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Should we accept Sweden into NATO?

Should we accept Sweden into NATO?

  • YES - Sweden should gain the trust of other member countries of the union with the steps it will tak

    Votes: 26 44.1%
  • NO - If Sweden is to continue supporting terrorism, it must get along with Russia

    Votes: 35 59.3%

  • Total voters
This is the official statement of the Swedish Left Wing party (which against joining NATO)

The Left Party says no to Swedish NATO membership. Military freedom of alliance is the best choice to ensure the country's security.

Sweden has a long tradition of military freedom of alliance. NATO membership is associated with great uncertainty. We would risk being forced into wars and conflicts that we do not want to take part in. Nor do we think that Sweden should be part of a nuclear alliance, which NATO is basically. NATO membership also makes it more difficult to pursue an independent foreign policy with credibility. As NATO members, we end up in alliance with countries that we want to be free to criticize, such as Turkey and Hungary.

Military self-determination gives us the greatest possible freedom of action, which increases security.

Sweden should be non-aligned because it makes our country safer and reduces the risk of being drawn into war. The Left Party wants a strong defense and cooperation with other countries, but we must decide for ourselves our defense and security policy without tying ourselves up in the NATO military alliance.

They have 28 out of 349 seats in the parliament.
Should Turkey be kicked out of NATO for demanding sterilisation?
Should it voluntarily leave NATO due to hypocricy?
Should it focus on relevant issues?

The Swedish policy on Kurds reflect the EU policy on Kurds.
PKK are considered terrorists.
YPG are not considered terrorists.
The US actually considers them allies.

Turkey should have a NATO decision on who are terrorists and who are not, if it wants to be sincere.
No, as I mentioned in my previous message, Sweden, together with Belgium, is the main center for PKK's doctrine and propaganda activities and also money laundering in the EU region. Moreover, Sweden directly supplies weapons to this organization. The terrorist organization is attacking the TAF with these weapons.

You want to join a military unit with Turkey in it, but at the same time continue to indirectly kill Turkish soldiers and civilians?

So your state, with great irresponsibility, tolerates and provides protection even to things that are not available in many EU countries. Trying to fend off this with freedom of thought and will is an extremely malicious and insensitive attitude.

We can't do anything about removing the current member states in NATO from the union. There is no such mechanism in NATO. A member's own will is required to quit. By continuing our dialogue with these states, we are trying to prevent them from supporting terrorism. However, in the case of a country that is not yet a member of the union, Turkey can use all its authority there as leverage and nothing can be more natural than that.

The entire administrative staff of the YPG and military management staff consists of members of the KCK (PKK is the armed wing of this umbrella organization) since the 1990s. In short, YPG is the PKK's packaging change. Even the US generals who wanted to bring the PKK into this transformation and use it as a proxy structure openly admitted this.

Even the generals and senators of the current master of this structure admit this situation; may be understandable for the US to act stupid in terms of its own interests. However, the EU region's efforts to articulate with US interests and to present this criminal organization as a freedom fighter will be one of Europe's biggest headaches in the future.
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Sweeden and Finland are hotbed of PKK TiKKO FETO terrorists.

Turkiye must say NO.
"We do not close the door to the memberships of Sweden and Finland. The PKK's presence in these countries must end.The presence of PKK broadcasting organizations, activities, and people close to the organization in these countries must be ended. We will look at the progress of the process."

- Presidential spokesperson
No, as I mentioned in my previous message, Sweden, together with Belgium, is the main center for PKK's doctrine and propaganda activities and also money laundering in the EU region. Moreover, Sweden directly supplies weapons to this organization. The terrorist organization is attacking the TAF with these weapons.

You want to join a military unit with Turkey in it, but at the same time continue to indirectly kill Turkish soldiers and civilians?

So your state, with great irresponsibility, tolerates and provides protection even to things that are not available in many EU countries. Trying to fend off this with freedom of thought and will is an extremely malicious and insensitive attitude.

We can't do anything about removing the current member states in NATO from the union. There is no such mechanism in NATO. A member's own will is required to quit. By continuing our dialogue with these states, we are trying to prevent them from supporting terrorism. However, in the case of a country that is not yet a member of the union, Turkey can use all its authority there as leverage and nothing can be more natural than that.

