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Serving Indian army officer on bomb charge!

I won't pretend that i have too many sympathies towards Pakistanis and i wasn't aware such sentiments were a prerequisite to being member here or that my posts must reflect such feelings............i haven't abused Pakistanis,that much i can assure.

Pakistanis openly tolerate groups or individual who have lot of Indian blood on their hands.......

what has this got to do with : Serving Indian army officer on bomb charge!

as for : if you know anything about democracy there is something called freedom to put his point across. but you shouldn't direct your personal opinion toward anyone, as per disrespecting him. I am sure i am more Indian than you, and i hate the fact that people like purohit are existing in our own army.

even if you think that there are certain Pakistani who have blood of Indian people on their hands. REMEMBER TWO WRONG DON'T MAKE A RIGHT. we just cant defend a imbecile and idiot like purohit and we shouldn't. more over he killed his own country people and tourists ( athithi devo bhavah ( tourist are god) ).
I won't pretend that i have too many sympathies towards Pakistanis and i wasn't aware such sentiments were a prerequisite to being member here or that my posts must reflect such feelings............i haven't abused Pakistanis,that much i can assure.

Pakistanis openly tolerate groups or individual who have lot of Indian blood on their hands.......

In this case my advice to you is: Hate us as much as you can but don't spread it openly or ever insult another member. This is a Pakistani Board which tollerates you as an Indian as long as you endorse the courtesy and show respect for us.

So keep your mentally challenged opinions to yourself!
Picture has been updated of Lt. Col. Prasad Purohit who was allegedly involved in the Malegaon bombing...Check my previous post on page 2 of this thread.

Sources suggest he wanted to "create a Hindu nation"

"Tue, Jan 20 09:12 PM

Mumbai, Jan 20 (IANS) The mastermind behind the Malegaon blast is serving Indian Army officer Lt. Col. Prasad S. Purohit whose aim was to establish a 'Hindu nation' by seeking the help of Israel, a high-ranking police official said here Tuesday."

Source: 'Lt.Col. Purohit wanted to create Hindu nation' - Yahoo! India News
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Buddy,all the same, freedom to express one's dislikes must also be respected.............the rest of your post are funny.
Your unsolicited advise is respectfully ignored.
Bon Voyage! :wave:

I was expecting that:lol:

I think this case of Purohit should teach Indian media a lesson,i.e. not to blame any particular country as soon as there is a bomb blast or anything.
They should keep their wise comments to themselves and not brainwash ordinary people.

I remember how they changed their stories within minutes during Mumbai attacks.
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