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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

Asian University for Women in Chittagong took in almost 600 Afghan women via scholarships.

Some of these women went to Harvard and Cornell as well on scholarship. This university takes in women for education who otherwise could not get one, such as apparel workers on full scholarships.



Asian University For Women

May 11 ·
Asian University for Women (AUW) has committed to bring 600 new Afghan students out an applicant pool that is nearing 10,000. AUW does not view its commitment to Afghan student as a “humanitarian action,” simply because “saving” 600 souls in a land of 40 million cannot rise to an act of that import, but simply as a way to keep a significant group of Afghan women at the forefront of a knowledge seeking endeavor so that when the time is right they too can make a contribution in rebuilding the country.

The arrival of 600 new Afghan students at AUW will distinctly alter the demographic composition of AUW. Afghans will form a majority of our students. Certain individuals have already voiced concerns about that change. AUW Founder Kamal Ahmad says that such a change can only add to the power of an AUW education where students drawn from a majority community must learn to live where they are no longer numerically dominant.
In the meantime, we are pleased to share the following story of AUW students now attending Georgia State University. Please let us know if you would like to help in any way.


Besides Afghan women, women from Rohingya and other Asian backgrounds, women from disadvantaged families in and around Bangladesh (seven sisters) are also encouraged to apply.

Sabina Yeasmin who worked in a ready-made garments factory outside of Dhaka, graduated from #AUW this year. While at AUW, she was elected as President of the Student Government and she created a social enterprise focused on the menstrual health of ordinary workers. Hear her story as she presents it to TEDx!

A truly gargantuan and humbling effort.....
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Mullah have no authority in Islam.
Brother, this is Pakistan. We are so shameless that we twist our beautiful religion only to get what we want. So many of our people refuse to study Islam themselves and then become susceptible to brainwashing by these power hungry mullahs pretending to be men of God.

It is a serious suggestion, it has happened without any problems, girls adjusted and are happy. Punjab is in Pakistan and you know there are many people outside that province who may have some same culture and rituals minus the nonsense backwardness.

Bilal bhai,

Asian University for Women in Chittagong took in almost 600 Afghan women via scholarships.

Amazing article. Thanks for bringing it to our notice.

And nation raping, **** producing generals are less evil in your eyes?
I would normally say yes but since our generals have also played the religion card, they are just as bad. There's nothing worse than twisting a religion to further one's selfish goals.
It is disappointing to keep on hearing this argument that the Afghans brought in on themselves. As if the Taliban came to power through democracy. How does civilian population resist an armed takeover of the country? They are neither trained in arms nor organized as a force. Even assuming that the men where sympathetic to the Taliban, what about the women? Where is their choice in all this? So basically the writ of rifle toting anarchists and the silence of some men seals the fate of 50% of the population? Even more than 50% because I am sure that there many sensible Afghan men who want their women to study
You're right. I've seen people defend the Taliban here. Or just saying stuff like "they're just very religious people".
Taliban and the NAto are the same..so dont paint yourself civilised and proper. We know what you did in abu gharaib and gitmo. Look at what Christianity has done in Africa South America and the Americas. Natives were killed mercilessly.
Taliban are no different from the crusading knights templers who spit roasted Jewish kids and ate them to show how fierce they were. This is history and barbarity went hand in hand. Humans are bad period.
Taliban and the NAto are the same..so dont paint yourself civilised and proper. We know what you did in abu gharaib and gitmo. Look at what Christianity has done in Africa South America and the Americas. Natives were killed mercilessly.
Taliban are no different from the crusading knights templers who spit roasted Jewish kids and ate them to show how fierce they were. This is history and barbarity went hand in hand. Humans are bad period.
What "we" did? Americans ran Abu Ghraib. Which by the way,used to be one of Saddam's worst prisons.

Second,those who went who colonized Africa and the Americas,didn't do it for Christianity,but for money and the expansion of their empires. Unlike the Taliban who do everything in the name of Islam.

Third,spit roasted jewish kids and ate them could be just an exaggeration. Could be true,but could also be false. Besides,you suddenly care about jews? Oh no you don't. You talk bad about them all day.

Fourth,if humans are bad then go live with animals.

You just had to take out your fanatic "anti-white" sentiments again. You always mumble about how much you hate white people,Christians,Westerners,NATO,Europe etc.
When religion meets state, the US arent exactly angels but at least women in afghanistan could study....
Second,those who went who colonized Africa and the Americas,didn't do it for Christianity


Manifest Destiny tied religious themes to the expansion and settler-colonialism of indigenous land in the Americas.

Manifest Destiny tied religious themes to the expansion and settler-colonialism of indigenous land in the Americas.
First,they wanted the gold and the expansion.

Besides,let's not talk about Islam and expansion...
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