The entire administrative staff of the YPG and military management staff consists of members of the KCK (PKK is the armed wing of this umbrella organization) since the 1990s. In short, YPG is the PKK's packaging change. Even the US generals who wanted to bring the PKK into this transformation and use it as a proxy structure openly admitted this.

Even the generals and senators of the current master of this structure admit this situation; may be understandable for the US to act stupid in terms of its own interests. However, the EU region's efforts to articulate with US interests and to present this criminal organization as a freedom fighter will be one of Europe's biggest headaches in the future.
Sweden is not known for supplying weapons to Joe Sixpack or Fred in the Shed, so a link that shows the connection would be appreciated. I doubt that this is the case.

The US is producing Swedish Weapons under license and is certainly providing YPG with weapons.

Sweden and NATO has trained YPG forces under a UNSC mandate calling for countries to decimate ISIS.
Ministry of Justice:

In the last five years, Sweden has rejected the extradition requests of 33 terrorists who have been proved to have engaged in armed activities.
Has Erdogan not already said no? What happens next?
Sweden is not known for supplying weapons to Joe Sixpack or Fred in the Shed, so a link that shows the connection would be appreciated. I doubt that this is the case.

The US is producing Swedish Weapons under license and is certainly providing YPG with weapons.

Sweden and NATO has trained YPG forces under a UNSC mandate calling for countries to decimate ISIS.
ISIS=YPG. After the collapse of the Syrian opposition through ISIS, thousands of square kilometers were transferred from one terrorist organization to another through a game of good cop, bad cop.

In 2016, (the period when east Syria was left under PYD control by the USA) the terrorist organization PKK and HPG (The sub-wing of the PKK, which carries out suicide attacks, armed and bomb attacks against civilians and police stations in Turkey in line with the PKK's purpose and strategy) want to create uprising by erecting barricades in some areas and armed conflicts, but was defeated heavily and had to collapsed mostly in Turkey. Dozens of Swedish-US-made AT-4s were captured during these conflicts.

Today, these cadres continue their activities in Syria and Iraq to such an extent that they endanger Turkey's national security. They owe this to the support of countries like Sweden. Today, we continue to give martyrs as a result of pkk/ypg terrorist attacks coming from Syrian border. These attacks are bombing and rocket launcher attacks. Your taxes turn into weapons here.

Swedish Foreign Minister held a meeting with one of the ringleaders of the terrorist PKK's Syrian offshoot YPG, as the country pledged to boost assistance in Syria to $376 million in 2023. After holding a meeting with Ilham Ahmed, one of the ringleaders of the YPG, Foreign Minister Ann Linde and her delegation discussed Sweden 's cooperation with the terrorist group. “Appreciate sincere discussion with SDC's Ilham Ahmad on the situation in northeastern Syria. Sweden remains active partner,” Linde said.

There is no ISIS threat today, but your financial support is increasing 10 times. Moreover, despite the knowledge of your relevant intelligence agencies, you continue to do business with people who have the acquis with the PKK.

You are trying to nationalize a terrorist organization that is trying to destroy the territorial integrity of a NATO member state. Sweden is a center for the PKK's recruitment activities. Printing and publishing activities in Europe are based in Sweden. You also protect criminals such as Şiyar Ali, who is associated with money laundering activities and drug smuggling. I expected a moment of empathy. But you still approach the issue with a cunning.
ISIS=YPG. After the collapse of the Syrian opposition through ISIS, thousands of square kilometers were transferred from one terrorist organization to another through a game of good cop, bad cop.

In 2016, (the period when east Syria was left under PYD control by the USA) the terrorist organization PKK and HPG (The sub-wing of the PKK, which carries out suicide attacks, armed and bomb attacks against civilians and police stations in Turkey in line with the PKK's purpose and strategy) want to create uprising by erecting barricades in some areas and armed conflicts, but was defeated heavily and had to collapsed mostly in Turkey. Dozens of Swedish-US-made AT-4s were captured during these conflicts.

