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Shia milita attack kills 73 in Sunni mosque.

You're the retard with the conspiracy theory that Maliki created ISIS, why should I even reply to a cretin like you ?
Keep worshipping some imams who no one knows.

Please no personal attacks. Be civilized.

Why does maliki shia extremist support shia militia extremism in Iraq?

That is the sole reason why ISIS has got a hold in Iraq. Iraqi Sunnis reiterate this on the streets on a daily basis.

ISIS / Maliki / Iran / US are all in bed with each other

Btw people who suddenly start crying as well as @Mosamania with the statement that people will be silent now.

It has not been long and this thread has 3 pages.

2013, Sunnis were killed by a suicide attack of ISIS of course yet it gets filled with 4 pages of Shia insults
BAGHDAD — At least 66 people were killed in bomb blasts in Iraq on Friday

Shia killed and not even 1 page is filled with replies on the threads as no one cares.

Four bomb blasts kill 17 people in Iraq’s city of Kerbala
Iraq: ISIS Kidnaps Shia Turkmen, Destroys Shrines
Baghdad hit by deadly bomb blasts
Bomb blasts in Iraqi capital Baghdad kill at least 35 people
54 killed in car bomb blasts across shiite majority areas of baghdad

I think those PDF threads above ^^ speak for themselves.

So what ISIS terrorists are doing, you are justifying that with what so called "shia" terrorists are doing to Sunnis?

You called them Asaib al Haq :o:

I call them Asaib al Shaitaan
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'Shia' did do this. 'Sunnis' did also do so before. When there is massive violent killing like this many people will attempt avenging and unfortunately this is going to get even worse.

We really don't know what regional/foreign players are behind this. But, like I said we Arabs never understand. Instead of focusing on one central cause(Islam/unity/Palestinian struggle) we prefer killing each other because we are so jealous that Palestinians fight back and we don't want to help.

This retarded Arab tribal Quraysh mentality is the problem. The solution is religion, promote unity, look at our daughters and children who don't deserve to be slaughtered like this.

Then direct all this anger at the Zionist state and leave our women/children safe at home. All the militants(Shia, Sunni, Salafi) put them on Jordan River, Golan, and Sinai and start the struggle.

So what ISIS terrorists are doing, you are justifying that with what so called "shia" terrorists are doing to Sunnis?

You called them Asaib al Haq :o:

I call them Asaib al Shaitaan

It's harder than you think. When you see your little beautiful children/sisters/mothers lying on the ground in pieces you will want revenge.

This is a dangerous situation and something must be done about it but Arabs have been such Jahal it's too difficult to change.
Unfortunaty my friend, you are the one who fell for it, because you judged and issued a verdict for a news with an unreliable source and while there are too many conflicting reports about the perpetrators.

It's very highly unlikely that Shias have done this, because firstly, they are not much in to these kinds of attacks and secondly, it's IS that benefits the most from such attack, starting a fight between Shias and Sunnis and forgetting about the main cancer called IS. Shias would gain nothing by committing such massacre, not only that, it'll end up badly for them.

Never judge or conclude anything unless you see 'reliable' proof for it. You have no idea how many ways are there to manipulate and fake an incident to blame it on someone else.
i hope so bro….
the last thing we need is more fighting amongst us muslims.
just recently the Iraqi shia terrorist army filled with Assad sympathizers bombed Hawija killing innocent Sunni families. It is being reported by Sunni sources in Iraq and Iraqi national websites like Iraqi Rabita

More than a million Iraqi Sunnis have been displaced. If you ask them, who are they really afraid of, they will tell you it is the Shia sectarians in the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi air force bombing their villages and towns.

Iraqi air force bombing has killed more than 1000 sunni civilians in and around Fallujah in air raids since the uprising against the extremist maliki. Source: Iraqi Body Count. Please see Fallujah and surrounding Anbar region deaths.

