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Taliban Armour and Artillery in Action, Prelude to a Major Urban Assault

Same advise to this Afghan woman ?

The last time I prayed was many years ago. But religious discussions are prohibited on the forum.

We should remember that during the socialist governance there the women could actually be free and also there was an Afghan cosmonaut who went to stay for some days aboard a Soviet space station. How's that for progress ?

Flown by who ?

The Taliban is primarily a nationalist, regressive force. You must be referring to fights between Taliban and ISIS.

Please read of the incident I quoted above with the woman, Khatera. This is the coming fate of Afghans under the Taliban.

you can copy and paste articles concerning your feign condemnation of injustice regards women in Afghanistan , but closer to home you support the injustice against your own kind .
hypocricy at its finest .

Five rapes have been reported in the past 36 hours in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, including one victim who was allegedly gang-raped in a police station for failing to pay a bribe. Another one was hanged from a tree. “The sub-inspector accused of committing the rape of the woman has been put under arrest while we have launched a manhunt for the three constables accused of being party to the crime,” a spokesman at state police headquarters said. The woman who is accusing the police had gone to the station to get her husband released. The latest rape cases come after international outcry when last month, two girls, aged 12 and 14, were gang-raped, lynched, and hanged in their village after using a field to go to the bathroom.
This is the state of your own country who’s treatment of women and girls is by far worse than anything occurred in Afghanistan .

we are diverting off topic which is your aim so I’ll leave this for you here

Taliban Executes two Men on Charges of Rape, Robbery
Taliban Executes two Men on Charges of Rape, Robbery

The incident has taken place at Juma Bazar area on Khak-i-Safid district, the provincial officials have confirmed.
In a video clip released on Friday, the militants claimed that the two individuals were involved in theft and had raped a woman on Farah-Herat highway.
The two individuals were executed
Yet inside you mourn their defeat. You are confused :lol:

Where is the confusion ? My position is clear : NATO has fulfilled its objective of ensuring that a regressive movement ( the Taliban ) will rule a Muslim-majority country instead of a progressive movement ( like the SPA ). That has been NATO's agenda since the 1950s for every progressive Muslim-majority country. In recent years that has been the game plan for Libya and Syria.

Taliban Executes two Men on Charges of Rape, Robbery
Taliban Executes two Men on Charges of Rape, Robbery

The incident has taken place at Juma Bazar area on Khak-i-Safid district, the provincial officials have confirmed.
In a video clip released on Friday, the militants claimed that the two individuals were involved in theft and had raped a woman on Farah-Herat highway.
The two individuals were executed

Sure, Afghan women are tingling in excitement that the Taliban is going to rule them.
Where is the confusion ? My position is clear : NATO has fulfilled its objective of ensuring that a regressive movement ( the Taliban ) will rule a Muslim-majority country instead of a progressive movement ( like the SPA ). That has been NATO's agenda since the 1950s for every progressive Muslim-majority country.

Sure, Afghan women are tingling in excitement that the Taliban is going to rule them.

get it in your Indian head they don’t want to drink alcohol wear mini skirts and have illicit relations , all the things you promote which has no bearing or any kind of promotion in Afghanistan . Please leave them alone and promote your enlightenment to your own kind .

can you now post as your a bearer for women rights , the hundreds of videos available where afghan women (wives,mothers,sisters etc ) send thousands upon thousands of afghan young men to fight the oppression from the godless savages who are trying to wipe out their culture honour and religion .

but you won’t as it doesn’t fit in your godless agenda .
get it in your Indian head they don’t want to drink alcohol wear mini skirts and have illicit relations , all the things you promote which has no bearing or any kind of promotion in Afghanistan . Please leave them alone and promote your enlightenment to your own kind .

Did I say I drink alcohol or want to see women in mini-skirts cavorting in public ?
Where is the confusion ? My position is clear : NATO has fulfilled its objective of ensuring that a regressive movement ( the Taliban ) will rule a Muslim-majority country instead of a progressive movement ( like the SPA ). That has been NATO's agenda since the 1950s for every progressive Muslim-majority country. In recent years that has been the game plan for Libya and Syria.

Sure, Afghan women are tingling in excitement that the Taliban is going to rule them.
You are so removed from reality that it’s funny. As if SPA was ruling when NATO invaded.

Neither they or any leftists mattered when the invasion started, nor they mattered during the occupation, nor will they matter post occupation.

You are mourning the loss of a horse that was never even in the race.
Did I say I drink alcohol or want to see women in mini-skirts cavorting in public ?

I never said you drink but I’ve read your replies regarding burka in past threads so know what you promote .

This is going off topic the thread but you can google where afghan women are active in the Taliban
It’s all on google . Here’s an extract from the times of London :

The Kalashnikov hangs on the wall, hidden beneath a winter coat. Mahmuda, 32, takes it down, pulls up her flowing blue burka and sits cross- legged on the floor. She lays the weapon across her lap, strips it down and begins cleaning the parts. “Be careful,” whispers her sister-in-law Jawida, who sits nearby cradling a baby.
“It’s no problem,” Mahmuda replies. “I know how to do this. My husband taught me so that I can shoot when the enemies come.”

