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Taliban announce women must cover faces in public, say burqa is best

It means they still allow Niqab,


Compared to this one

Most don't.

And by the way, going to the gym and exercising is not solely for looks, but to be healthy. I could list out the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic exercises, but I'd rather you googled them up.

Come on, being healthy can be done by brisk walks and by gentle swimming and occasional badminton. Shouldn't mean being fashionably thin or worse muscular. I have actually wondered to a charming girl in a company I used to work for some years ago, that she looked thin and she put on a bright smile and I asked her why she was being happy and she said she had worked towards being that way and I told her that girls should aim towards looking natural, like the lovely Nigella Lawson. Full formed.

All this thing about exercises and being thin and muscular is really a Capitalist scam to make money for the multi-billion dollar healthcare foods industry, sports clothes industry and gym equipment industry and of course ably but sadly promoted by the film industries in most places.

Someone who has never even picked up the Quran has no right to tell others what islamic is or isn't.

I have actually though read bits of it to prove points to a few on PDF. And I have posted legal translations for subjects like marriage law and inheritance law.

To deranged islamists calling pakee women prostitutes for not wearing what they want them to wear
Here's my message

Listened to the first few seconds. My ears are burning.
I hope you feel the same about our women prostituting in front of other men with the common revealing wear in Pakistan, not to say anything they wear in countries outside Pakistan.
What the Taliban are doing is extreme, women are required to wear Hijab and as per some interpretations, to wear Niqab when around men who are not their husband, father or brothers.
So definitely the covering of the whole face is something on the extreme end and definitely not what is required in Islam and has more to do with the Pashtoon culture which is mostly based on ignorance.
But what our "Muslim" women end up wearing in general where the curves on their bodies are all visible and where they are wearing make up and going out in front of men who do not qualify the above-mentioned, are just as ridiculous and extreme and have nothing to do with Islam.

She is wearing Niqab which is required of her being a Muslim when she steps out in front of strange men.
It's not the same as a full face cover which Afghans force their women to wear.

You must be ashamed of your lack of knowledge on the faith you "claim" to follow.

I have never ever in my life seen y'all call half naked men prostitutes (they can be models, actors who come and show abs for a pakistani perfume or underwear ad, or just an Instagram post)or even criticized them - ever

Society laps them up, what's up with these double one side doesn't wear burqa and becomes a literal prostitute while man run around butt naked and that's alright or atleast no one gives a shit
I believe they should encourage and educate women to wear Hijab or Niqaab but not force them. This is their way of life and culture so I don't see how outsiders should have any problems.

In the western world you are not allowed to enter clubs if your not dressed smartly, at times your not allowed to enter bowling places if you wear trainers, your not allowed to enter offices if your not smartly dressed with trousers and shirts.
Everything that happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan

IEA's strict Islamic policies may gather them respect in parts of Pakistan, especially Pashtun dominated areas.

@jus_chillin What do you think? I reckon just them following strict Sharia could sway public opinion of Pashtuns in favour of even joining Afghanistan
It is physically impossible for a woman to become "muscular"

In deference to our female member here ( @ayesha.a ) I won't post pictures but hard arms and legs, hard mid section, hard upper section... Not very feminine.

I have never ever in my life seen y'all call half naked men prostitutes (they can be models, actors who come and show abs for a pakistani perfume or underwear ad, or just an Instagram post)or even criticized them - ever

Society laps them up, what's up with these double one side doesn't wear burqa and becomes a literal prostitute while man run around butt naked and that's alright or atleast no one gives a shit

Exactly ! And these hypocrites eagerly watch half-naked male boxers or bodybuilders. What is that !
I have never ever in my life seen y'all call half naked men prostitutes (they can be models, actors who come and show abs for a pakistani perfume or underwear ad, or just an Instagram post)or even criticized them - ever

Society laps them up, what's up with these double one side doesn't wear burqa and becomes a literal prostitute while man run around butt naked and that's alright or atleast no one gives a shit
A man's awrah is different though, a lot more space for leniency
I have never ever in my life seen y'all call half naked men prostitutes (they can be models, actors who come and show abs for a pakistani perfume or underwear ad, or just an Instagram post)or even criticized them - ever
Society laps them , what's up with these double one side doesn't wear burqa and becomes a literal prostitute while man run around butt naked and that's alright or atleast no one gives a shit
Man and women were created differently.
In deference to our female member here ( @ayesha.a ) I won't post pictures but hard arms and legs, hard mid section, hard upper section... Not very feminine.
Such low body fat is unsustainable or Photoshopped, otherwise to get muscular like men do a woman needs to abuse steroids in doses higher than men.
In deference to our female member here ( @ayesha.a ) I won't post pictures but hard arms and legs, hard mid section, hard upper section... Not very feminine.

Exactly ! And these hypocrites eagerly watch half-naked male boxers or bodybuilders. What is that !
A hypocrite calling others hypocrite. What has this world come to. Look pal if you hate Islam so much why don't you convert to hinduism?

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