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Shia cleric jailed for blasphemy in Indonesia

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Heavy firing going on in DIKhan, Army fighting pitch battles...

@Oscar @Aeronaut @Dillinger

More than 60 bombs (don't trust the news...) I'm on the phone.....

Well, in that case they'll succeed. Nobody there in D.I Khan to stop anything.. Intelligence Zindabad.

Any reporting of the operation? Success for the forces? Casualties?

Look like a well thought out plan, they seem to be using explosives to bring down the Jail walls.
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Nahin yaar, isn't it main school of MP? Various cousins there @ scene..... they are firing like hell @ the insurgents...... if I know them, they'll get at least 2 - 3 each......

Well, in that case they'll succeed. Nobody there in D.I Khan to stop anything.. Intelligence Zindabad.

P.S I wish I were there...... after a ling time would've gotten opportunity to kill the bastards......
oohhhhhh comon yar.
quide e azam was not a religous leader or person. or not related to religion. ahmadi's belive that Ghulam ahmad kazzab was a prophet. if you belive they are muslim then you agree that ghulam ahmad was a prophet. its linked.
it not possible that you say ahmadi's are muslim but ghulam ahmad was not a prophet.

Quaid was not religious? You learn that bullshit from 'liberal' media, he was very religious and he knew what he was talking about
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