Mahmuda and Jawida are married to Taleban fighters in the restive Ghazni province of Afghanistan, a few hours south of Kabul. They are known as “mujahedda”, the female version of Mujahidin, or holy warriors as the Taleban call themselves.

You are so removed from reality that it’s funny. As if SPA was ruling when NATO invaded.

Neither they or any leftists mattered when the invasion started, nor they mattered during the occupation, nor will they matter post occupation.

You are mourning the loss of a horse that was never even in the race.

What about during the "Afghan jihad" of the 1980s when NATO brought anti-Left fighters from all over the world into Afghanistan ? Surely SPA's ideological predecessors were the governance. That was part 1.

Part 2 of NATO has been now to ensure that it is Taliban that will form the government.

Also, I don't understand your sympathy for Taliban.
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What about during the "Afghan jihad" of the 1980s when NATO brought fighters from all over the world into Afghanistan ? Surely SPA's ideological predecessors were the governance. That was part 1.

Part 2 of NATO has been now to ensure that it is Taliban that will form the government.

Also, I don't understand your sympathy for Taliban.
They just exploited a situation created by a Soviet invasion. An invasion that should not have happened in the first place. An expansionist and supremacist invasion that was the last in a series that started in Central Asia.

The point is not sympathy or lack there of for Taliban. The point is all invasions and foreign interventions are regressive by nature.

Let the Afghans deal with their problems and evolve their own solutions. There is no secret formula and silver bullet to success. Every nation has a right to evolve on their own.

That must have been in earlier years but in recent years the half-hearted endeavor against the Taliban has manifested itself in things like openly run Taliban camps where its special forces units exercise. There was a photo thread on PDF about such a camp.

Well it would be beneficial if you had posted the link of PDF thread you mentioned regarding Taliban Camps...

Anyways, before even going to the semantics of how preposterous your assertion of the military campaign by the Allied forces being "half hearted" is...I would like you to pause and think logically of the following listed statistics of the Afghan Conflict:


Now tell me from the Allied forces perspective how ridiculous and insulting it would sound for them to know that they have sent their loved ones to fight and die in a war which is "by design" not meant to fight
to achieve its "main objectives"....?

What about the troops surge...? I mean do you really want to increase the number of troops in a war which you are fighting "half heartedly"....


I mean how gullible the military elite of other Countries are to commit to a war to be fought "half-heartedly"...


And as I said the USAF was ferrying Talibs to fight in the Syria war against the Syrian government forces.

You should start writing fiction novels... do you have any reference links to support such statement....?

Bottom Line is that the people of Afghanistan never had in the history accepted a foreign invader... when history of Afghan Wars are written it will be noted somewhere in conclusion that:

"You CANNOT Win a War in Afghanistan on the basis of superiority in number of soldiers, war tactics nor in superior weapons technology... BUT to the readiness to give your life ... to Afghans death is better than living a life in humiliation"

This is what the Taliban Shadow mayor have said in an interview with bbc:

"We are ready for anything," says Haji Hekmat. "We are totally prepared for peace, and we are fully prepared for jihad." Sitting next to him, a military commander adds: "Jihad is an act of worship. Worship is something that, however much of it you do, you don't get tired."
The Western backed terrorist-Baboons masquerading around as Mujahideen are as fake as the Western claim to be democratic who dispense liberty, equality and justice for all. I find no difference between Nusra/HTS/AQ and those parasites on Wall Street - New York City, Canary Warf - City of London, La Défense-Paris and Paradeplatz - Zurich.

Itar Tass
2 JUL, 14:56
Lavrov excoriates Kabul, NATO over IS making territorial gains in Afghanistan


© Ramil Sitdikov/POOL/TASS

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. The Islamic State (IS, outlawed in Russia) terrorist organization is swallowing up territories in Afghanistan amid NATO’s withdrawal from the region and an irresponsible approach by a number of officials in Kabul, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday.

"It is important to shine the spotlight on Afghanistan, where IS members are actively concentrating their forces, and they do so, taking advantage of an irredeemably drawn-out process of hammering out real peace negotiations. We are worried about this, because IS is actively acquiring territories - mostly in Northern Afghanistan, right on the borders of countries that are our allies, amid the irresponsible behavior of some officials in Kabul and amid the hasty withdrawal of NATO, who is unable to report the achievement of at least some goals," he said.

Lavrov noted that Russia holds consultations with CSTO member states in order to ensure security in Central Asia amid IS’ ramped-up activities.

"Of course, we seek to persuade political circles about the need to stop dragging out the negotiation process, and that agreements on a transitional government must be achieved," the top diplomat noted. "We are also doing it within the so-called ‘extended troika’ of Russia, China, the US and Pakistan."

NATO’s pullout from Afghanistan began on April 29, and it is supposed to end this fall, based on an agreement between the US and the Taliban.

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