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Station Chief of RAW Prakash Sinha Assassinated by Unknown in Kabul

Taliban and Afghan security forces are the target for Daesh. They are truly the forces of Afghanistan. They should fight Daesh as it is a true terrorist force.
Similar fantacy news was spread by pdf fanboys last year when Pakistani military official gone missing in Nepal.

I was following the time line of this rumor,
It started from here :


Then picked up by (Who else?) Zaid Hamid

Previously, the tweet image had a inset picture of a random guy. Actually an egytian killed in 2009 or so as picture of 'station chief' but then when people found out, it was hid quickly with the 'RAW' logo.

Obviously, usual suspects in PDF went gorilla over the news. Armed with tweets they claimed retribution for some dead leader and goats and greens were waved liberally. No one bothered with what really happened.
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^^ Best you can do, burn him in the supposed afterlife. :omghaha:Hellfire and stuff. You can do jack in real life.
Lol. Trump’s own doctrine.
America does this because it thinks that its untouchable, we need to hit it back, hit them where it hurts the most! They r yet to fight a war in their own soil.

They will surely crumble like ton of bricks!
First of all what raw is doing there do u here that any secret agency have sation chief in other country

I think it is good that our spy agency retaliating dont cry you start creating mess u get what it will deserve no hard feelings

USA and russia keep caughting each others spues but never cried like india do

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