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Tarique against religion-based politics

Well @khair_ctg as you can see the conversation has gone exactly where such ridiculous conversations always go.

When you focus on racial history as you are so proud to do, it will inevitably lead to the above comparisons.

Unfortunately, you are too focused on race rather then nationality or religion. A nation or a religion is built of many different races, i'm afraid you need to be less simplistic in your outlook on our people and our culture.
Are you trying to say that Bangladeshis are Rajputs? Do you even know what a Rajput is? They are a Hindu warrior clan that inhabited the Rajasthan desert, only 3 out of the 36 clans married with Mughals and only the royals did it. They have nothing to do with Bangladeshis, what a stupid thing to say. Absolute retard.
if you have nothing better to do, why don't you dive into your Ganga jal? or go to Swayambhunath and try to mingle with it's tailed residents

Well @khair_ctg as you can see the conversation has gone exactly where such ridiculous conversations always go.

When you focus on racial history as you are so proud to do, it will inevitably lead to the above comparisons.

Unfortunately, you are too focused on race rather then nationality or religion. A nation or a religion is built of many different races, i'm afraid you need to be less simplistic in your outlook on our people and our culture.
my suggestion is you stay away from a discussion that you are uncomfortable with and you know you cannot deny its contents.

but by expressing discomfort at the very history of BD landmass and its inhabitants, you have rather done a good service for people interested to learn more about your types

what the heck is going on with this random face posting?
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if you have nothing better to do, why don't you dive into your Ganga jal? or go to Swayambhunath and try to mingle with it's tailed residents

my suggestion is you stay away from a discussion that you are uncomfortable with and you know you cannot deny its contents.

but by expressing discomfort at the very history of BD landmass and its inhabitants, you have rather done a good service for people interested to learn more about your types

what the heck is going on with this random face posting?

Lol, there are no others like me bro but you've made it quite clear how your mind works.

Sadly, racial prejudice and jamati bigotry aren't rare. Why is genealogy so important to you. All a person needs to do is look in the mirror or get a DNA test and their genealogy will become apparent. It still won't change your nationality.

You don't seem to understand my 'discomfort' at your line of thought. My issue is:

Perhaps in an effort to 'outclass' the Indians you have gone on a racial tangent. You cite our Persian, Arab, mughal, rajput history but fail to mention any others, in an attempt to airbrush history (which apparently you are just trying protect here). I don't mind that you are trying boost your nations pride, with reference to powerful ancestors. What I mind is that you are also devaluing the millions of poor non-Arab Muslims who are your countrymen. Do you not believe all Muslims are equal? Let alone the poor minorities

You are displaying misplaced imperialism my Chitagangi friend. Or shall I say you are too keen for reflected glory.

I won't say it again after this please be proud of being a Bangladeshi.
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I do not have to be a Jamaati to say that a county or a nation's history does not start with the foundation of a new boundary only in the recent past. The history of ts people goes past a few millenniums at least, since the time people started to live there.. We should not pretend our history started in 1947 or in 1971.

The current thread has a religious touch whereby the co-chairperson of a major party hints at not to involve politics with religion. So, naturally a few elements of religion including the foreign Muslim arrival in 1200s will automatically come to the fore.

Why some people should start opposing this? They should better leave this thread that does not suite well to their modern taste. No one should stop others from expressing his mind.
What does the Ganga have to do with this, we Rajputs have nothing to do with your people, stop trying to claim us and live with your adivasi identity.

Adivasi's are probably the people next door, we don't care about you Rajpoontanas.
Lol, there are no others like me bro but you've made it quite clear how your mind works.

Sadly, racial prejudice and jamati bigotry aren't rare. Why is genealogy so important to you. All a person needs to do is look in the mirror or get a DNA test and their genealogy will become apparent. It still won't change your nationality.

You don't seem to understand my 'discomfort' at your line of thought. My issue is:

Perhaps in an effort to 'outclass' the Indians you have gone on a racial tangent. You cite our Persian, Arab, mughal, rajput history but fail to mention any others, in an attempt to airbrush history (which apparently you are just trying protect here). I don't mind that you are trying boost your nations pride, with reference to powerful ancestors. What I mind is that you are also devaluing the millions of poor non-Arab Muslims who are your countrymen. Do you not believe all Muslims are equal? Let alone the poor minorities

You are displaying misplaced imperialism my Chitagangi friend. Or shall I say you are too keen for reflected glory.