Today, these cadres continue their activities in Syria and Iraq to such an extent that they endanger Turkey's national security. They owe this to the support of countries like Sweden. Today, we continue to give martyrs as a result of pkk/ypg terrorist attacks coming from Syrian border. These attacks are bombing and rocket launcher attacks. Your taxes turn into weapons here.

Swedish Foreign Minister held a meeting with one of the ringleaders of the terrorist PKK's Syrian offshoot YPG, as the country pledged to boost assistance in Syria to $376 million in 2023. After holding a meeting with Ilham Ahmed, one of the ringleaders of the YPG, Foreign Minister Ann Linde and her delegation discussed Sweden 's cooperation with the terrorist group. “Appreciate sincere discussion with SDC's Ilham Ahmad on the situation in northeastern Syria. Sweden remains active partner,” Linde said.

There is no ISIS threat today, but your financial support is increasing 10 times. Moreover, despite the knowledge of your relevant intelligence agencies, you continue to do business with people who have the acquis with the PKK.

You are trying to nationalize a terrorist organization that is trying to destroy the territorial integrity of a NATO member state. Sweden is a center for the PKK's recruitment activities. Printing and publishing activities in Europe are based in Sweden. You also protect criminals such as Şiyar Ali, who is associated with money laundering activities and drug smuggling. I expected a moment of empathy. But you still approach the issue with a cunning.
ISIS is not the same as YPG. YPG was the best US ally in the fight against ISIS.

The US delivers AT-4s that they produce under a license to YPG, and you use that to claim that Sweden delivers weapons to the PKK?

Neither the US, NATO or the EU considers the YPG to be terrorists. As I said, Turkey has failed to convince them.
Stop making bullshit you Indians all the time about Chinese matters, period ! China and Chinese don't need you ignorant hubris Indian fools to define or redefine and teach us who are Chinese, what are Chinese history and geography. You dumb,China was not composed of primitive tribes in its history as that was the case with your India if it ever existed in history ! China was one of the most advanced if not the most advanced country in the world for thousands of years, it only fell behind in the last two hundred years or so. Han Chinese term has come to existence at least more than 2 thousands years since the Han dynasty, before that Han Chinese were generally referred to as "Hua" Chinese since the beginning of history, you ignorant learn the true history of China before you open your foul mouth. Mongol and Manchu are two minorities of Chinese people, they are not foreigners to China, they have interactions with Han Chinese for long time. You Hindus are indeed foreigners in the subcontinent who stole the lands from the aborigines such as the ancestors of Adivasis.
You need a mental check up. Also get your BP checked. And then take English reading lessons. Japan Korea and even Vietnamese made BP monitors are a safer bet.
You need a mental check up. Also get your BP checked. And then take English reading lessons. Japan Korea and even Vietnamese made BP monitors are a safer bet.
Yeah, you Indians need to take psychotic drugs as your whole nation is delusional in general all the time.
You say that while supporting Ukrainian Nazis.
Nazi going, coming. Russia is the new nazi. You just refuse to see it. Sweden, Finland see Russia as existential threat. No propaganda can hide it. What would you do if your neighbor is a rapist and hooligan? You publish peaceful rise shit articles on xinhua? Or you rush buying a gun? Pick your choice.
Nazi going, coming. Russia is the new nazi. You just refuse to see it. Sweden, Finland see Russia as existential threat. No propaganda can hide it. What would you do if your neighbor is a rapist and hooligan? You publish peaceful rise shit articles on xinhua? Or you rush buying a gun? Pick your choice.

You either believed in the propaganda or you are a propagandist. For eight years before February 24 2022 the fascist Ukrainian military had been bombarding and slaughtering in the eastern regions. The Bandera people and the Azov people were being rapists and other forms of terrorists in the eastern region. Where is your concern for that ? The North American and the British militaries were training the Azov Nazi terrorists and these Western military men are still holed up with the Ukrainian Nazis in the Azovstal factory. These are other than all the other crimes done by the Ukrainian military against its own civilians. How can NATO do regime change or attempt to do so in Libya and Syria on trumped up charges of Libyan and Syrian forces "killing civilians including women and children" but support the criminals in Ukraine who are actually doing that ? How can you deny all this ? How can you ignore all this hypocrisy and injustice and blatant imperialism ?
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