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Syria war: Germany suspends upgrade to Turkey tanks

Year is 1095, the Seljuks bear the attack of the crusades all by itself.

This is similar repeat of history!
Just a few things have changed.
Wait we had an upgrade program with the Germans for our Leopards? Dont we have our own solution by now.
So Germany want to sell Tanks that shouldnt be used against pkk, in which world are they living if i may ask?

We need the Altays asap, better with some different Engine than MTU, hopefully this will accelerate the project.
This is the reason why all Muslim countries need independent defence system. The west uses them not to just make money but for long term control
Turkey is developing Ataley MBT then why not use Ataley's sub system for upgrading Turkish Leopard ?

A sudden twist just found.
Germany defers decision on modernization of Turkish "Leopard 2" tanks: report
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-26 07:24:47|

BERLIN, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The German government has postponed a decision on whether it will approve the modernization of German-manufactured "Leopard 2" tanks employed by the Turkish military, the magazine SPIEGEL reported on Thursday.

SPIEGEL cited information that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had reached a decision to defer the issue until after a new government had been formed.

"The Federal Government is very concerned over the military conflict in northern Syria", Gabriel told SPIEGEL. He added that it was "clear" for the current cabinet that it could not allow arms exports into "areas of tension."

In freezing the modernization program, Berlin gave in to mounting public pressure to halt deliveries of military technology to Turkey immediately after reports suggested that German-made tanks were being employed during a Turkish offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria.

The Turkish government previously expressed a desire to have its "Leopard" tanks upgraded by German manufacturer Rheinmetall. At the time, Gabriel had told press that he saw "no reason" why Berlin should not grant its NATO partner Turkey such a request.

Turkey was quick to express its disgruntlement over the news of a change in circumstances on Thursday. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevluet Cavusoglu said that his country expected "support and solidarity from ally Germany."
Wait we had an upgrade program with the Germans for our Leopards? Dont we have our own solution by now.

The Turks would naturally want to upgrade their Leopard tanks to the latest variant. It makes perfect sense because it not only increases the longevity, but also enhances the performance, efficiency and adds the latest features to an already great tank. An upgrade is nothing more than improving the quality of a product and patching up existing vulnerabilities.

The up-gradation should be seen in a separate context as opposed to having an indigenous tank project. Turkey should join hands with Pakistan and produce a good tank. This would benefit both Pakistan and Turkey. Pakistan has gained a lot of experience and know how over the years in producing tanks. Pakistan and Turkey need to join hands in the field of tech and trade. It is a shame that we are scratching the surface in this regard.
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You are crying rivers and obviously avoiding the counter question because you know the answer is quite humiliating.
I don't know what you're talking about but I'm not crying, I am not avoiding your counter question, I am saying your question is wrong. Try to answer this: "Why do you have autism?" If your answer is "I don't have autism in the first place", I could reply to you like you replied to me, "why are you avoiding the question?".

You said "Turkey seeks the upgrade because these are good tanks", this isn't an answer, or even a reason.
I don't know what you're talking about but I'm not crying, I am not avoiding your counter question, I am saying your question is wrong. Try to answer this: "Why do you have autism?" If your answer is "I don't have autism in the first place", I could reply to you like you replied to me, "why are you avoiding the question?".

You said "Turkey seeks the upgrade because these are good tanks", this isn't an answer, or even a reason.

Why don't you just shut up and mind your own business. Stop crying now.

You have developed a habit of poking your nose into matters you know nothing about. You are lost. You need to go a Hindu forum.
And don't you have your AKKOR for that?

Why do I feel like you're just trying to have the last word?

Why am I feeling that you are just desperate to poke your big nose in every matter that doesn't concern you?
You have developed a habit of poking your nose into matters you know nothing about. You are lost. You need to go a Hindu forum.
Given the fact that you stopped "debating" and don't even mention the argument of the thread anymore I believe you're the one who knows nothing about that matter.
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