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Taliban take control of Ghazni and US Air force twitter handle lied lol

Unconfirmed reports of MI-17 helicopter shot down.
Sounds like infighting... where US is helping Iranian puppy Northern Alliance with Isis.
Whereas Afghan Pashtoons are fighting the war of their survival, as usual against the odds.
Sounds like infighting... where US is helping Iranian puppy Northern Alliance with Isis.
Whereas Afghan Pashtoons are fighting the war of their survival, as usual against the odds.
Lol but USA is saying iran is allied with Taliban I think you don't read news? Dreaming again.
Lol but USA is saying iran is allied with Taliban I think you don't read news? Dreaming again.
I do read and i also read that when ever Pashtoons (labeled Talibans) start to over come Isis, Iranian puppy Northern Alliance air lift Isis out of situation using US funded helis. which is serious, nothing to lol.
Usa also said that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism, lol you only like the news which suits you
I was talking to the guy in the post above he seems bit confused with geo political alliances. Now regarding pakistan supporting terrorism is a very strange statement because it is in USA law not to negotiate with terrorist and USA is in talks with Taliban before blaming anything on Pakistan and arguing, first we have to decide that are Taliban under US law terrorists
Please first decide who is Iran with Taliban or ISIS

Only few days back.... i read that Isis was evacuated by Afghan govt. when they were loosing battle against Pashtoons.
I don't care what Press TV and its puppy Afghan Regime says.
Actually you should ask your question to US and Iran... if they they are against each other than why they kill Muslims shoulder to shoulder in Iraq & Afghanistan?
Why US keep its eyes closed on free movement of terrorist from Pakistan & Afghanistan all the way to Syria!
I was talking to the guy in the post above he seems bit confused with geo political alliances. Now regarding pakistan supporting terrorism is a very strange statement because it is in USA law not to negotiate with terrorist and USA is in talks with Taliban before blaming anything on Pakistan and arguing, first we have to decide that are Taliban under US law terrorists
If they are not then why USA is their in A-stan in very first place? The guy above you have replied got the point but you started to counter him with such statements by mentioning those sources that if we use few other claims of that same source then you change your opinion regarding to your own source.
American Army is busy smoking hashish, it seems. Perhaps, Taliban talked them out of striking at them. :lol:
If they are not then why USA is their in A-stan in very first place? The guy above you have replied got the point but you started to counter him with such statements by mentioning those sources that if we use few other claims of that same source then you change your opinion regarding to your own source.

Guy above me is saying USA and Iran are working together well I think he needs medical attention. Because he is saying Trump is working with Iran? Are you giving me same story?
Sounds like infighting... where US is helping Iranian puppy Northern Alliance with Isis.
Whereas Afghan Pashtoons are fighting the war of their survival, as usual against the odds.

Sounds like the Tet offensive, the days of Afghan gov are numbered. More anarchy and blood shed will follow in Afghan land and more refugees for Pakistan , sigh.

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