I won't say it again after this please be proud of being a Bangladeshi.
this is national 'genealogy' being discussed. there isn't supposed to be any personal reference, although you and Mattrixx tried to turn it that way at one point.

the problem is you are saying clearly you have a problem discussing the historical racial diversity of this Bangladesh landmass. and right afterwards, you think ones who do not have a problem with that are less nationalistic than you.

whatever nationalism means, the kind of nationalism that is selective about its own historical ethnicities is no nationalism at all.

if you feel a discussion neglected a part of history, you should bring that up, instead of complaining about the part that was not neglected. i am yet to see you name groups or communities that i denied were part of the Muslim civilization.

indeed there were powerful ancestors in our history. and if you have problem with BDis mentioning them, you can simply leave this discussion. the Muslim civilizations were a product of both the powerful and the powerless, and also diversities in occupations and ethnicities and so on. this is the essence of what some members (including me) here concluded in the history threads.

but it's written all over this thread that you hate discussing Mughals (including the Hindu Rajput component) and Persians and anyone who migrated here from outside the subcontinent. this is the same as hating Bangladeshis and their history. if you claim to be one, you are only hating yourself that way.

your case is, you are particularly against the Muslim civilizations because of ideological reasons. you think, that by neglecting the non-indigenous influences of this region, we can be made to come closer to cultures that are without much non-indigenous influence. and this is similar to how powerful Hindus during colonial period attempted to remove cultural influences borne out of Muslim civilizations.
Could you stop mentioning us in your deluded rantings? We have nothing to do with your people, I have already posted pictures of politicians in Rajasthan and Haryana and no Bangladeshi can post a person who looks remotely similar to them. Just stop the BS please and keep your fantasies to yourself. Only Rajput royals mixed with Mughals and that 6 clans. Are you seriously saying that all 6 royal families that mixed with Mughals moved to Bangladesh? Stop being retarded, we look nothing like you people.

majority Pakistanis are high caste hindu convert muslims. they are not arabs :coffee:
this is national 'genealogy' being discussed. there isn't supposed to be any personal reference, although you and Mattrixx tried to turn it that way at one point.

the problem is you are saying clearly you have a problem discussing the historical racial diversity of this Bangladesh landmass. and right afterwards, you think ones who do not have a problem with that are less nationalistic than you.

whatever nationalism means, the kind of nationalism that is selective about its own historical ethnicities is no nationalism at all.

if you feel a discussion neglected a part of history, you should bring that up, instead of complaining about the part that was not neglected. i am yet to see you name groups or communities that i denied were part of the Muslim civilization.

indeed there were powerful ancestors in our history. and if you have problem with BDis mentioning them, you can simply leave this discussion. the Muslim civilizations were a product of both the powerful and the powerless, and also diversities in occupations and ethnicities and so on. this is the essence of what some members (including me) here concluded in the history threads.

but it's written all over this thread that you hate discussing Mughals (including the Hindu Rajput component) and Persians and anyone who migrated here from outside the subcontinent. this is the same as hating Bangladeshis and their history. if you claim to be one, you are only hating yourself that way.

your case is, you are particularly against the Muslim civilizations because of ideological reasons. you think, that by neglecting the non-indigenous influences of this region, we can be made to come closer to cultures that are without much non-indigenous influence. and this is similar to how powerful Hindus during colonial period attempted to remove cultural influences borne out of Muslim civilizations.

I am afraid when you read what you've written back one day, you will see that all the gibberish you are spouting came from your own mind. Asking for honesty is not the same as denying the past, however many times you say it.

There are several threads on Bd genealogy. Why do you need to hark back to that subject to make your points in every thread. You are using history for political point scoring and because you have no other points to make.
I am afraid when you read what you've written back one day, you will see that all the gibberish you are spouting came from your own mind. Asking for honesty is not the same as denying the past, however many times you say it.

There are several threads on Bd genealogy. Why do you need to hark back to that subject to make your points in every thread. You are using history for political point scoring and because you have no other points to make.
point being made was around that Mattrixx made some strange flip flop on his views on an important historic personality of this region. it contained serious ignorance and some hatred about his very own background. i hope that answers your misconception of me using this history discussion towards the thread topic. i think this history discussion is rather not very linked to the thread topic. i'm not sure what your asking of me. but you have alleged that i have been selective about which part of history is being discussed. i am telling you again that if there is any history neglected, start discussing it (in this thread or a more relevant thread) instead of criticizing members for the history that is not being neglected. instead of doing that, you just showed your opposition to any history being discussed because somehow it does not go with Bangladeshi nationalistic identity

i have one post here more relevant to the thread topic expressing full opposition to a secular system. what is needed is inclusivity and politicians with utmost commitment to BD's self-determination. a Muslim-majority country like BD with its history simply cannot demand a secular system. although an actual secular system would have been much better than the highly anti-Muslim nature of Bangladesh since the early 1970s, with its seeds sown much earlier.
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i am Bangladeshi and muslim and i consider our national journey started with the delhi sultanate and not just from 71. However i am also secular.... the government should not favour anyone on the basis of religion... I do not see secularism being in opposition to the essence of Islam.....

Understanding of essence of secularism and Islam is distorted in some peoples mind..... secularism in its essence is that a citizen is equal is the eyes of the law...

It also means anyone can hold any political view. As long as BAL, BNP or Jammat conduct themselves within the law there should be no issue. There is nothing wrong with political parties peddling an islamist agenda however as long as it is within the law.... radical secularism defined by BAL as against Islam is as damaging as Islamist reaction to such warped secularism.....

both these radical camps of uber secularist and uber islamist tends to throw the baby out alongside the proverbial bathwater....

It is time for BD parties to become mature and not allow themselves to be lead in to a corner where the rhetoric becomes ever shrill..... in the core of it where it truly matters the economy and defense the three main parties policies are the same....

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