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Syria Al Qaedea declar war on Hezbollah/Shia/IRan

But they are supposed to be ideologically similar? Why they are fighting with each other??? Strange that even Hamas and AL Queda does not believe in brotherhood concept???

Man you don't have a clue of what you are talking about. Al Qaeda and Hizbullah are like oil and water, they don't mix well.

Why your media may lie to you?Here's the reason:

Indian police denies any Iranian involvement in attack

Convinced? When you search for sources,you better dig deeper.

You didn't answer me, I can employ an Indian who needs money to do a dirty job, can the world blame Indian government?Believe me,it's the easiest thing to do.

Answer me,why the hell would Iran target a worthless Israeli ambassador in India,one of its main trading partners? Why not in a less important country? Have you ever thought that maybe Mosad was behind this to make India cut relations with Iran? Have you ever thought why the diplomat stayed alive? If this was a governmental organized job,then why the hell this amateurish behavior? Why sticking the bomb on the trunk of the car like retards?And thousands of more questions.
Hopefully, other Indians are wiser than you in this regard,as I have spoken to them.
لا أهتم بحزب اللات
do not care about hezbolat
Hassan Nasrallat distorts the Koran
حسن نصر الات يحرف القرآن
i see u don't notice these
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Why your media may lie to you?Here's the reason:

Indian police denies any Iranian involvement in attack

Convinced? When you search for sources,you better dig deeper.

my friend, did you even bother to read the article of the link which you posted. if NOT, then let me highlight what it actually says.

Delhi Police has denied that it has come to any conclusion yet regarding the involvement of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the February 13 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in the national capital

The judicial request refers to Kazmi's interrogation to say that he has been working in "close cooperation" with Sayed Ali Mahdiansadr and other members of the IRGC for over a decade now. The LR says, "In January 2011, he (Kazmi) went to Iran on the call of Sayed Ali Mahdiansadr and had meeting with Mahdiansadr and Mohammadreza Abolghashemi. The issue of attacks on Iranian scientists by the Israelis and targeting of Israeli diplomats was discussed in the meeting".

In fact, the LR to Iran clearly reflects the assumption that the five Iranian citizens Delhi Police is looking for in connection with the February 13 attack worked with Mahdiansadr of IRGC to carry out terrorist attacks in Georgia and Thailand.

The LR also says that the attack in Delhi was part of a larger plan to target Israeli diplomats.

if you have the right comprehension skills, you will realize that, the police NEVER denied Iranian involvement, they said that there is only lack of conclusion amounting from lack of progress in investigation. And on top of that, the question here is about direct involvement of 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)', and the police has only said that there is no concrete evidence to prove the direct of involvement 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)', it never said that the attack was not done by Iranians,the fact that Iranians were involved is been proven beyond any doubt.

go through my previous links, the same source which you are quoting here, the very same source has also has listed all the names of the Iranians who were involved in the attack, is that not what you asked for in the beginning, and the police never said that names of those mentioned were actually innocent, and that Indian media quoted the names of the wrong persons for the attack. And the names of the persons mentioned, they all have fled back to Iran right after the attack, which is clearly mentioned in the article, if you had cared to read.

and i don't need to dig deeper, the information is all over the net and is freely available.

You didn't answer me, I can employ an Indian who needs money to do a dirty job, can the world blame Indian government?Believe me,it's the easiest thing to do.

apply logic, if you employ locals, you will leave behind hell lot of clue, and these clues will be enough to pin down the culprits, it might seem the easiest thing to do, but at the same time it is the dumbest thing to do, if you don't want to leave any finger prints behind. Employing locals will only increase the risk of the masterminds getting caught, and the report says that the alleged attackers have fled back to their home country, if they had employed locals, they cannot take them to their country, nor can they completely hide their identity.eventually , the locals involved will be caught, who will reveal all the details of their mastermind in no time.

Answer me,why the hell would Iran target a worthless Israeli ambassador in India,one of its main trading partners?

right question, however, this same question has become the pain in *** for everyone.

Why not in a less important country? Have you ever thought that maybe Mosad was behind this to make India cut relations with Iran?
could be a possibility, however, I'm not convinced that Israelis will stoop to that level. To attack one of their own?.. Israelis will never do this.

Have you ever thought why the diplomat stayed alive?
not a good question,as it is, the story is in the media. the diplomat suffered burns, and the people around there had rushed to the scene and the fire was put off immediately.

