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Strong message of Vietnam in the South China Sea

Background and border tensions
The deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations in the late 1950s and early 1960s resulted in tensions along the 4,380 km (2,738 mi) border between China and the Soviet Union. A particularly serious incident occurred in May, 1962, when 60,000 ethnic Uyghurs in China's Xinjiang Province crossed the frontier into the Soviet Union, fleeing the desperate economic conditions. Beijing immediately accused the Soviets of subverting the Uyghur population, a charge that was later supported by some Chinese historiography, though never independently verified....
....Border conflict of 1969

The number of troops on both sides of the Sino-Soviet border increased dramatically after 1964.
On March 2, 1969, a group of Chinese troops ambushed Soviet border guards on Zhenbao Island. The Soviets suffered 59 dead, including a senior colonel, and 94 wounded. They retaliated on March 15 by bombarding Chinese troop concentrations on the Chinese bank of the Ussuri and by storming Zhenbao Island. The Soviets sent four then-secret T-62 Tanks to attack the Chinese patrols on the island from the other side of the river. One of the leading tanks was hit and the tank commander was killed. On March 16, 1969, the Soviets entered the island to collect their dead, the Chinese held their fire. On March 17, 1969, the Soviets tried to recover the disabled tank, but their effort was repelled by the Chinese artillery. On March 21, the Soviets sent a demolition team attempting to destroy the tank. The Chinese opened fire and thwarted the Soviets. With the help of divers of the Chinese navy, the PLA pulled the T-62 tank onshore. The tank was later given to the Chinese Military Museum...:enjoy:


This is why vietnam still a very very backward and poor country instead of working toward the future most of you guys still living in the past :fie:
This is why vietnam still a very very backward and poor country instead of working toward the future most of you guys still living in the past :fie:

Our enemies destroyed our country: France, USA, China.:smokin:
Not simply a border conflict, the more important is the way the Chinese did with the Russians. I think that they were too aggressive and badboy in the eyes of Russians....

embaressing reading this post america not only a badboy but evil empire in most of your vietnam eyes but yet you guys could nt wait to kiss their asssss :rofl:

We leave the past but do not forget it. The past shows your human in the present and future.

agreed so our past must be good then as our economy is destine to become the number 1 in the world cant say that about vietnam though:rofl:
embaressing reading this post america not only a badboy but evil empire in most of your vietnam eyes but yet you guys could nt wait to kiss their asssss :rofl:

agreed so our past must be good then as our economy is destine to become the number 1 in the world cant say that about vietnam though:rofl:

That you should ask your Deng. How did he kiss assss U.S?
That you should ask your Deng. How did he kiss assss U.S?

you viet troll just dont have logic in your posts my replied was direct at your stupid comment Not simply a border conflict, the more important is the way the Chinese did with the Russians. I think that they were too aggressive and badboy in the eyes of Russians....
embaressing reading this post america not only a badboy but evil empire in most of your vietnam eyes but yet you guys could nt wait to kiss their asssss :rofl:

agreed so our past must be good then as our economy is destine to become the number 1 in the world cant say that about vietnam though:rofl:

Two badboy, but china is more uneducted, lies, and stupid.

you viet troll just dont have logic in your posts my replied was direct at your stupid comment Not simply a border conflict, the more important is the way the Chinese did with the Russians. I think that they were too aggressive and badboy in the eyes of Russians....

Recognize the truth and accept it as your fellow wanglaokan, I'll give you a similar compliment.
Two badboy, but china is more uneducted, lies, and stupid.


Holly cow your viet trolls posts are getting more and more retard, ever heard of how shanghai kids rank first and america rank about 25 in a recent education test?

Recognize the truth and accept it as your fellow wanglaokan, I'll give you a similar compliment.

are you talking about yourself and yes you viets really need to work hard on that
Holly cow your viet trolls posts are getting more and more retard, ever heard of how shanghai kids rank first and america rank about 25 in a recent education test?

are you talking about yourself and yes you viets really need to work hard on that

China signed UNCLOS but refused to obey, kidnap our fishermen for payment. Only uneducated, bad boy do it.
I'm talking about the truth that Russia is never your allies and your real friend. You are a badboy in their eyes. Do you understand that?

LOL at another stupid post, first of all you not russian dont speak on their behalf fool number 1, secondly you dont have real friend or allies so dont talk as though you know what is real friends and allies fool number 2, finally did i claimed russia is our truth friend or allies? all i m saying was we are having a good relationship now like we support each other in the un.
China is doomed to be the leader of Asian, no power could stop us. Gas and oil make Vietnam loose it's mind to challenge china, without any chance to win.

I'm talking about the truth that Russia is never your allies and your real friend. You are a badboy in their eyes. Do you understand that?
Russia will do nothing against china if we kick your butt like what happened in 1979.

China only has one real ally, Pakistan.

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