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Somali Pirates Say They Are At " War With India "

we dont need to arm them ,they are enough for indian navy:pakistan:

Oh man then dont know what they would have done to PN because it was indian navy which did operation trident and operation phython.... You might be thanking god that Indian navy is around to save you guys from them unless if you guys plan to be allies

Oops Prism........... :D Oh ok we are doomed....
Oh man then dont know what they would have done to PN because it was indian navy which did operation trident and operation phython.... You might be thanking god that Indian navy is around to save you guys from them unless if you guys plan to be allies

Oops Prism........... :D Oh ok we are doomed....

Even i felt stupid the same way in another thread :P
Death by hanging??..i thought they were made to walk the plank....well mate we have become more civilized now....as of now according to me terrorist deserve to hanged and as for pirates since they aint has bad as terrorists as of now they dont deserve a death penalty.

I believe that was for crimes committed abroad ships at high seas like mutiny.

Anyways as no navy seems interested in 'terminating' them (other than Russians of course) and arresting them is causing legal complications, how about releasing them. 100 miles from Antarctica seems like a good spot.
I believe that was for crimes committed abroad ships at high seas like mutiny.

Anyways as no navy seems interested in 'terminating' them (other than Russians of course) and arresting them is causing legal complications, how about releasing them. 100 miles from Antarctica seems like a good spot.

That seems logical not cruel :devil: just to show that we care a bottle of water each will come in handy in the frozen wastelands lol!!
Would love it if Somali pirates storm Mumbai like 26/11 and whoop world's 5th powerful country's .It will be a fun watching it live courtesy hyperventilating Indian Media along with popcorns :devil:
Woul love it if Somali pirates storm Mumbai like 26/11 and whoop world's 5th powerful country's .It will be a fun watching it live through hyperventilating Indian Media.:devil:

Your country has been getting raped front and centre on an every day basis and the situation is likely to remain exactly how it is. I find your comment extremely funny. :tup:
Would love it if Somali pirates storm Mumbai like 26/11 and whoop world's 5th powerful country's .It will be a fun watching it live courtesy hyperventilating Indian Media along with popcorns :devil:

What a disgusting creature. I pity your existence, you waste of life. How dare you support the killings of innocent people. Sick. :angry:

No matter how much I dislike pakistan I would never ever support the loss of innocent lives.
Would love it if Somali pirates storm Mumbai like 26/11 and whoop world's 5th powerful country's .It will be a fun watching it live courtesy hyperventilating Indian Media along with popcorns :devil:

uhhh...seriously? You want robbers and thieves to murder innocent people? Real classy my man, I hope the indo-pak leadership structure doesnt have too many people of your ilk.
Would love it if Somali pirates storm Mumbai like 26/11 and whoop world's 5th powerful country's .It will be a fun watching it live courtesy hyperventilating Indian Media along with popcorns :devil:

Your country is in such a shitty situation cause of people like you....and if people like you remain in Pakistan then sorry to say theres no hope for your country....and BTW now we are a 1000 times better prepared to deal with stuff like this even more effectively.
Somali Pirates Say They Are At " War With India "

According to the Wikipedia, Information Dissemination is a weblog covering international and United States naval affairs. It was founded in 2007 by Raymond Pritchett, who edits it under the pseudonym “Galrahn”, and has been called “one of the most-read Navy blogs”.

Under the title, “Somali pirates Target India”, this web log has disseminated the following report on April 16, 2011:

Somali Pirates Say They Are At War With India – Analysis « « Eurasia Review Eurasia Review

I think Its Time To declare All out War against Those Pirates ,
Navy along With Marine Commandoes should Carry out Initial operations at Somali coast -
Will be a good ' Military Excercise '. ;)

If needed Maybe Para Comm and Air force should come In action too.

Up for a little muscle flexing are we?

You will attack mostly innocents on the coast and play into the hands of the pirates.
Such exercises tend to have a lot of military, economic and political repercussions; i think your government will not make such a mistake.

Best way is to handle it via Navy.
India unnecessarily involved herself in this pirate hunting- the royal navy has let go of the pirates once they were arrested- the Pakistani navy made them escape their waters- but India has to arrest them- take photos of them with their hand tied- had to take them home- put them on trial for SHOW OFF- this is what happens when you try to become machos and are ill prepared to deal with nachos--

Now the pirates have declared war on mighty Indian navy only- what a shame for IN to be ridiculed by the pirates like this-

Catch them -- release them...

Well are they playing Hide and Seek ? :rofl:

BTW I admit IN made a mistake in taking prisoners - they should have just made them shark food and moved on.

Thanks God- you guys have Pakistan to stop you- other wise with attitudes like these- and close resemblance to Aryans- i definitely see a Hitler in you- You talk about killing of a human being as you kill a cow to eat it-

Offtopic - but why exactly is then you AF bombarding the shyt out of FATA ?

Why don't you negotiate with the Taliban, pay them some ransom and let them be happy.

We need to bargain with them. We cant put lifes of hostages at stake. And pirates are not terrorists, why not release a few with warning.

Wow..Just Wow !!!

So it is the birth right of the innocent "Pirates" to hijack the ships at random, kill the hostages randomly and do that stuff ?

Nothing wrong with that. 5 years or so in Indian jail is good enough deterrent.

Actually more will come just to go to the Indian Jails which are better than their shythole of a country.

Assured food, and assured security with Bollywood movies once every week and more importantly NO punishment as the legal process will itself take decades.
all the hostages will be released, negotiations are going on, sending a navy ship at Somalian coast was just to put some pressure on the pirates. "good cop, bad cop" theory works everywhere
Make pressure, or give up the pirates. I mean we will mesh with Al Quida. India don't have security like USA. We should play safe.
India seems to a have serious problem on hand with these damn pirates not even that it has also become a probelem for Pakistan its a very unease sitation on hand GOD help us. :coffee:
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