If this was a governmental organized job,then why the hell this amateurish behavior?
Why sticking the bomb on the trunk of the car like retards?

I have heard that Israelis had planted bombs to cars the same when they were targeting Iranian scientists, and, the bomb in question here was not some dumb-*** bomb prepared by a retard, it was reported that bomb was of highly sophisticated nature.
if you are asking about 'amateurish' job, then let me say the other way, the security is pretty robust every where, specially where the diplomats live, so you cannot expect an man with Kalashnikov to walk and do the job, on the other side, everyone was surprised that the attackers had managed to target the diplomats in such a high security zone, and the job was not 'amateurish' at all.

you have raised the right questions, even i have the same questions,if you had read my first post, i clearly mentioned that up until now, i had considered Iran as a friend of India, and now, the claim of the police that attack was actually carried out by Iranians came as shock to me as much as to you, I'm not anti Iranian, i have Iranian friend, and i have met several Iranians in India who were on vacation here, and, i have to admit that Iranians are very friendly and sociable people.totally opposite to what is displayed in western media.

anyway, lets end this debate here, i wish Iranians all the best.I never said anything against Iranian people,it was the govt and military, and many Iranians despise their current govt, never understood why you are defending your govt so vigorously.
my friend, did you even bother to read the article of the link which you posted. if NOT, then let me highlight what it actually says.

if you have the right comprehension skills, you will realize that, the police NEVER denied Iranian involvement, they said that there is only lack of conclusion amounting from lack of progress in investigation. And on top of that, the question here is about direct involvement of 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)', and the police has only said that there is no concrete evidence to prove the direct of involvement 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)', it never said that the attack was not done by Iranians,the fact that Iranians were involved is been proven beyond any doubt.

go through my previous links, the same source which you are quoting here, the very same source has also has listed all the names of the Iranians who were involved in the attack, is that not what you asked for in the beginning, and the police never said that names of those mentioned were actually innocent, and that Indian media quoted the names of the wrong persons for the attack. And the names of the persons mentioned, they all have fled back to Iran right after the attack, which is clearly mentioned in the article, if you had cared to read.

and i don't need to dig deeper, the information is all over the net and is freely available.

apply logic, if you employ locals, you will leave behind hell lot of clue, and these clues will be enough to pin down the culprits, it might seem the easiest thing to do, but at the same time it is the dumbest thing to do, if you don't want to leave any finger prints behind. Employing locals will only increase the risk of the masterminds getting caught, and the report says that the alleged attackers have fled back to their home country, if they had employed locals, they cannot take them to their country, nor can they completely hide their identity.eventually , the locals involved will be caught, who will reveal all the details of their mastermind in no time.

right question, however, this same question has become the pain in *** for everyone.

could be a possibility, however, I'm not convinced that Israelis will stoop to that level. To attack one of their own?.. Israelis will never do this.

not a good question,as it is, the story is in the media. the diplomat suffered burns, and the people around there had rushed to the scene and the fire was put off immediately.

I have heard that Israelis had planted bombs to cars the same when they were targeting Iranian scientists, and, the bomb in question here was not some dumb-*** bomb prepared by a retard, it was reported that bomb was of highly sophisticated nature.
if you are asking about 'amateurish' job, then let me say the other way, the security is pretty robust every where, specially where the diplomats live, so you cannot expect an man with Kalashnikov to walk and do the job, on the other side, everyone was surprised that the attackers had managed to target the diplomats in such a high security zone, and the job was not 'amateurish' at all.

you have raised the right questions, even i have the same questions,if you had read my first post, i clearly mentioned that up until now, i had considered Iran as a friend of India, and now, the claim of the police that attack was actually carried out by Iranians came as shock to me as much as to you, I'm not anti Iranian, i have Iranian friend, and i have met several Iranians in India who were on vacation here, and, i have to admit that Iranians are very friendly and sociable people.totally opposite to what is displayed in western media.

anyway, lets end this debate here, i wish Iranians all the best.I never said anything against Iranian people,it was the govt and military, and many Iranians despise their current govt, never understood why you are defending your govt so vigorously.

