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Shireen Mazari Continues to Do Extra Duty as Iran's Foreign Minister

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Too many children cant see realpolitik. Simple people.
It's an old saying, when politician outside the office, he is the bravest person without knowing and accepting the realities a person facing the issue inside the office.
When ISI Chief brief: Mr Prime Minister that's what you said and that is your party mandate , but this is the ground reality ....what you like? ....... lol

What she said last week...

Unity is solution to Muslim world challenges: Shireen Mazari

Islamabad: Federal Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari has called upon the Muslim world to shed its dependence on the western world and take a united stance on critical issues like Kashmir and Palestine in order for the rest of the world to take them seriously and to emerge as a global force to be respected.
She was addressing an international webinar organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS). International speakers who spoke on this occasion included British House of Lord Member Lord Nazir Ahmed, British Member of Parliament Khalid Mehmood, Member Turkish Prime Minister’s Advisory board for Human Rights Dr Hamit Ersoy, Vice President to Egyptian National Constitutional Committee Dr. Kamal Helbawi, Professor Dr Halil Tokar, Istanbul University, Turkey; Professor Dr Farhan Mujahid Chak, Qatar University.
The webinar was chaired by Khalid Rahman, Executive President IPS and moderated by Syed Muhammad Ali, IPS Senior Research Fellow.
Lord Nazir Ahmed stated that India is no longer a secular country whose political system is controlled by Hindutva extremist ideology that does not provide equal opportunities to its minorities.
He appreciated the Arab countries for beginning to see the true extremist Indian reality, which was hidden under the façade of secular democracy for a long time.
He said that India is using its intelligence agency RAW to destabilize Pakistan particularly Karachi. British Member of Parliament Khalid Mehmood called upon the Kashmiris to shed mutual differences and forge their ranks around the world to put greater pressure on world powers.
He said Indian government has been brazen facedly violating Geneva Convention and urged Muslim countries to take the issue to International Criminal Court (ICC). He also called upon OIC to consider putting economic sanctions on India for violating human rights of Muslims and Kashmiris.
Turkish Professor Dr Halil Tokar stated that Indian BJP’s ideological core is RSS, which has an extremist philosophy based on hatred towards other religions, identical to the one followed by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
He reminded the international audience that PM Modi was responsible for the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat in 2002. BJP and RSS want to wipe out minorities including Muslims and Christians from India by 2021. He said that the molestation of Muslim ladies and setting fire to Holy Quran are actions which deserve the attention of the entire Muslim world.
Egyptian Professor Dr Kamal Helbawi stressed the peaceful, progressive and moderate spirit of Islam and stated that Muslims are being deliberately painted by India as terrorists in order to hide its own atrocities against the Muslims and also to justify its aggressive behavior towards neighboring Muslim countries.
He also stressed that both Kashmir and Palestine deserve equal attention and support for their liberation struggle from the Muslims around the world. Turkish Professor Dr Hamit Ersoy highlighted the fact that India, US and Israel are jointly working against the Muslim world and deliberately painting Muslim freedom struggles against foreign occupation as terrorism in order to justify their continued occupation and oppression and caste Muslims in a negative light as extremists and terrorists.
He stated that Muslims should look at the ultimate State model of Madina, their holy book Quran and the life of their last Holy Prophet (PBUH) for inspiration and developing a perfect, peaceful and stable political system instead of looking at the major powers who are exploiting them on the false pretexts of secularism and democracy, for solutions and help.
He said that BJP’s rise in Indian politics is rooted in its philosophy of hatred, which was evident even in 1992 when the demolition of Babri mosque brought them to power. He pointed out that seventy-six percent of all hate crimes in India are against the Muslims.
Dr Farhan Mujahid Chak augmented Dr Ersoy’s argument by urging the Muslim scholars to look for indigenous and innovative solutions for resolving their important issues.
In his concluding remarks Executive President IPS Khalid Rahman reminded the international audience that India did not exist in its current form before 1947 and sixty percent of its territory consisted of provinces while forty percent consisted of princely states which were ruled by the British.
He underlined the fact that British introduced the policy of divide and rule in this region, which earlier was a thriving economy, stable polity and a diverse and rich society, under centuries of Muslim rule.
He emphasized that Muslims have contributed to the economy, society, culture, architecture, habits in profound and constructive manner through good governance before the British introduced divide and rule policy.
He concluded by recommending that Muslims must learn from their costly mistakes and dependence over other powers and raise awareness, improve education, spread information, pursue engagement and active lobbying to influence the world in pursuit of their collective interests and to resolve common issues.
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Thread should be closed if discussions cannot happen without bare naked 56 inches.

Ms. Mazari should move the parliament in this regard instead of tweeting away her frustrations.
nciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard
Bull shite - violence is incited by those calling for violence and engaging in violence, spreading hatred against an entire community of hundreds of millions and not by people voicing theological views you disagree with, regardless of how abhorrent you find those views in terms of disrespect towards religious figures.

