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Supermods: Elmo and Oscar!

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Not sure about Elmo (haven't seen too many of his actions), but really like Oscar as a mod. Congrats to both.

oh Birbal bhai badaaam khao why bringing shame to the name of that great genius?

Elmo is a She...
T-Faz,Sparklingaway,Adios Amigos,TaimiKhan.Blain2..
All of them are rarely here..
New mods are much needed..But saying that..The forum too has become much mature and well behaved than it used to be..
and members know how to behave..Most of the professional and full time trolls have been got rid of..and new ones are mysteriously dispatched without much noise.

well, it happen here many times......after some members get promotions (i.e moderators, think tank, super, some recognized members, etc). And then few months later, they became cool and decline posting. Rarely to participate few years. (i.e TechLahore, Zakii, Aerounuts, etc)

Irfan Balouch is next.....maybe tired of workload of this forum responsibility.....:enjoy:
I am scared :confused:

Both are named after Sesame Street characters! "><
Congratulations, PDF needed more mods!!
I want to change my name to some sesame street character ... this will help me become a moderator :devil: ... Kiya khayal hai doston ...

Congrats to both ... they contribute the best and always good to read ...

wht happened to the old ones???
"Super mods" thats new for me didn't know we had that i guess i kow now lolz kahir... never the less both do a awsome job congrats and keep up the good work guys :)
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