I'm not defending anyone,I'm asking logical questions.
You say Israelis wouldn't target one of their own? That's naive,you don't know what governments are capable of that life of a person does not even count in the middle.You really think Intelligence agencies can't employ locals to do the job? Have you ever read the dirty jobs all intelligence agencies have done in the world?
Who benefits the most?Iran doing something that leads to relation cuts with one its main partners?Or Israel doing an inside job that makes Iran lose an important partner under these sanctions?
Whatever the government in Iran is,it's not a suicidal one.It follows its own interests,like every other government, and killing a worthless Israeli ambassador is not one of them.
Indian police has not reached a conclusion,and you are changing your view towards Iran before it?without any proofs and verdicts?Indian police has not also reached the conclusion that Mosad was behind it,so let's just wait what will they say.If it was proved that Iran was behind it,then say whatever you want and I will agree with you.

Now let's end the discussion here.
anyway ... why we should target some bitches in India .... !?

Israel would replace them with another bitches in 1-2 day(s) ....


if you have proof , show it ... if you hadn't then don't post Off topic .......

All these claims are based on anonymous cop which may or may not exist, while police officially denied it, have you never encountered massive and fake USrael propaganda yet? Then you in for a ride, I have seen so many fake claims, involving the biggest news agencies, what to speak of hooking up one or two Indian journalists.
several details have already emerged, and that India has shared with Iran, more proof will only emerge if Iran allows the Indian investigation to continue , they have not done so, Indian investigators repeatedly asked for permission to carry out the investigation process in Iran and have been asking the Iranian govt to share details, and up until now, the Iranian govt has refused to share anything and has been denying the permission.

I'm sure Iran will help in legitimate investigation (they even send a team to India to help), and deny witch hunt, to which Israel and US are heavily pressuring India to.

show some balls and talk like a man, the rape cases happen all over the world, including Iran, if they are not happening in Iran, i think Iran needs to be given a noble prize every year for that. US has the highest rape cases in the world, nearly 230 women suffer sexual abuses in UK alone -everyday, and the figure is of 2007, and that too, nearly 80 % of the cases go unreported. when did i blame the common Iranian people, i pointed finger at the military of Iran and the govt, you being an Iranian is fine, i don't have any problem if you support your govt, but there are clear signs of Iranian military involvement . talk sense, there were reports of involvement of Iran military in the attack and i have highlighted it, if you any other source provide it and debunk my claims. when did i say that all Iranians are suspect here.

You are confusing so many things:

1. What you seem cant understand, you cant blame the entire country for what few guys do, regardless of nationality and committed crime.

2. I'm not Iranian, I just see too many fake allegations involving so called "West enemies", i.e. Iran, Syria, etc.

3. You dont have any evidence IRGC is involved, nobody does - only USrael are pushing India to this direction, without any evidence, as usual.

Recent similar example: fake Saudi diplomat assassination plot in US. The highest US politicians and attorneys, even president, claimed they have evidence Iran is involved. Iran asked for that evidence - US suddenly went silent, because they havent any. Not to speak their own US experts and CIA agents laughed at that plot as ridiculous.

Then we have US court finding Iran guilty for 9/11. Outside of yet another absurd allegation, what evidence do they have? None.

And yet we have "for truth" guy, who blindly believe what media is saying... Seriously, media? Even officials and courts can be 100% politically motivated and operate on 100% fake allegations, what to speak of some media.
In a nutshell both of them fight against any one who is non Muslim people and non muslim nation....Do you feel that they have anything different than that?

Come on Lebanon Christians support Hezbollah more than Iran support them
I see that you support Alqeada and support their war against the resistance...... hmmmm

i don't support al qaeda and i don't believe that hezbolat is a resistance and distorts the Koran like that so they may rust in hell @Syrian Lion do u watch the video
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Well , we have some news that IRGC observe the situation and even if Syria government fall we can created an Alavi group to protect Alavi and maybe Christian ( if they want ) ....

well , we don't except more brainless puppet of KSA and Western ( AlQaede and Slsafis and Wahhabi )

if they didn't was there , Western have no excuse to come to region in first place ...

Actually, Iran is less welcome in the region than any other country in the world. The vast majority of Syrians already consider Iran and it's terrorists as enemies. Iran has no power to even protect itself right now from being bullied and sanctioned, and the old Syria which was an Iranian route to support and create terrorist groups has gone. You can supply the Syrian regime with missiles, but how many those have killed 1000? 2000? no problem as 80 million of Iranians are paying the price and millions of them are and will prefer death over the poverty and need. As I said before all Iran got from it's support to this regime is loosing the war and more and much tougher sanctions. Enjoy it...
now comes the good al qaida and bad al qaida arguments from west. how long it will take to common man understand that all these radical organizations are proxies of elites to sever their agenda
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