So, again - criticizing or abuse of historical or religious figures, no matter how abhorrent, is NOT incitement to violence.

Incitement to violence is when an entire community is made the target of hatred & abuse that results in violence or direct calls for violence.
inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard
And lets not forget which groups have actually been massacring the majority of Pakistanis by the tens of thousands, soldiers, civilians, men, women, children, over the last decade plus.

Hint, in case you haven't been paying attention - they are NOT Iranian supported groups.

That said, Iran is not by any means innocent - they have supported violent groups in Pakistan and violence against Pakistani security forces, but if you're going to count the numbers of Pakistanis killed by a particular 'sect' or groups with affiliations to a particular 'sect', the groups belonging to 'sects' that have more in common with Saudi Arabia have massacred tens of thousands more Pakistanis than any groups belonging to 'sects' with affiliations to Iran.

So next time try to put things in perspective a little more.

Thread closed.
I thought she was a Wahabi because she criticised shah Mehmood Querashi over his careless remarks on OIC and KSA.
what a dilemma we have. sectarian affiliation can change with a tweet.
I used to have some respect for her work when she was part of a think tank, but she's gone off the rocker in her current ministerial position, commenting on everything under the sun EXCEPT for her given responsibilities.

I get that her first love and experience is geo-politcs and IR, but if she didn't think she could do the HR Minister's job, she shouldn't have accepted it. She's already disliked by many in the PTI because of her daughter, and that lack of confidence in her means she shouldn't be speaking out on either Iran or Saudi Arabia, because, as we can see, people can't even look beyond her sect while analyzing her statement, which is in fact a valid one when looked at objectively.
And another note - Manipulating a tweet by a Federal Minister criticizing Trump's bad polices and debunking claims about UN sanctions against another country to incite sectarianism is NOT acceptable. I am really getting sick and tired of this sectarian BS every time a discussion on Iran occurs and the scapegoating and abuse directed at Shia.

Most people don't accuse the government ministers or Prime Minister of being Saudi tattoo's when they talk about 'defending Saudi Arabia'. Rational individuals understand that diplomatic and supportive statements are issued as part of diplomacy and relationship building.

Understand that the Pakistani government is going to continue to make positive statements about BOTH Iran and Saudi Arabia, because regardless of our issues with both, they are not Pakistan's existential enemies claiming Pakistani territory like Afghanistan and India.

The decision has been made to develop stronger relationships with our neighbors to the West, like it or not. Both are going to be challenging, the Afghans more so than the Iranians, but that is the future and it is absolutely the right decision to make and Pakistanis need to get behind it and support it.
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I used to have some respect for her work when she was part of a think tank, but she's gone off the rocker in her current ministerial position, commenting on everything under the sun EXCEPT for her given responsibilities.

I get that her first love and experience is geo-politcs and IR, but if she didn't think she could do the HR Minister's job, she shouldn't have accepted it. She's already disliked by many in the PTI because of her daughter, and that lack of confidence in her means she shouldn't be speaking out on either Iran or Saudi Arabia, because, as we can see, people can't even look beyond her sect while analyzing her statement, which is in fact a valid one when looked at objectively.
I was surprised by the choice of ministry she accepted. I agree with you that her commentary is not really helping. her tweets are seen as official position.
The decision has been made to develop stronger relationships with our neighbors to the West, like it or not. Both are going to be challenging, the Afghans more so than the Iranians, but that is the future and it is absolutely the right decision to make and Pakistanis need to get behind it and support it.
China has taken the lead in helping us with this decision. no matter we have objections to Iranian proxy war against Saudi proxies in Iraq and Syria. our Iran brother has made a call.
as for sectarianism. both Arabs and Persians put those differences aside when an opportunity arises and there are national interests to be gained,

our ranting and fuming over this pro Iranian tweet reminds me of a passage written by late Col Mohammad Khan where he narrates (during his WW2 deployment in Libya/ Egypt) that despite his warnings and pleas the religiously charged Muslim JCO from Punjab continued to shout Takbeer during the speech by an Egyptian Royal who was narrating in Arabic his sexual encounters across the globe. unknown to the poor illiterate JCO, the prince was reciting something Holy in Arabic which needed the endorsement of Takbeers time and again.
the prince and the rest of the audience started laughing and as he will resume the JCO red with emotional charge will shout the takbeer again and the crowd will burst in laughter again.

the prince came to the colonel and thanked him personally for the entertainment his Indian troops provided to the evening.
Colonnel narrates that the JCO took the punishment that entire night with the smile and satisfaction fo a thousand saints as he had done great service to islam. he had a satisfied smile that he had been a true Muslim unlike the Muslim officers like Col Khan whose faith had been weakened due to their intermingling with the unfaithful in the officers mess

most of the posters here and those hurling abuses on Shireen Mazari on twitter seem to belong to that crowd I mentioned earlier. dont ask me about another example but let me say it relates to a late Punjab governor whose words of caution and sympathy resulted in his heartless murder by his religiously charged guard,
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