to expire this month, was extended by six months till February next year.

She is living in Kolkata following a fatwa issued against her by some Islamic groups in Bangladesh for her book Lajja.

"If I were a citizen of India perhaps people would not have thought that I could be killed just like that. The truth is that I cannot return to Bangladesh while returning to Europe is like courting death too. I can only live here in Kolkata," said Nasreen.

"I am happy that the people who attacked were actually a minority while there are so many people who supported me. The photographers could have just clicked as they killed me but they chose to save me."

"A similar incident had occurred in a book fair in Bangladesh but then thankfully police was near. In fact, the release of the book on Thursday had nothing to do with Islam. This is the translation of an old book of mine," said the hunted author, who is now penning a sequel to Lajja.

The new book continues on the fate of the Hindu family, who was the focus in Lajja, and their life in Kolkata. A book on her columns is also awaiting release.

Though the Left Front government in West Bengal condemned the attack on Nasreen on Thursday, it had banned her book Dwikhandito (Split in Two), the third volume of her seven-part autobiography, till a court order lifted it.
© Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times
The likes of RSS and Modi killed over 2000 muslims in Gujrat. Actually these muslim extremist look like pussycats when compared to ur elected gov.

Pussy cats where?

In the Lal Mazjid?
She has my complete support as a person who has the right to speak and the freedom of her views. Though I dont know and I dont care about her political views as long as it does not advocate killing any human being.
Its all just politics. The only reason Nasreen has been allowed to stay in India is because of our constitution and judiciary.

Left to politicians, she would have been jailed long before this to woo the vote banks, who are notorious for voting solely on the basis of religious bigotry.

If only people started voting to get a road built in their neighbourhood rather than prosecute an author who's books they have never read, and never will read.

Its ironic that people get so emotional just because someone tells them to. Reminds me of the Rushdie saga, where people got murdered over a book that had little to do with islam. Much worse stuff has been written about that religion. But those authors don't get fatwas.

It also reminds me of the shivaji book banning saga. People need to stop worshipping shivaji. He was a king, not a god, and he isn't beyond analysis or ridicule.

like you said to me this is pakistan forum not india forum we dont care what happen's in india.
all we wanna know is :pakistan: and that's it. you get it.
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