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Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

I guess it will be back to normal for the Taliban, you know the usual, oppressing women so they can feel manly, destroying schools and harping about their Islamic credentials.
Do you even know the loyalties of most of the ANA and ANP, ABP & ALP? Hashmat Ghani says hello!

A complete talk over is doubtful. ( No, I do not know the loyalties of each section of ANA. What I know it is an army unit under command of officers)
Yeah....I know what you mean. Idiots were gonna be in charge (or various warlord factions of idiots). You figured best your own idiots. As an American....I understand that logic.

This also explains Pakistan's reluctance to "do more" every time NATO asked.

Pakistan surely knew the ground realities, as opposed to the PR fiction, all along. It also knew that NATO would pack up and leave one day, and Pakistan would be left to sort out the mess next door.

Whether the Taliban are morally good, bad or ugly, Pakistan had to hedge its bets -- satisfy NATO to some extent on the one hand, and not antagonize the Afghan Taliban too much on the other hand.

Pakistan's priority is to exterminate the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) and Pakistan will need cooperation from the Afghan Taliban to do that.
This also explains Pakistan's reluctance to "do more" every time NATO asked.

Pakistan surely knew the ground realities, as opposed to the PR fiction, all along. It also knew that NATO would pack up and leave one day, and Pakistan would be left to sort out the mess next door.

Whether the Taliban are morally good, bad or ugly, Pakistan had to hedge its bets -- satisfy NATO to some extent on the one hand, and not antagonize the Afghan Taliban too much on the other hand.

Isn't it a huge problem for Pak? if they came to power in Kabul, will they lend a helping hand to their brothers-TTP?
Isn't it a huge problem for Pak? if they came to power in Kabul, will they lend a helping hand to their brothers-TTP?

It's unlikely Taliban will ever become the official government in Kabul, unless they work out some deal with the Americans.

As for TTP, that's the big unknown and the reason Pakistan wants to make sure the Afghan Taliban are not too pissed off at Pakistan.


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Yes, I am willing to take that bet mate.
As Karzai said "This time we are not going to suffer alone, if we suffer again, we will make the whole region suffer with us"

So my friend, you neither hope that the Taliban comes back.

And i can guarantee it to you, that it ain't gonna happen.

First big test, the 2013 fighting season was won by ANA.
the reason for USA failure in afghn is pretty evident. they performed worsed than the soviets, USA hasnt been involved in any work in afghan. they pumped 80 billion dollars yet nothing in afghanistan is visible other than the booming kabul and some roads
Well, we saw that coming in 92. Not a prediction, obviously democracy is far from reaching Afghan. Even if it does, are we forgetting the prophecy. Though these are some of my own observations.
You got your facts mixed up here. There are two categories of the Taliban. One is the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani and Co) that Pakistan is covertly supporting so they take over the reins in Kabul and the second category is the TTP or Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan that is fighting the Paksitan Establishment for their own personal agendas.

So, Pakistan's grand design would have been fulfilled if they are able to install a puppet government in Kabul consisting mainly of their 'friendly' Afghan Taliban. But they will continue to wage COIN ops against the TTP who are their real enemies.

You are like the only Indian who knows the difference and sees what Pakistan is betting on.
As Karzai said
So my friend, you neither hope that the Taliban comes back.

What makes you think I want Taliban in Afghanistan? Do you have a brain? I spent a year training ANA... Why would I want Taliban to ruin the work the WORLD has done to improve Afghanistan?

But I cannot stand these "nationalistic" lies your government is feeding you, and yes they are lies, your army and security establishment is a farce. Sorry to break it to you.
Taliban will rape karzai and his regime , just wait and watch , you think taliban are fighting without any support from any strong country ? what CIA did with Russians , now Russian are doing same with USA , usa will go from Afghanistan like a loser and humiliated that peoples who lives in cave have defeated two big super powers , you can never win a war when there is religious sentiment is involved , for those who think pak and afghan Taliban are same , they are not , PAk taliban call themselves as under afghan talibans but that something not true, and once Afghan war is over , pakistani taliban will be naked in front of whole pakistan because then they will have no reason to attack in pak , if they continue , than pak peoples will support fully to pak army to bomb these bastard and flash out their entire population like cockroaches ...Afghans will never let American to win this war , and even after WW2 which war can be called as American victory ? vietnam , afganistan , iraq , somalia they are doing nothing but wasting their poeples money on arms and their fleets in middle east , this war destroy the economy of many countries and now even all nato countries wants to take their troops out from this mountainous land , even American soldiers are committing suicides . its best for USA to leave this decision on afghans to decide what is good for them , i hope Pak and ISI will also not interfere in afghan process ,

drone will hunt them day night without any mercy

5 kills in drone and 15 more fighters created in collateral damage.
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