The Iraqi government then claims they were all ISIS militants.
Sunnis started this.

wow, ISIS killing Shias, so instead of killing ISIS, they kill un armed sunnis, GREAT, so you better all stay quiet now

Yes, that's because ISIS is Sunni and Sunnis are aiding the ISIS; ISIS didn't just happen to conquer half Iraq with their divine powers, Sunnis tribes and Sunni money played an instrumental role in their success in Iraq. I don't care about political correctness and I Am simply stating the fact.
Sunnis started this.

Nope, Shiites started this, the moment the first American put his foot on Iraqi soil in 2003 Shiites started a rampage genocide on all Sunnies living in Baghdad and south Iraq in order to change the demographics to their favor and they succeeded with the help of your terrorist country, also let us not forget the infamous Shiites armed militias and terrorist groups such as Mahdi Army, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Hezbollah of Iraq, Liwa al-Youm al-Mawud, Etc... all supported by your Iranian Quds Force, Pre 2003 Iraq used to be majority Sunnis now its 50/50.

What's Sunnis do is the reaction not the action.
Nope, Shiites started this, the moment the first American put his foot on Iraqi soil in 2003 Shiites started a rampage genocide on all Sunnies living in Baghdad and south Iraq in order to change the demographics to their favor and they succeeded with the help of your terrorist country, also let us not forget the infamous Shiites armed militias and terrorist groups such as Mahdi Army, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Hezbollah of Iraq, Liwa al-Youm al-Mawud, Etc... all supported by your Iranian Quds Force, Pre 2003 Iraq used to be majority Sunnis now its 50/50.
which Hollywood movie this scenario is from ?
Nope, Shiites started this, the moment the first American put his foot on Iraqi soil in 2003 Shiites started a rampage genocide on all Sunnies living in Baghdad and south Iraq in order to change the demographics to their favor and they succeeded with the help of your terrorist country, also let us not forget the infamous Shiites armed militias and terrorist groups such as Mahdi Army, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Hezbollah of Iraq, Liwa al-Youm al-Mawud, Etc... all supported by your Iranian Quds Force, Pre 2003 Iraq used to be majority Sunnis now its 50/50.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Don't get me wrong, Muslims in general are hellbent on world domination, but you Sunnis want to eradicate everyone else.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Don't get me wrong, Muslims in general are hellbent on world domination, but you Sunnis want to eradicate everyone else.

Is that why Shiites were living peacefully in most of the Arab world without anyone bothering them till the Mullahs took power in your country and started exporting their agenda to the Arab world ?
You won't find that in your Piss TV
well there are many thing in Al-Ebria that any you cant find anywhere else . perhaps its one of them. by the way we here read Persian language medias not English one when we want to read Iranian medias .
Al-Sheepria is no better than PISS TV

Aiding ISIS was your action, now they presented you with their own reaction.

Didn't most Sunni scholars in Iraq and even neighboring countries condemn ISIS ? Read a little before making dumb statements.

I would like to see a single Shiite mullah condemn crimes committed by his fellow sect members, you won't find any.
Is that why Shiites were living peacefully in most of the Arab world without anyone bothering them till the Mullahs took power in your country and started exporting their agenda to the Arab world ?

Look dude, your own people come to me and tell me that you treated them like shit in Saudi Arabia simply because they're Yemeni, I have so many stories to tell but am not in the mood to tell them. I have lived among your people, don't try to deceive me like I have never had any close interaction with your people. Shias can't even have a mosque in Saudi, whereas in Iran at least they have their own mosques in Sunni populated regions, of course I personally believe that shouldn't be the case, Iran must crackdown on Sunnis and kick them out of Iran, as they're our enemies.
well there are many thing in Al-Ebria that any you cant find anywhere else . perhaps its one of them. by the way we here read Persian language medias not English one when we want to read Iranian medias .

My sources are not Al-Arabia nor al-Jazeera, the Internet is filled with documented crimes committed by Shiites against Sunnies, a simple google search will help you, i can't post links right now since I'm posting from my iPhone.
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