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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

The problem is that these people don't actually follow Islam, they just want to use Islam as a weapon. My point is to take that weapon away from them.
So your problem is Islam, got it...
The Taliban minister of Hajj and religious affairs is behind this. Irony is his kids go to school in Pakistan and study here. Many TB ministers and higher ups have their children and daughters in Pakistani schools.
This is a horrible move and can’t be justified.

Its funny seeing feminists mad. You have to admit it bro.

Banning schools > Girls doing OF.

Muslim women do not face the same hostility in other muslim nations. This is purely Afghan tribal culture stopping education for women. The same cultural mentality is also prevalent across the border in Pakistan.

Women in Pakistan face extreme hostility overall.

Good, now open university admissions for Afgan jalabis only. Deport all the useless kuni scum and let them bum **** each other in their Afganduistan.

Its funny seeing feminists mad. You have to admit it bro.

Banning schools > Girls doing OF.
True. A lot of anti Islam munafiqs who act like Muslims expose their true colours with stuff like this. TB ban girls education due to their own reasons that can’t be justified using Islam but these munafiqs go on an anti Islam spree. Btw before anyone replies to me I’m not talking about pdf, it’s directed more at Twitter.
It’s fun pissing off feminist but moves like this give them more legitimacy and make their propaganda stronger so they use it to guide more people astray. This stuff is literally what these feminists and anti Islam elements want. They want opportunities to spread their fitna so they get happy when we give them one. Yes they rant online but they get their views because of their rants. They get their bread and butter off that. Such moves gives them more to use as propaganda and increase their following. It lowkey strengthens them.
Best way to piss off feminists is using Islam to prove their fitna wrong. Best way to piss them off is guiding their misguided followers.
We have to cut the head of the snake, not feed the snake and let it grow bigger.
True. A lot of anti Islam munafiqs who act like Muslims expose their true colours with stuff like this. TB ban girls education due to their own reasons that can’t be justified using Islam but these munafiqs go on an anti Islam spree. Btw before anyone replies to me I’m not talking about pdf, it’s directed more at Twitter.
It’s fun pissing off feminist but moves like this give them more legitimacy and make their propaganda stronger so they use it to guide more people astray. This stuff is literally what these feminists and anti Islam elements want. They want opportunities to spread their fitna so they get happy when we give them one. Yes they rant online but they get their views because of their rants. They get their bread and butter off that. Such moves gives them more to use as propaganda and increase their following. It lowkey strengthens them.
Best way to piss off feminists is using Islam to prove their fitna wrong. Best way to piss them off is guiding their misguided followers.
We have to cut the head of the snake, not feed the snake and let it grow bigger.
I agree. We need to cut the head of the feminist snakes by giving women right!!
They will be so mad if we do that!!
We should all be working towards this goal!!
Mullah have no authority in Islam.
Then why do Muslims give them authority and not speak out against them? the people who speak out against regressive Mullahs are a fringe, the blatant support for the Taliban from "educated" users on this forum for one makes that clear

Muslim women do not face the same hostility in other muslim nations. This is purely Afghan tribal culture stopping education for women. The same cultural mentality is also prevalent across the border in Pakistan.
How about Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq?
Pakistani universities have become hub of drugs narcotics **** and homosexuality instead of learning innovation and education. millions of degree holders are jobless. might as well close them. it will save a lot of revenue
How about Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq?
It is about male dominance in the Afghan Pashtun culture. Nowhere else is there hostility to female education.

Hijabi university professors in the Muslim world are commonplace, few even wear full Niqab.

Seems the Taliban are determined to ruin any chance for afghans to build a better future,

Now 50% of their population will be uneducated , not to mention all those female teachers who would not be able teach afghans the basic , like reading and writing.

Afghanistan already has one of the highest rates of illiteracy in the world , now they want tp make this even worse.

I apologize in advance for stating the obvious.

Religion is for people to improve themselves and better their connection with all creation , and by doing so maybe even inspire to some connection with the Devine.

It is certainly not about some bearded bullies , forcing their primitive understanding of religion on others.

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